
Software Maintenance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Stick with Django 1.11 because it's gonna be supported for at least the next three years."
"Tesla has actually developed a very good reputation for keeping the software of their cars up to date and adding new features over time."
"Fix known vulnerabilities in software - it's the bare minimum of cybersecurity."
"More copy-pasted code implies future headaches."
"Unquestionably, software patches are Paramount to ensure networks remain operational, safe, secure, and reliable."
"You've now successfully edited all of the registry edits inside of here and we're then good to go ahead and exit out."
"Make sure that you run all your updates I would definitely recommend updating windows all the time making sure it's up to date."
"By structuring your page this way, your code is going to be easier to maintain, it's also going to be easier to update, and it's also going to make your code much more readable."
"Don't just make clones all over to update state."
"Simple code is easy to debug, easy to read, easy for other people to understand, and will live in the code base for a long time."
"Every time there's a kernel upgrade, I need to run this command here, which is emerge --ask @module-rebuild to rebuild the kernel modules."
"Once the game is running stably, you probably don't need to worry about that."
"If technical debt is not repaid, it can accumulate interest making it harder to implement changes over time."
"The moral of the story: fix vulnerabilities in your software, no matter how small."
"This applies to Rust itself by the way, like you want to keep your Rust up to date in a similar kind of way."
"Patch, patch, patch. It's patch Monday, patch Tuesday, patch Wednesday, patch Thursday, patch Friday. These days we seem to be doing it all the time."
"That's how you use health checks."
"Code reviews help us get to better, more secure, more correct code."
"DND kit is being maintained actively, it's got very good documentation, and it has many features as well."
"The Teams client automatically updates itself."
"If you're creating a massive application, one of the things that you'll really have to think about and plan for is... if you need to update one little element on all the screens in the application."
"We work extremely hard to make sure that there are no behavioral changes in PostgreSQL beyond the fixing of the bug between those two releases."
"We've made life much easier for the Linux distribution maintainers, and maintainers of other packaging systems for that matter."
"Make sure you do your Lightroom and Photoshop updates."
"For all the things that sometimes we might not like about giant companies with their open source contributions, Red Hat seems to do a good job at making sure they don't just completely abandon certain things."
"Installing the latest updates on Windows Server is important because updates patch security holes and make your installation of Windows more secure."
"One important aspect is to keep it updated."
"The garbage collector is like your mom; she just keeps coming, cleaning up after you."
"Refactoring is updating the code without changing the behavior."
"The developers were right on top of this and got this issue fixed right away."
"Clean code will enable you to have your software last longer in production, which is to increase the longevity."
"If I do a good job of keeping it self-contained and hiding the inner details, and only allowing access to its functionality through a select group of functions, then this allows me to do two important things."
"When a function within a DLL needs an update or a fix, the deployment and installation of the DLL does not require the program to be relinked with the DLL."
"Code repetition is bad, very very bad, and we want to avoid that where possible."
"This will also help with things like upgrading React Native because if you look at the last two years of React Native version changes, most breaking changes have happened in components in the view managers and the native modules."
"You want to keep your software always running in some state that's workable and testable as soon as you possibly can."
"It enables us to find errors in our code very easily."
"Keep your dependencies up to date as much as possible."
"Changes to one component will not percolate to other components."
"If we've done our job right, this doesn't affect you."
"Outdated systems or softwares are softwares that were not updated, so they're outdated."
"We really want people to get the latest version of our app."
"Documentation... becomes more and more important as the code base gets larger."
"Try to increment this number as infrequently as possible."
"Failures associated with frequently modified code are highly unlikely to be flaky."
"They are one of the only ways to scalably get tech debt fixed."
"You should always be on the latest Mac OS version which obviously right now is Monterey."