
Forestry Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Every tree that I cut down allows sunlight to hit the forest floor."
"Learn your trees, and you'll unlock the secrets of the forest."
"I'm actually not at the log yard all that often. I'm usually in the woods logging."
"You're getting a much better yield of trees by planting acorns."
"We're definitely losing money from all this tree cutting, I've done a fair amount of that today."
"When you're working in a forest responsibly, you're thinking about the next generation."
"Chop trees strategically, leaving stumps for more growth."
"Every great adventure starts with cutting trees, okay, let's go cut some trees down, bro."
"Trees are a natural resource that is also renewable as long as you replant them."
"Cassing is the ancient art of sustainable Woodland management where you can indefinitely collect firewood without harming the tree at all."
"I work as a woodland conservationist by the way. I check different forests to ensure all the trees are safe."
"Funny time of day to do some forestry work, could have killed somebody."
"TSI or timber stand improvement can be a great tool for wildlife managers to significantly increase the quality of habitat where they hunt."
"The only time it doesn't work really well is during that late winter when the sap is rising rapidly, and it will literally just flush the herbicide out of the tree."
"There’s a continuum between managing for maximum timber value and maximum wildlife habitat production."
"But this technique served equally well to improve timber value."
"According to a 2023 survey, Foresters have the happiest, most meaningful work on Earth."
"In here we've terminated small, low-quality trees, left the large high-value trees, got sunshine hitting the forest floor, and we've got a multitude of species growing in here providing both quality food and cover."
"Hope you enjoyed this video regarding this 1940s forestry radio."
"An unmanaged woods is actually less healthy than a properly harvested managed woods."
"There's a million ways that I feel like doing a select cut with low volume but high frequency is far more beneficial to a healthy woods."
"It's not exciting that a tree is going to come down, but when you have a dead, dying tree, that's exciting because then you can make way for a new, healthy tree."
"...just a gentle suggestion something that actually browses it over what's nice when you have big open hardwoods like that each tree that you're cutting down you're cherry-picking as this one will fall for the most part away from the travel corridor."
"In fact, it is the second most forested state in the union, coming in at 84% forested, just after neighboring Maine."
"...Monsters cedar trees huge cedar trees and fur trees Spruce never been logged."
"White pine has been one of the bellwether species that has changed forestry in Minnesota for the better."
"Logs were required to be in the air so they would not damage other growth."
"Everything we're going to be going over should relate to Foresters in your local market."
"These modern lumberjacks are stewards of the forest resource."
"Density does matter, but in places like this where it's just hard to get trees to grow, I think you want to worry more about the microsites."
"When I clearcut a knob like on an Eastern facing, you know, point it's like, yeah, that's where they bet."
"Leaving these mother trees is not just important for density, it's important for the diversity of the species coming back."
"The Tiger Cat 175B, a symbol of rugged resilience, takes on the most challenging forestry tasks with determination."
"The Husqvarna 3120: a true giant in the world of Timber cutting."
"There's a lot more thought that goes into managing a forest than people think, I feel like."
"That land is going to have more value than if somebody just came in and cut all the marketable timber off of it."
"So if you understand all that, and then as you're looking at decay patterns, you can see how advanced that decay is and what the chance the tree has to overcome it. It's really important."
"I mean, I get messages every week. You know, probably this week, I bet I've had a message Monday, Tuesday, and today about War in the Woods."
"More than five thousand Newfoundlanders work in the woods or in one of our three paper mills."
"the decline of the American chestnut also heavily impacted the forest ecology in the Appalachian region"
"Managing forests through logging creates jobs and benefits the land."
"What we're seeing in our forests now particularly in the last 20 or 30 years is a lot of change."
"Lidar by giving us all of these hits really is able to give us these very accurate estimates of cover as well."
"That's how we can go away and predict biomass volume and these types of forestry attributes that we get across the forest canopy."
"Selecting the right tree is the first step."
"For several years, I worked as a government contractor contracted by the forest service."
"It's important for those of us who live in the forest to understand the forest."
"Selecting the right tree is one of the most important things that you can do."
"What happened here in this forest with Ed Pulaski is truly the birth of the modern National Forest Service."
"The view from space has provided forest research with fundamental insights."
"This machine can harvest millions of tons of wood in just one day, it's truly an astonishing figure, isn't it?"
"It's an absolute dream, all that you've got around you is just forestry and the Gardenia mountain."
"Bedding area work, if you have mature timber, just dropping an occasional mature tree every 40-50 yards will thicken up the area."
"This forest is becoming one of the protagonists of our history; without them, life on Earth would never have been possible."
"Its trees are vital allies in the fight to control carbon in the atmosphere."
"In 50 years, we would expect the dominant and co-dominant oak trees all to have achieved a height of 50 feet."
"We truly believe responsible forest management is possible and we see that as a large part of responsibility towards the land we own and by extension to the planet."
"We're helping landowners and foresters see the forest in a little bit different way that can benefit multiple bird species."
"If felling a particular tree looks dangerous, don't cut it."
"Be responsible. Our forests are a quickly depleting resource. Whatever wood that you harvest, make it deliberate, use it responsibly, and don't waste it."
"It's going to be an experiment because there's a thousand total trees."
"My dad was a Forester, and his slides from his field work looked like a heck of a lot of fun."
"We did good. We planted twice as much as we cut down. That is something to celebrate."
"As old as history itself, this craft of harvesting trees for the benefit of man."
"Timber is a self-renewing resource; the native species of trees regenerate themselves in an endless cycle."
"Governmental regulation is designed to balance new growth with current harvest."
"If you are not comfortable using a chainsaw or dropping these larger trees, don't do it. It is not worth getting hurt over."
"Try to make sure that you're dropping trees in a manner to allow multiple exits and multiple entrances."
"It was one of the country's very first forest conservation projects."
"Money doesn't grow on trees, but now it does if you digitize your forest."
"We have a much more multi-layered canopy in old-growth forests."
"It's a perfect fit for the edge of trees, the fallen, the very old, the very young, and the more mature plantation."
"The Forest Shredder machine has advanced components and technology to enhance its power in grinding hard materials."
"I've worked for the United States Forest Service here in Texas for just shy of 10 years now. I love my job."
"We built from lodgepole pine, we like dead standing lodgepole pine if a forest fire goes through."
"Logging is forest industry is very important; it's one of our top manufacturing sectors, it's also one of our top employers in the state."
"This is our chance to show what the future can look like for our loggers, to help them get there by showing them the newest technologies and the newest innovations in logging."
"Community forestry initiatives give people rights to extract materials but also responsibilities to look after these areas."
"Coppicing is an ancient practice of cutting down trees for sustainable timber."
"Sustainable timber production involves techniques where the trees are cut close to the ground to provide timber but the plant will still regrow."
"This national forest is their legacy."
"They built the entire forest, they acquired the land, they planted the trees, they built the roads to get where you needed to go, they built the ranger stations to manage the forest—they just did everything here."
"It's all about minimizing the value loss to the forest owners."
"Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it did 50 years ago."
"The skilled axeman plans the undercut in advance; he follows a mental blueprint of the pattern until the entire felling job is completed."
"What a great tree, man, what a cool forest."
"Trees sequester carbon; burning or cutting them releases carbon dioxide, which increases climate change."
"Most maple syrup comes from a vast hardwood forest that spans from the midwestern U.S. up into Eastern Canada."
"This is the most forested state in all of India at over 90 percent."
"A man can duck a pair of mules or a pair of horses, and if he knows what he's doing can go to the woods and make a living."
"We need to be considering the biodiversity and carbon impacts of our native forest management decisions at a global scale."
"Most wood products used in school are from managed forestry and also wood is biodegradable."
"I wanted to become a head forester once."
"We need a whole variety of different carbon forestry options in our portfolio."
"Rather than one particular approach to carbon forestry, we need a portfolio of carbon forestry options."
"Swedish Forestry Act requires that if you fell a tree, you have to replant it."
"Before we begin any forest planting, you have to think about what you envision for the design of the forest."
"I think Jonathan and I got this forest off to a good start and I'm looking forward to part two."
"Burying trees that you take down for your house is probably about the best thing you can do environmentally."
"It's a forestry practice... they cut these spruce trees down during the waning moon in late summer."
"Forestry has always been a way of life for people in northwestern Ontario; it has been a great economic mainstay for a lot of years."
"Logging began in the fall when swampers, fellers, and sawyers went into the forest to cut tote roads."
"All different years of timber cuts provide food sources for the deer."
"The AHWI M650 forest mulcher is a powerful machine designed for heavy-duty land clearing and forestry applications."
"So you can see just in a couple of years, you can make a really nice forest right from seeds."
"These products use trees usually ten inches in diameter and less."
"I'm standing in the middle of a planted Pine Thicket, and pine trees are kind of what this video is going to be about."
"It's going to be quite a nice looking forest someday."
"The trees talk with each other using this internet and actually harness carbon for each other."
"I use it like a woodland savings bank."
"We're not as fast as a skidder, but when you take in the whole aspect, the ecological benefits of what we're doing, you can't even tell we've been in these woods when we're gone."
"John Deere is a leading manufacturer of forestry equipment providing innovative solutions for loggers and foresters worldwide."
"Every part of this forest has been cut down at some point; it's a gigantic 16 million acre tree farm."