
Data Validation Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We create endpoints, develop them, use HTTP methods with our clients, and validate data using serializers."
"That's how you would add a little bit of validation to your input feed right here."
"The new MongoDB driver is definitely a lot more powerful lately where it allows you to do validations as well."
"It's often good to use multiple metrics because they help kind of you know fact check each other."
"And that means dealing with forms and also form validation."
"How cool is this actual data to back up an upgrade we just did to the Jeep I mean this is really cool."
"It's an exciting moment as the data begins to catch up with common sense."
"What we're going to do is we're going to start to use the two expressions, length and empty, both of these are really, really great for checking null values or missing items within a table or a specific cell."
"So you need five basic checks: is your data correct? Is what the user entering actually seen in the data data store, for example, UTC to PSD conversion, is an excellent example of changes that can happen in the data."
"Now we can do this by using error handling formulas."
"If somebody enters a day that isn't one to seven, for example, 8, it's going to produce an error because the formula doesn't account for that."
"You should validate the data coming in from the client side."
"Data validation is something that you do all the time, and everything should be validated."
"It's incredible how many of the tools we're getting scientific data behind now are actually tools that people have used for a long period of time."
"Cross-validation is extremely important."
"Cross-validation is even more important than the model that you use itself."
"This is a really useful sense check to see whether the data that you're getting make sense and looks clean."
"This is why testing and validating and splitting and getting good training and getting good test data is very very important."
"If you're expecting the user to only enter integers, then you should only allow the user to enter integers."
"Data validation list with VLOOKUP is true Excel magic."
"Is there a way to stop us from doing something stupid like adding a flight from Paris to Paris, which right now we could do? And the answer is yes."
"The good thing is that if any of these validations are not passing, React Hook Forms is not going to allow you to submit with invalid data."
"We need to make sure that this is either income or expense; we don't want people to put bananas in there."
"Great Expectations is a data validation testing package whose sole purpose is to validate and document your data."
"Don't trust users' supplied data ever, and always validate and sanitize any user input."
"You can define some sort of schema and then have Zod parse some sort of data and validate whether the data that you parsed is actually meeting the schema of requirements that you defined with Zod."
"Learning how to validate data entry is essential."
"We actually have users now that are being returned from the database and that's great."
"Validate your data to guarantee that it is being transmitted in a secure and private fashion."
"Validate, validate, validate all the things. Assume that all data that you're getting is bad until you validated it."
"So let's go ahead and try to apply some validations to see that the data that we are receiving is actually valid."
"If you're inserting anything into a database, you should validate your data."
"Salutation must contain one of the following values: Mr, Miss, Mrs."
"Good computer software has an unbelievable number of sanity checks to make sure the data the users entered aren't fundamentally insane."
"We're checking whether the date in the chart is greater than or equal to the date parameter."
"This will basically validate that the data is in the correct format."
"You never want to trust User submitted data."
"One of the best practices the team is advocating is if you have a large amount of data that you're going to be validating and you have several subject matter experts, is that you break the data domains into separate knowledge bases."