
Permissions Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"If you don't have the permission, we'll just say, 'You do not have permissions to use this command.'"
"We use can to ask for permission to do something."
"If I have to ask permission to exercise my right, is it a right anymore? I'm going to have to think that one through."
"Permission is still being sold, so there has to be an end that says yes."
"Ask permission before fursuiting in a public space."
"Change directory permissions using 'chmod', understanding the binary representation of read, write, and execute."
"Instead, you would always create a group, add the users as members of that group, then you simply assign permissions to the group."
"This RBAC gives me this granular set of permissions which is fantastic."
"Always follow the principle of least privileges when granting permissions."
"Access reviews are based on validating whether someone still requires a role, app assignment, or group membership."
"Permissions are like the keys to the kingdom, understanding them unlocks a world of control."
"In Linux, every permission tells a story, and each character matters."
"Read, write, execute: the three pillars of permission."
"When it comes to permissions, clarity is power."
"Understanding permissions is like mastering a language - it opens up endless possibilities."
"Permission denied is just the start - understanding why is the key."
"In Linux, control is in your hands, one permission at a time."
"...the main branch is also protected which means that only people in the project with certain permissions can push changes to that branch."
"Contributor, member, admin, viewer, if you invite them into a workspace, must also have a pro license."
"So using chmod, you can change the permissions of the file."
"So using numbers, you will actually Grant permissions for the file."
"In Windows, we could go through each individual user in the domain and specify what rights and permissions that particular user might need to be able to perform their job function."
"Welcome back everyone. Alright, let's start talking about site permissions and permission levels and the type of access that you can give to your audience."
"I don't have to just leave those permissions. I can actually come into here, look at my active, and deactivate. I just hit deactivate at the bottom, and now it's removing. So it's doing the opposite now."
"Adding permissions for your channel can be really useful, especially if you're hiring people to manage it."
"...role-based access control is designed to assign permissions based on job responsibilities."
"So, I could go and say it's okay to receive from"
"You can restrict your developers to only have access to certain AWS services. Even if you're working in a team, it's important to set permissions."
"The point of putting somebody into a group is so they can get those specific permissions that that department is allowed to do."
"How many times are you looking at a file that's a protected file, meaning it's write-protected, so you need sudo privileges to do anything, but you forgot to open it with sudo?"
"If you don't have any permissions at all, you cannot access content. It's a lot like parenting... If I don't say yes, the answer is no."
"I want to solve the problem of too many permissions lying around."
"The answer here is B, apply an IAM role to the Lambda function. Apply an IAM policy to the role to grant read access to the S3 bucket."
"Give minimum permissions to prevent security breaches and accidental errors."
"The advantage of using groups is that you can assign a single set of permissions to all the users in that particular group."
"Least-privilege is granting users and systems the narrowest set of permissions to complete the required task."
"You can use SCP to control permissions at the AWS account level."
"Finally, this is one you should probably do every once in a while, no matter what browser you have, and that's review what site permissions you have granted."
"We want to make sure that different applications or different job roles or device identities like door locks cameras point of sales they can only see or have access to things that they need to have access to."
"The sudoers file defines who can use sudo, the command that grants superpowers."
"The principle of least privilege dictates that users should be given the minimum levels of access or permissions necessary to perform their work tasks."
"So as I've mentioned as well as creating and managing users you might also want to add a user or provide a user with admin role permissions."
"But let's ignore that for now, and then I get a new access token. I just need... I need to do it again because my old access token didn't contain the permissions. Now I can actually find my users."
"Your normal user account should be very much like other user accounts in the domain where your permissions are restricted just to those resources that you need to have access to all the time."
"Enterprise Admins are administrators of the Active Directory domain and have permission to make changes that affect other domains in a multi-domain forest."
"So someone leaves the organization you go into this same place here you can edit the permission and change it."
"...one thing we do not have is the ability for firms to give permission to a third-party to complete the application for them."
"The chmod command stands for change mode."
"The administrator access policy gives almost all the same permissions as a root user."
"Create an S3 bucket with S3 object lock enabled, enable versioning, add a legal hold to the objects, and add the S3 put object legal hold permission to IM policies of users who need to delete the object."
"So now, you can see the subject is group. Group name is Finance. So now, Chris should be able to access our cluster. He should have the same set of permissions as John."
"...because a security group is for security things like shared drive permissioning, giving access to a folder, giving access to VPN, giving access to a certain website like Citrix..."
"This is also a good test to make sure our super user permissions are working correctly."
"These are things that you need to be aware of upfront before planning your SharePoint list to manage large data and specifically handling true permissions."
"So setting up these permissions for your files before you share them are important."
"Only a few people should see whatever they want to see, and this is where we should make sure that the permissions are set properly."
"Running a trace on SQL Server requires some pretty high-level permission in the database."
"Only give people access to the things they need access to and nothing more."
"Permissions, permissions, permissions. We've got to check them and make sure we're giving people only the rights they need to this computer, and no more and no less."
"It's important for people to know that there are some limitations with the groups and roles and how much information you bring down with the tokens, so always be aware of that."
"By defining this here, you're going to tell the administrator, 'By the way, these are the application permissions that our application needs, so they can consent or not if you're going to build APIs, that's what you're going to configure here as well."
"Authentication is who you are, authorization or access control is what you're allowed to do."
"We should only be giving necessary permissions to those that need it."
"With the private registry, we can provide better access control by ensuring only the right people with the right permission to get the right access to those modules repositories and even workspaces as well."
"So you might think to yourself, so why are traditional Android permissions insufficient to stop these types of data exfiltrations? And the reason is that these permissions don't really have the appropriate grammar to talk about the type of attack that we're trying to prevent."
"Stephanie in fact has generic all permissions on the Management Department, so what can we do with the Management Department? Any suggestions on what we can do here? Now since we have full access to it, we could do pretty much anything."
"You can control exactly what people can do in your Microsoft Access database."
"If the user has the necessary permission, then the user is able to access the resources."
"It's a lot easier to manage if we add users into one or more groups, it means that we can manage their permissions while they're using the application."
"What is an idol? Fundamentally, it is a problem in the code where the code isn't checking if a user has permissions before allowing them access to something."
"This is the idea that you give an entity the most restrictive permissions you can."
"Just go ahead and change that permission level from edit to read."
"Using role-based permissions will make for a significantly faster employee on-boarding and off-boarding process."
"In Azure AD and in OAuth, we call permissions scopes."
"Authorization is the process by which the app decides what an authenticated user is allowed to do."
"The apps that you have, go through and check the permissions on them."
"I understand why they did it, I understand how they did it, I understand how they got permissions."
"Authorization is the process of checking, depending on your status, what are you allowed to do."
"You can limit permissions based on just what you need for that one particular module."
"Permissions in Linux are very, very simple to understand."
"Make sure that users are logging in with the lowest required permissions. I think one of the main reasons we're getting hit by ransomware is how many administrators out there check their email with global administrative rights."
"Whenever you share a file, there's a couple different permissions you can grant the person you're sharing the file with."
"Powerful features: Album hierarchy, batch management, themes, and plugins, permission controls."
"Editing permissions should be restricted to about two to five people, depending on the size of your organization."
"Authorization defines what you're allowed to do."
"This tutorial is focused on reviewing, applying, and building custom user permissions."
"Role based permissions is a very robust permissions platform where field level, screen level, portlet level, functionality level, you can control the access."
"There's essentially three major steps to what we're gonna do today: get permissions to show location, show the user's location on the map, and then also update the user's location as they move."
"This permission will allow my program or this app to access my account's profile information."
"Learning about roles and permissions will really open up new collaboration doors."
"We're granting permission by creating a user abstraction in MySQL."
"One of the things you can do with a creative commons license is say what people are allowed to do with it."
"Authorization is you can do what you claim that you should be able to do."
"You need to make sure that what you install is actually executable and readable by all users on your system."
"The hub has to run as root in order to have permission to become all these other users."
"As always, if you want to be absolutely certain that there are no issues, join a local club, fly with the club, all flying permissions are granted to that club, there's nothing you have to worry about with FAA permissions, anything if you're at your local club."
"One user can have multiple permission sets assigned to them."
"You can create multiple permission sets and you can also give one user multiple permission sets at one point of time."
"Chmod allows you to set the different permissions for a file and control who can read it."
"We've applied permissions to several components, and those permissions are applied to the roles instead of any one user."
"SUID is simply a permission added to an executable that allows users to run the executable as whoever owns it."
"We really believe that runtime permissions are really good for the user, they're good for developers, they're good for the ecosystem."
"Security invoker true is very important... it means inherit the permissions of whoever invoked this view versus who defined the view."
"Authentication is saying who you are; authorization is what can you do."
"So hopefully in this tutorial, it was a concrete example of applying permissions to views and also applying permissions within templates."
"You haven't added any team members to your project yet. As the owner of this project, you can manage team member permissions."
"SharePoint also comes with built-in permission levels like contribute and approve."
"Contribute permission says users can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents."
"You do not have permission to access the feature you're requesting."
"Authorization is the function of specifying access rights to resources related to access control."
"The access permissions determine whether the owner, the group, or any other user has the read, write, and execute permissions."
"The DevExpress ASPX file manager control allows you to set access permissions for different folders."