
Insincerity Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Sincerity is silly, sincerity is so silly in a world, yeah."
"She seems like the classic mean girl in high school apologizing but in a way that makes you feel even worse than before."
"Instead of truly owning up, he tried to justify it."
"I don't appreciate the fake concern from you or your concern fake concern particularly, okay?"
"I need it from food, thank you so much, I appreciate that, you are so phony."
"I'm not really going to do that, but you know, I am gonna say the words that you want to hear."
"You know what I'm tired of you worthless apologies like you think I'm dumb you think I don't know that you don't mean it because it just keeps happening."
"Stardom is a monster that conquers all when you're insincere."
"This isn't a good apology, just a person trying to find excuses."
"David appears absolutely disengaged with his apology. He's not looking anywhere near the camera. He is shaking his head as he says 'I'm sorry,' and I don't know, it just feels so absolutely disingenuous."
"He was willing to give the information but it wasn't because he felt bad about what he did it wasn't because he wanted the families have closure or he needed to get it off his chest it was just to save his own ass essentially."
"This is one of the worst apologies I've ever seen."
"Her whole tactic of either not acknowledging it at all or maybe saying an apology video is coming but it never does or giving a half-assed apology works almost all of the time."
"I want to apologize for the fact that I'm not sorry."
"The moral to this story is if you're full of BS, it'll get you to the top but never keep you there."
"...he's being a comedy buffoon and he wants to help the acclaimed beat swerve and lead by them joining his he's so phony."
"It's the thought that counts, but it's clear no thought was actually given to anything happening."
"It's just about plugging their projects and then trying to act like they actually give a [__]."
"She broke down with crocodile tears."
"They turned out to be the trolls among which pretending to be women or pretending to be sincere but they were not sincere."
"Oh, you fool. No one actually wants your apology. They just want you to apologize so that it humiliates yourself."
"Don't tell me sorry 'cause you're not. Maybe when I know you're only sorry you got caught."
"I don't believe anything you're saying, didn't come off as sincere."
"I think the biggest lie is like that We Care maybe more than we should."
"None of it is sincere or meaningful, it's out of touch."
"I hate, I despise your feast days."
"Some people have to be fake with you because they're superficial and they want what you have."
"He's the kind of person who can make friends with anyone, but never really mean it."
"But in their stead curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath which the poor heart would fain deny, and dear not."
"Guys, that is what you call an a-hole: people who wear fake smiles when they want something and turn on you when you don't do it for them."
"Say all the right things but don't actually change anything."
"That felt so weird and disingenuous."
"You're not fooling anyone with your fake kindness," she sneered one day.
"It's that toxic apology style where it's like 'I'm sorry you feel that way'."
"You're not sorry at all, James, you're full of it."
"So many gifts and so few actual apologies."
"I hate when [ __ ] offer help that don't really mean it."
"That apology? Everything that was fake, that was coming out of her ass."
"Fake empathy is a hallmark of covert narcissism - they claim empathy but dismiss others' feelings."
"You know what really scares me? A backhanded compliment."
"'I'm sorry' means nothing to me. Save it."
"I'm sorry you feel that way is really, 'I'm sorry you feel that way.' It's worse than agree to disagree."
"Not the a-hole. Your sister-in-law's apology was as genuine as a three-dollar bill. Crying out loud, she couldn't be bothered to spell your wife's name correctly. From what you said here, she's taken no real concrete actions to show regret."
"We live in a world of insincere sentiments. How many times have you typed LOL and you know you wasn't laughing out loud?"
"You're just faking kind and you're just rolling your eyes behind the scenes."
"They love him with their own hearts wide open, yet all he gives in return is the hollow actions of a man going through the motions."
"Words are wind, even words like love and peace."
"People are nice to you, but they really don't mean it."
"You plant them, and they take root; they grow and produce fruit. You are near in their mouth and far from their heart."
"Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee."
"You say lots of pretty things and have a silver tongue. But you barely mean what you say."
"In this palace, one can have ambition. One can have pretense. But one must never be completely sincere."
"I believe I owe you an insincere apology."
"There was nothing Emma recognized quicker or distrusted more than a false smile."
"I'm the demon of insincerity. I don't mean what I say, I don't mean what I do, and I don't mean what I am."
"You know the love is fake but the haters real."
"Love bombing is not love; it's a form of seduction that employs false flattery, emotional intensity, and basic con artist techniques."