
Positive Events Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"There will be a happy event arriving, keep creating your creative vision."
"Fortunately, despite this uniquely Jagged start to the year, great events also took place."
"Some completion, some reward in the life... something positive that happens there."
"There's potential for good news and romantic gestures being taken."
"Miracles are regular unexpected fantastic things that prosper you."
"Leo season is a fortunate time for you Aries; there is going to be some lucky things happening, some positive manifestations, some blessings that you've been hoping for."
"This is the best thing that could ever happen."
"Something absolutely crazy is going to happen but in a good way."
"It's good to see good things happen to good people."
"For some people really, really happy things can happen in 2023: hope, resilience, opportunity, kindness from strangers."
"Something good is happening right on the nick of time. Perfect timing, ascension, serendipity."
"Someone's getting their dream car in July. The Chariot energy is strong."
"There's good things happening, but don't let doubt restrict you."
"Hey, look at the nice things that are happening in New York subways. This is off the chart."
"Things just kept falling on our laps, it was eventful week, been tweaked very cool."
"Something wonderful is happening around you."
"Believe that many positive synchronicities and unexpected allies will rally to support you."
"Your angels are orchestrating positive surprises for you."
"I had such an exciting week, so many cool things are happening."
"So today is a good day, hun. I got my deposit, I didn't lose my card, my money didn't rip."
"This is the best possible thing that could have happened."
"Good things happen even in this draining moon."
"This is the best thing that has happened to me."
"A heavenly gift is coming to you, bringing extreme luck and fortune."
"It's happening, something that you're not expecting, and it's positive folks."
"It's things like this that really make an experience that much more memorable."
"Around the 11th of April, I see a sense of joy and excitement around romance, love, creativity, and children."
"Something marvelous is going to take place, something wonderful is gonna happen."
"One of the best things probably happened to me is the best thing to happen to me and my wife."
"Exciting things have been happening, you know, that we are actually pretty excited about."
"Every now and then, something incredible happens."
"These reunion we needed something good."
"I'm really excited, a lot of great things happen this year."
"I love it when cool stuff happens."
"Something great happened to me today."
"You have to remember that positive things are happening."
"I had a sudden intuition that something good was about to happen."
"If something great happens to you, the response is gratitude."
"Nothing is done to us, but things happen for us."
"I love when stories like this happen."
"I feel like so many amazing things happened this year and I'm forever grateful."
"Good things happen in the midnight hour."
"I love to see good things happening to indie brands."
"Happiness, good things, reasons to celebrate coming in for you as well."
"It's a great energy of a fortunate series of events, a fortunate series of circumstances."