
Course Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"This course is designed to basically allow you to achieve the good life."
"Hello there and thank you for joining the course."
"I hope you enjoyed taking this course."
"If you're thinking about taking your SR20 apart and upgrading internals, I highly recommend doing an interactive engine building course."
"I hope you found this course useful."
"This course is iconic, Purcell Farms, such a beautiful place."
"That's what this course is, it's a complete intro to hopefully stuck around this long if you have, thank you very much."
"We will design a mobile version and a desktop version in this course."
"Hope you liked the course, let me know if you want to see more."
"This course was designed by guys who I don't think have been in the game for too long and are clearly not professional or even anything along those lines and I think with that in mind this course is pretty phenomenal."
"If you're interested in learning how to edit for YouTube, this course provides a lot of insight."
"Thanks for following this mini-course and best of luck."
"By the end of the course, you'll be able to confidently build fast and scalable applications with Next.js."
"To take this course, you don't need any prior knowledge of Next.js."
"I felt we stayed very steady... that was the one where I felt the greatest resolve that we were on the right course."
"Come on, join me for the full course. Bye."
"The aesthetics of a course, it adds so much."
"This is turning out to be a better course than I expected."
"These three go fast, importance at all for these three on a course like this."
"Make sure to check out my Figma masterclass with over 4,800 students."
"By the end of the course you will have a fast, responsive, fully-functioning application in the cloud."
"I hope you enjoyed watching this free one-hour copywriting course."
"It was the best course I've ever attended my entire career."
"I'll actually hook you guys up with a more detailed course, show you guys everything step by step 100% for free, no upsells, no coaching."
"If you can get people real results they're excited about with your course, then they are going to tell their friends."
"This next course was my favorite course, it was so good."
"My Security Plus course, 177 videos, that's a huge course, and it is over 21 hours of information. It's pretty big."
"If you want to control security check out the security lesson of this course."
"We really hope this course has been helpful and please come back and take more."
"If you're interested in learning more about tone and how to get great guitar tone i made a video course dedicated specifically to that it's called the tone course."
"If you want results like this when it comes to your launch then you definitely want to make sure that you check out the ultimate launch course."
"If you do want to start affiliate marketing and make it your full-time income and potentially make over $110,000 a month I'd love to have you in my affiliate marketing course."
"No one likes to shoot over par, but you know, come on, Tallahassee is a course where you can shoot over a real track and then shoot 11 under."
"If you want to take your dark feminine energy activation serious, then go to the top link in my description box and get my course."
"...I have a really empowering course for this."
"If you're looking for a course that covers everything from the fundamentals to Advanced Techniques like machine learning algorithm development and unsupervised learning look no further than our CCH postgraduate program in Ai and machine learning in partnership with IBM."
"I've said it a few times but this might become one of my favorite golf courses ever."
"This course will help you understand the significance of text embeddings, showcase their diverse applications, guide you through generating your own with OpenAI, and even delve into integrating vectors with databases."
"I am so excited to tell you guys all about this course."
"Yeah man so anyways this is all gonna be part of his new Hendrix course that we're doing all about the style of Jimi Hendrix and different kind of eras of Hendrix."
"Your course is so well done and this personal help at the end is super valuable."
"It really is and Lia gang last time we saw a course that really rewarded climbers but this place it's a lot more of an all-rounders course isn't it."
"I watched the whole series, and I can confirm it is a top-notch course that digs into the nitty-gritty details of Gnostic theology."
"This course will take you to the next level. It will give you the tools and the knowledge to help you achieve long-term success."
"If you enjoyed it, then I know you will love our free plant-based nutrition course, the Plant Powered Body."
"The course starts at $99, and you guys can pre-order the course today at $69."
"I decided to use the draft material that I had for the book and advertise this course."
"First course in Charlotte, this course won't be the last."
"This isn't about selling the course to you."
"This course is cheering people up and spitting them out."
"This course is specifically made for those women who get disrespected for being good people."
"What are some of the non-relationship transformations we can expect from The Savage course?"
"They played the course the other way around, they played to the 17th green first of all with the road bunker coming in a totally different way."
"The course recovers remarkably well."
"Here is a course designed for the player and not the gallery."
"I hope you guys enjoy the course and, well, enjoy it."
"We have some amazing content on there along with a really great free course that we put a ton of time into."
"...and I think it's time for me to reveal this big announcement which is the creation of my first photography course..."
"When everything I learned from the course, I actually put it into the backtest and stuff, and actually seen profits. That's when I realized, yeah, this is actually legit."
"This course deserves at least 7,500 likes. If we could hit that, even 10,000, that would be amazing."
"Everybody seems to have a unique approach on this course."
"$69 bucks you get access to my number one course ever, become master stock market moves."
"It's ironic. However much that you try to change the course of your destiny, destiny will stay in its course."
"This is one of the hardest ball-striking courses."
"Many of you right now are in dedicated study, and I wanted to highlight probably the number one resource right now in dedicated study, and that is my USMLE Step One Pass Fail course."
"When you and God are on course we all have destinations that we must reach but when you Direction collides with a Divine movement on course rumor has it that you will not be remembered."
"The shortest hole on the course features one of the largest greens."
"I want to give you another course it's my three-step sales copy formula mini course which is just a great tool to help you sell anything better to anyone"
"If you also want a little bit of help navigating your ex's emotional world, going through that context that we were talking about, you might be interested in our course called The Ex Solution Program."
"Even though I had planned events at work before, I had never planned a wedding... we bought her course and it was one of the best purchases that we made."
"It's not that the course is about it's that that really and truly if a hundred people bought a course for $1997 there's only one person that's gonna have success of it because there's only one person who's gonna action the content."
"Selling a course can give you a platform, a foundation on which you can build other things."
"With the Springboard Plus offer, you can register for the Soil Food Web Foundation courses for just $2,900."
"This course is for you and it's going to make you much, much better at Excel."
"I am launching a course on my website called Final Cut Rockstar."
"Seriously, gents, check out the course. It's all about action. It's about you taking the steps to become the man you know yourself."
"...I started thinking why are so many people jumping into this course, why am I getting such great feedback."
"If you guys are interested in out-of-state real estate investing, make sure to check out the Remote Rental Riches course that we've launched pretty recently."
"We're going to be offering a Beowulf course through the Symbolic World. I'll be teaching it, Jonathan will be involved as much as I can rope him in."
"The new course, 'Unplug from The Matrix of narcissistic abuse,' is out now. And if you're interested in finding out more about that, please click the link below."
"This course is specifically made for people who feel like they need to master their emotional life."
"Click on the description down below where it says purchase Emotional Mastery so that you can start with your first week."
"This is an action-packed course which I'm sure will keep you busy at least for a few days."
"Is there concrete advice on investments in saving money in Irfan's course?"
"We'll start the course right at the beginning and work our way through step by step."
"There's an awesome course on graphic design that teaches you the fundamentals of Illustrator."
"Not only can you just order signs from my friend Jennifer, she will teach you if you've ever wanted to do this hand lettering painting signs. She has a course she can teach you guys."
"If your first course is great, you're on your path to success."
"Congratulations for making your way through this course."
"Thank you for watching this course all the way to the end."
"Emotional Mastery is my favorite course. It's specifically geared towards people who feel like they need to master their emotional life."
"I thought why not give it a try so I bought the Desire To Trade course at that time."
"I want to stand before Him in that great day and say I fought a good fight, I finished my course, I kept the faith."
"What I've created is the interview conversion kit. It's an online course that will take you from zero to interview ready within 30 days."
"We've seen over a thousand people start this course, with 136 forks already."
"Andrew Ramel's course on Udemy is a must."
"Facade I would love if you can actually talk about this more in 0 to full stack era we can do like a talk in it inside the course, uh that would be awesome, right? Let me know if you're interested."
"Make sure y'all check out my editing course."
"Creating a sellable course starts with a unique selling proposition."
"This course presumes no prior knowledge of its subject matter."
"If you want to learn more about the Book of Zohar, you're welcome to sign up to our course 'Enter the Zohar' on KabU."
"It's a really really good course and it has a lot of potential."
"I looked up the yoga school it looks really lovely they have a 200h hour Ashtanga Vasa yoga teacher training course throughout the whole of April"
"If you want a step-by-step guide on cryptocurrency how to analyze how to compare different ecosystems if you want to see my portfolio and all of my trades and join a crypto community of thousands of people check out the crypto course."
"If you're stuck on anything, it's a great course to really do a deep dive into."
"The Arsenic course is an awesome course."
"I love having a dedicated course and I think that we can all agree on that."
"This course is actually really sick because a lot of the holes take after like previous courses."
"I don't have a specific hole that I'm excited about. I actually like that the characteristic of many of the holes."
"...if you follow the course, you'll not only be a great DJ but you'll be able to play confidently in public on any system."
"It's the self-healing course with a personal guide, May."
"...it's a snapshot of what I go in depth and speak about in the class 'Transformed'. I really believe in this course because I think that it gives you concepts that are literally life-saving."
"If you're a complete beginner looking for a full course on the 3D system in Nuke I'd recommend checking out nuke 202 because we cover Concepts such as camera movements Parallax tracking triangulation camera projections and a lot more."
"It's not just about teaching math, it's about understanding how the course will be given."
"And again, if you want to take your voice to another level and really explore what it can do, click that link below and join my free course."
"I am hopeful that in years to come our alumni will speak proudly of having completed the Nimitz course."
"The pupil does well to follow this course, for he links himself onto the divine."
"The whole purpose and goal of this video is to see how much money or how much knowledge I can learn following Andrew Tate's real world course."
"They can be a part, especially if we're thinking about doing that five-day treatment course."
"The layout of the course is beautiful, though pretty rough." - Dan Gurney
"It's no secret that it's a very challenging course there and she dominated that as well."
"The all day declutter is a bonus, it's not the actual course. You know that, right? The course is modules, videos, audio, printables that take you through taking your house back. Okay? That's all completely self-paced, does not matter when you do it, you do it on your own."
"If you want to know how to make this or how to write it, you can learn how this gets put together in my course."
"It's just super inspirational, the course itself."
"Congratulations on reaching this point of the course."
"It's a really fun and unique course."
"It just again shows you how tough of a course Maple Hill is."
"This is a course that will teach you how to design professional-looking websites with Divi."
"Our brand new course is called Mixing for Mobile and Wedding DJs."
"I really hope you enjoy this course."
"He enjoys the Verizon IndyCar Series, calls this place his favorite road course in America."
"Overall, I would say the OSEP course was a solid nine out of ten."
"This is a course that is changing lives."
"If you've never used it, I actually do have a full like introductory course on C Sharp over on my channel."
"But none of these things move me; none of these things move me. I will finish my course, and I'll do it with joy."
"The fairways are reasonably generous, the players like the course."
"We are starting a new course on cyclic voltometry, an end-to-end learning course."
"CS136 gets a solid 5 out of 5 geese."
"Earth 122, a solid 5 out of 5 geese."
"Get our free 7-day course on how to make the best cold brew you ever had from home."
"This is the course content and this is where you can basically tell people what will be inside of the course."
"Congratulations, the users are now complete with the course."
"I'm always happy when it's an awesome course that we can get all of you back home safely."
"We are at the midway of our course, a 20-hour course of 40 sessions half an hour each."
"I'm going to call this WordPress Blogging Course."
"I'm gonna give you guys a complete walkthrough of the course, I'm gonna show you guys what makes this such a unique setup."
"Thank you very much for watching this course."
"We're conducting this beautiful course that is going to teach you how to use 3ds Max and Corona renderer."
"These are the most important years for this course."
"If you want to learn how to make original films, you can go take a look at my course 4-week filmmaker."
"Please remember to check out my full HTML email course."
"It's over an hour long of course videos, all about music theory."
"I made a 30-day u course for beginners like you."
"Honestly, this course is incredible."
"Welcome to Getting Started Part 2. In this course, we're going to implement the lessons we learned in Part One and go step by step to build a project management platform."
"I'm really happy with how the course has been going, and I'm really happy with the support."
"The place where you add your teaching materials in Moodle is called a course."
"I'm making this course free, I'm hoping that we can build a bit of a community here."
"For 12 pound, what do you think of this course? Fantastic."
"But altogether, it's been an awesome pleasure teaching this course."
"Before I start, I would like to say that a lot of you are asking about my Dutch chess full course."
"If you're serious about learning how to create different types of Revit families, I have an entire course on the family editor."
"Welcome to our 2D hack-and-slash pay-what-you-want course."
"We did have our first course over at Richard Grove's excellent Autonomy University."
"This is definitely the best course on the website."
"This is essentially a course that we've offered on Ground Control for the last couple of years called Introduction to DaVinci Resolve."
"Greetings, welcome to the Yang style Tai Chi course."
"Welcome to Make a Course at the University of South Florida."
"This course is absolutely amazing."
"Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from an unhealthy relationship or when a relationship has to run its course, a separation is... a separation either is or may occur."