
Frustration Expression Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"I'm taking a sledgehammer to my monitor if we lose."
"What am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do? Nothing, I can't do anything."
"I don't need another [expletive] Bible verse ever."
"So ladies and gentlemen, this is a sad, frustrating reality."
"He's just you might be good now but I left I left the house because I was like I can't hear the same song over and over I left took a shower took a [ __ ] and shaved came back I was like change the [ __ ] tune bro."
"I'm so tired of losing. I've been losing the last two years."
"It's just like, when is this going to end? When are we going to actually get some change?"
"I like your frustrate have frustrated you are and my little abbreviation of Argentina is argh so it's re vs. ESP."
"How late does a post-birth abortion go because I could use one right now to not have to hear any more of this complete nonsense."
"I'm about to sue you, Minecraft. I'm not even kidding. Can I sue a game for being unbelievably mean to me? Because I'm about to, I'm a bouncing madman. Sue's game for being really unfair with diamonds, it just wouldn't work."
"How dumb are you to smack the inside of your car, not the outside?"
"I just want a platform to tell people that they're being idiots."
"I'm tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"
"If we are not a franchise then what the [ __ ] are we?"
"You can mount optics to a case one more [__] time, I'm gonna commit an act of violence."
"Oh my god, there's so many goddamn orcs! They're filthy, they're disgusting!"
"Stop with the apologies demand some goddamn change."
"They're playing with our emotions right now, dude."
"My blood has been boiling for 40 years, nothing ever gets fixed, just a Band-Aid."
"Abstinence only? No sex until marriage? Okay, so I don't want sex like ever. Sex is a human experience, how dare you not want sex! Oh my God, it's just so God dang frustrating."
"How many red flags do we need? This is ridiculous."
"Bro, this is ridiculous, yo who's the first person I'm burning?"
"Shayne is my, the- dumbest (beep) idiot I've ever known."
"Everybody's getting cussed out today. Everybody."
"Make change, at least, what I said, because I'm so sick of seeing people just for a day be nice."
"Listen here, Joshie, I need you to stop jumping!"
"You might as well enjoy, you might as well explore, and you might as well bang against like the freaking glass jars of this aquarium that we're in just bang your head against it repeatedly."
"Let me be clear, as I listen to that press conference, it's infuriating."
"2022, let's get rid of these stupid bullshit ideas and let's be realistic when things are simple. Let's keep them simple, stupid. Let's not over complicate very simple concepts."
"Man, I'm kind of mad, but it's all right, we can always change it up."
"This is not just a rant about something that's been broken for a week. It's been like this for months."
"Oh no, not Gamma Seal, no, no, you can't tribute a god, that's not how that works, that's illegal surely, that's not how that works, wow, what kind of rule is that, you can't tribute a god, what, this is ridiculous."
"We've been saying this for seven years, and the problem just keeps getting worse."
"I ain't doing this [__] again... cause I'm mad you know me but I'm competitive I'm mad."
"This is going to stretch into several weeks potentially, most of May, and it is deeply upsetting. It is a self-inflicted wound."
"It's frustrating because there is potential there."
"This sucks, this... I know I was getting kind of like I was taking a risk by anticipating this game this year with everything that's been going on, but now this is a nail on the coffin."
"Why do I have to burn this stroller to the ground for people to listen?"
"If Deep Blue Ink doesn't get a hundred thousand after this video goes up I'm going to scream as loud as I can until my brain explodes."
"He always wanted a love relationship, always. He wanted us to get so frustrated we'd say, 'I just want to have a relationship.'"
"I quit college. I promise no one here. It's just a waste of my [expletive] time."
"But HEY, it was never released so complaining is NOT allowed."
"Why can't this game just stop being a pain? Seriously, I'm going to tell you now, never try this challenge unless you want to waste a bunch of time on a ROM hack that you can't even transfer the Pokémon from."
"This weapon does a lot of damage, if I can't kill Melon with this, I need to Rage Quit."
"Effort, I'm over this... gaining their power here."
"Everything regarding TP is completely fucked, but that brings us to the core issue."
"Why do you have to be a destroyer of joy? It just... it's frustrating again especially as people who are in a position where we get lucky we get to go to see these things early..."
"None of it's working... none of it is working."
"Stop expecting me to work with this connection the way it is because the way it is is on some bull****."
"Ripley is awesome, they should've just listened to her, goddammit."
"I'm getting frustrated, I don't understand, bro!"
"How can you be this [ __ ] stupid, oh my God, I'm sorry, holy [ __ ]!"
"I got no time for these men that want to play these fucking games."
"I just want to fly home, just not trying to roll a plane."
"I'm done being pushed around, kids. Do what you do best, ruin everything."
"We're Insanity FC, making the same idiotic mistake over and over again, expecting a different result." - Delicate official
"It's the revenue profit there are so many things wrong with this god why are these guys so [__] stupid."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. That was so frustrating."
"I'm pissed off that I can't debate anybody anymore in good faith."
"I hate to sound like a cunt or callous I just I just don't understand what you expect to happen."
"What do you think our district is going to do? We have had it up here, gloves off now."
"The way that people manipulate data to tell their story is deeply frustrating to me."
"Enough is enough... It's doing nobody any good."
"I'm 36 years old. I don't like to be taken for a goddamn fool."
"It's so annoying to me because you can't even rationalize this. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
"I'm still mad you made me google pop clips for 60 seconds, dude. You could have just said the one line that I read, 'Predecessor to MTV.'"
"I hate using my DS in that way but that was literally the best play I could have done in that situation like it's literally the best play I could have done in that situation."
"I always run into some people that just, it just seems like it takes forever."
"I'm really sorry about everything I said. I was really frustrated."
"Why are they so goddamn crooked? Fix those things!"
"I don't even want to live in a world where is the implication because what the fuck have I ever done that saying jokes deserves that."
"I'm just so angry, I'm so tired, I'm fed up and tired of the same old stuff. It's time."
"Everybody needs to kill all of this... It's just nonsense."
"Some of these decisions, it's just, it makes you scratch your head, scratch your ass, scratch something."
"If I die of my brain exploding from too much IQ, just know that I cursed the subscriber who recommended this game to me."
"Trust me, it was the most frustrating thing in the world."
"I'm not gonna sit here and play this little stupid ass game with me."
"This world is getting more and more insane by the day, I swear to god."
"I want a godly knife! I want a godly, where's my godly? Huh? Huh? Mátalo! I don't know where my godly is! I know, I just can't seem to find it!"
"And finally, Leo takes the word again and says what has been on my mind for such a long time already, namely that these clocks, as he put it, don't even make any sense and that they are so broken."
"I almost gave up and was like, 'What the hell?' and I just checked that hand."
"They feel like you're not even allowing them to fix something."
"I find the entire thing incredibly frustrating."
"You're a fed-up [expletive] that's been jaded."
"I'm so very tired of trying to be objectively balanced on both sides when I feel that the other side is completely missing the point."
"Sometimes the only reaction to people's actions is a huge facepalm."
"Enough is enough... This stuff is being used to obfuscate the real struggles."
"Give me a effing break, you mean that Solo's not there?"
"This has just gotten to a point where it just makes my blood boil."
"Travis doesn't have the patience for that kind of bullshit."
"I don't even know what to say, I mean it's just so infuriating."
"Life is too short to deal with this nonsense."