
Market Valuation Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Kathy Wood believes that these are actually misvalued, that once the market starts valuing them appropriately of the correct P/E multiples based on the low-interest rate environment we are going in, that basically these would be great investments."
"FTX had already surpassed Twitter, NASDAQ, and Deutsche Bank in value."
"I believe the valuation of the company is attractive."
"Bitcoin can stay overvalued for years at a time. It can stay undervalued for years at a time."
"How can a company worth that much money be undervalued?"
"This massive money printing has created a huge historical transfer in wealth."
"Shopify is the prime example of valuation in this market."
"The global waste management market was valued at 1.61 trillion US dollars in 2020."
"We are near a two trillion dollar market cap for the entire cryptocurrency market."
"Valuations sometimes don't seem right, it seems preposterous, it seems ridiculous sometimes."
"Private companies are generally worth less than public companies of the same size."
"Looking at DraftKings, the fact that it's valued so high at 12 billion dollars, this is just telling us that this sector trades for a premium."
"Valuations don't matter until they do, and then when they do, if you're on the wrong side of that repricing, it's going to get very, very ugly."
"Not all stocks are overvalued in this market."
"There's a lot of ways just to go back a little bit in 2021 we saw most of the kind of high valuation profile hyped over value names especially software companies have suffered arc investments and so forth."
"Tesla's cost of capital is an extreme advantage justifying some of the higher stock price."
"For me, Orca is undervalued. Uniswap is at a 12 billion valuation."
"PayPal right now is under 100 billion market cap which I really like... 3.8 price to sales ratio for a fintech like this, come on man, 3.8 is just silly."
"Valuations are high, so keep some powder dry and be defensive."
"If everything's here, you could easily see in the four to five thousand dollar range."
"The journey this market cycle to these higher valuations that we're ultimately hoping for was never going to be an easy journey."
"You get historically attractive opportunities to deploy capital when everything is fairly priced or unfairly priced to the downside."
"That's a perfect example of a great company that was over 100 billion dollar mark cap."
"We've had you know we've reached very high valuations even higher by that metric than the dot-com bubble."
"And valuations for both interest rates and stocks are at, if you combine the two, they're so overvalued, they're at 100 year highs."
"One of the rare opportunities to buy this at an attractive valuation."
"Tesla is now worth more than all car companies on the planet combined."
"I too believe Tesla is significantly undervalued."
"Investors are clearly saying and the market is clearly saying that Microsoft is worth a little bit more per dollar of earnings to us than Apple is."
"A market that is historically overvalued overall and to a perhaps unprecedented extent politically flammable."
"Valuation is going to get so cheap that now the people that hated Tesla stock at 400 300 will start looking going wait what how cheap damn okay I'm in."
"Global markets are priced at perfection, as if they could grow double-digit or something, and that's probably not going to happen."
"The market is twice as overvalued as the average, so there's far more downside risk right now than there is upside risk."
"People are buying into stocks late into run-ups at high valuations because they want to take part in the gains."
"I think that commodities look extremely undervalued right now and still are poised to go much higher."
"An incredible run in shares of AMC this week putting its market cap at nearly 27 billion now that makes a theater chain larger than 40 of all companies in the S&P 500."
"Bitcoin is back above a 800 billion dollar market cap, so much money in crypto."
"Airbnb lost nearly 42 percent of its value from March of 2017 to April of 2020."
"Meta on the other hand has almost 4 billion users, an 800 billion dollar market cap."
"For investors who agree with our earnings path, they may decide to simply look through the downside this year. However, given where valuations are today, we think that is a risky strategy."
"Nvidia joins Apple Amazon Microsoft and alphabet in the one trillion dollar Club."
"Tesla has always looked overvalued, and despite that, the stock's up 9,800% since IPO."
"This has been going on a heck of a long time this bubble has gone on at extreme levels of valuations longer really than any other bubble or any other Market in our lifetimes."
"How do you explain... that the market has valued it as up to $15 billion?"
"Markets are overvalued... sitting at valuations that we've never really seen before."
"The market is finally at a good discount range... we've got some great buy side potential."
"We're inside of a recession, yet we've never seen the types of valuations like this."
"Tesla is the Apple of the automotive world. They're justifying a valuation that is more on a price sales basis than every other automaker in history."
"Verano is selling for incredibly cheap right now."
"This company at an under three billion dollar valuation seems like an absolute steal."
"Apple was trading at like a 15 ford p or under for like years."
"Properties are worth a tiny fraction of what they actually are."
"Soulgenix is currently sitting at only 61.9 million dollar market cap."
"Kava, in respect to its market cap, is in my opinion a pretty undervalued position."
"Bitcoin should be worth more than 10 trillion dollars in 2024."
"Within just 17 months of launch, the brand saw sales of 570 million US Dollars and had a valuation of over 1 billion US dollars."
"These 250 price tags are absurdly low... the fact that even today the consensus price target for Tesla stock over the next 12 months is more than double where it is today from the Wall Street analysts really speaks volumes."
"There is going to be an opportunity to make generational wealth by buying assets at an extremely undervalued price."
"Usually a sign that it's really hit rock bottom valuation."
"You don't short innovation, you're betting against valuation over a long period of time."
"Valuations could come down in a decided way without stocks going down."
"The value is getting really big, and at 10 trillion, it becomes there."
"Lululemon is growing substantially faster than Nike but it's priced at a lower valuation."
"They've been buying back a ton of stock, their earnings have expanded, and the market multiple has expanded."
"Chipotle is a notable outlier with a price to sales of 6.8, meaning their last year's revenue is 6.8 times their market cap."
"The security market line is the set of all securities that are properly valued."
"It's over that long term that the fundamentals of economics and valuation will drive home performance."