
Deep Love Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"You turn loose heaven within me and my love for you goes so deep."
"Her love is so rooted and deep that she now gets to express it in a way that she didn't before."
"Love always finds a way, I will travel the galaxies for you."
"This person loves you very deeply, like a soulmate connection."
"This is someone who deeply lost for you and cares for me wants to be there for you stay there for you forever."
"This person is going to just like transform you so much with love, I think they're gonna love you in a way that you've never felt before."
"Shay, you've always been my soul mate... I love you so much."
"You will never fully understand how deeply my heart feels for you... you are my heart in human form."
"I pray you guys all experience a love so deep the ocean would be jealous."
"They want to give you their soul, their most outpouring love and support."
"They feel this immense love for you... cherish your connection."
"Believe in my promises for they will surely come to pass, my child. I love you deeply and I long to enter your home and perform a great miracle in your life."
"You love this person deep down, with your whole heart and soul."
"It was the most beautiful thing, a type of love that I had not experienced in this lifetime."
"I want to hug you right now, my love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"This person is pretty deeply in love with you."
"The deepest love will change you into a better person."
"We've been together our entire lives, and you know that I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?"
"Their love is really deep, it's unexplainable."
"You can do something about your world in particular."
"Both these people are deeply in love with each other, both seeking source, both feeling the power of love in their life."
"You're deeply and heavily in love, but it's not expressed."
"Love each other deeply; love covers a multitude of sins."
"New love is coming in, a deeper love with your current relationship or a new romantic experience."
"We are perfect together, I've never loved this deep before."
"You have a second chance at really profound deep love."
"She loved this man and she was willing to put her life on the line for him."
"Very in love with you, wanting to make the choice to commit."
"They recognize their deep love and care for you."
"I've never known a love like this... I'm starting to understand our soul connection."
"Know that you are deeply loved and cherished in God's divine presence."
"Your heart, your love for them, is going to be the strongest."
"If you love someone really deeply and you accidentally stab that person in the stomach your first concern is probably to assist."
"I never planned on having children, so this was a huge concern of mine. But the love I have for my son is crazy."
"This can be true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"When you really love someone, I feel like you'll die for them."
"Nothing compares to the love that you and this person have for each other."
"This is the Love of a Lifetime, The Lover's card, so you're coming back to this love, this harmony, this realization that at the core of everything and this connection is unconditional true love."
"He ravished my heart with love, a love that I'd never known was possible."
"He loved her with all his heart, body, and soul."
"I loved her more than anything in this world. She was my world."
"She truly loves him so much even if she meets him again she wishes for them to never separate again and instead die at this moment."
"This person is deeply in love with you to the point where they would rather not lose you."
"I love you, and I love you way more than I've ever expressed to you."
"We loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabel Lee, with a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me."
"This is a true powerful unconditional love, this is soul mate or twin flame energy."
"I desire you deeply and eternally; you will be in my heart until death and beyond."
"My love for you goes so deep. I have never felt love like this before."
"It's truly like brothers and sisters, and there's a deep love there."
"This wasn't some puppy love, this was none of that."
"This is such a deep love for him, such a spiritual love for him that he's never experienced before with any human in his life."
"This is a love that is very, very deep. It goes for many lifetimes."
"He loved her deeply and tirelessly sought ways to ease her condition, yet despite his efforts, he was painfully aware of his limitations."
"I've loved more than the rest of my life put together no exaggeration let's roll in it."
"He loved too much, and it's not just the fans, it was family, with all his heart and soul."
"Imagine loving someone so deeply that you'd risk everything, even your very soul, to prevent losing them."
"She thinks she's about to find out what it means to be loved deeply."
"Real love is questioning if you ever want to go on without her or him."
"I love them more than life itself."
"I love you to the bottom of my core."
"Kevin, my heart has always somehow known that with you, I am loved more than I have ever been and love you more than I thought possible."
"You quite literally saved my life. I love you so much."
"The half moon sign calls us to live authentically, to love deeply, and to leave a legacy that echoes through the ages."
"Love you more than I can ever explain."
"My love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"I gave you all the love I got, I gave you more than I could give."
"I love you more than anything in this world," I tell her.
"I more than love you, I'm not whole without you. You are life itself to me. When you are gone, I'm waiting for you to return so I can start living again."
"I loved him so much that my heart physically hurt."
"My love for you runs deeper than the ocean's floor itself."
"I love you so much to the moon and back."
"I love you deeply, you've been there for me, you're great with my kids."
"I love you. I've been thinking about this very deeply and I want to invest time in the connection."
"He loved her with every fiber of his being."
"I love you more than words could ever describe, you're my best pal, your partner."
"I have never felt so deeply in love before."
"I love you so deeply, so damn strongly, some days I don't know what to do with myself."
"I love him more than life itself."
"I love him so much. I love him so much. Oh my."
"We always loved each other, but it was a deep kind of love, like family."
"I love him more than life itself, I've never been in a relationship that felt more natural and healthy."
"You're gonna love the hell out of this person."
"I'm so in love with you, I'll be forever blue."
"The love I have for my friends is the love that I would say for me so far in my life has run the deepest and has lasted the longest."
"I just have a love that is so deep, the ocean would be jealous."
"Just know that you'll never love her as much as I do."
"It's a very deep love; it goes beyond just physical attraction. This is soul love."
"I love him on a level which I've never loved anyone before."
"I love you way, way, way more than the best. My love for you is more special than the best."
"I'm not just saying that you love me as a best friend... I'm in love with you."
"He loved her so much, probably more than anyone else in the whole world."
"Learning to love myself was when I was able to start really loving you at a completely different deeper level."
"When I love, I love so hard, so much. I pour my soul and my heart into that person."
"I love you like I've never loved anyone before."
"I believe in Tiffany and Brett's love so deeply."
"I love you more than the brimstone loves the fire."
"I am in love with you, hopelessly, hopelessly, irrevocably in love."
"She's the world to me, she's the goddamn universe to me."
"When you love someone, you love with all your heart, you even want to die for them."
"You can love so much that you can die from a broken heart."
"He loved her with all of his heart and soul."
"You are loved deeply and completely by me."
"I love you more than all the days."
"I love you with a love that I don't think many will understand, but hopefully you do."
"You can't breathe if you don't see the other person type of love."
"The clearest route to bliss is to be alive while you are here, to be with yourself, and a love so deep the oceans get jealous and even outer space wants to be inside."
"I love you more than anybody, anything, anywhere in my entire life, forever and ever."
"You loved her too much, and you dived too deep."
"I love you so deeply and so happily."
"I love you, Jackson, from the deepest, purest part of my heart."
"I love you more than you know, more than you will ever know."
"We love you very, very, very much."
"Our love is deep but our fate is shallow."
"I love you too, more than words can say."
"Remember always that you are loved deeply and eternally."
"True love goes deeper than just those surface attractions and carries us through the ups and downs of life."
"My love goes deeper than the eyes can see."
"There was something very magic about this connection, an ocean of love, deep love."
"I love you so much and it runs so deep that words won't even suffice."
"No one can love you more than a person who is broken because a person knows how a broke heart and pain hurts."
"It's the most love one human being could feel for another."
"I love you more than I have ever found a way to say."
"I appreciate you loving me from the bottom of my heart."
"Love like they've never felt before, the Ace of Cups."
"They love her, there's the permanence and love here, like a soulmate relationship, something very, very special."
"This person's fallen very deeply in love with you, and they have admired you from afar for a very long time."
"Your person is falling deeply and madly in love with you."
"Have you ever loved somebody so much that it makes you wanna break down and cry?"
"When you love somebody, you love hard; you're ten toes down, you don't play games."
"I love you more than you can ever imagine."
"I never knew a love like this; I am drowning in my emotions."
"This grade, this rich of a grade of love and romance, that kind of a genuine appreciation."
"There's another level of love and some of you may be finding that out now."
"They feel deep love, this is a heart awakening."
"This love is gonna feel deep, it's gonna feel light, it's gonna feel like sunlight."
"Someone is so deeply in love with you, I'm feeling so much love."
"They feel deep, deep love for you."
"You loved and you loved hard and you loved well."
"They love you very, very deeply because this is a connection about divine love."
"Someone had a love that was so deep that they could swim in them."
"You had very deep love for each other, it might not be what society sees as a real relationship, but it had the depth of love that transcended anything."
"This love is so deep that it has actually caused this person to dive deep, go within, full self-reflection."
"This is a deep divine union, there's a lot of love here."