
Step-by-step Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Consider pacing yourself, be learning these things one by one."
"I'm not saying lead with your chin, take this a step at a time."
"One step at a time with this example is the best way to learn. And it's free."
"One step at a time and you will eventually get to your goal."
"Take it one step at a time or one day at a time."
"Step by step with the whole situation that we have going on in the world and this shows financial recovery as well all right again it's not gonna happen over in one day it's gonna happen step by step."
"Start where you are. You build a house brick by brick."
"The fastest way to win the race is one step in front of the other."
"Stick with me and I will show you exactly step by step what needs to be done."
"You got to put the primaries on first and work your way up."
"Once you've done all of that you can move on to the next step... honestly have fun the thrill of the chase I think is really nice."
"A single step above is correct. A single step."
"Conquer what's like right in front of you... one step at a time, one breath at a time."
"First you fix your life, then you fix the things that are in your life one by one."
"Take one step at a time to get to somewhere where you want to be."
"I'm going to show you exactly what I'm going to do step by step."
"It's one step at a time; that's the fun part."
"Then we will figure out step by step how to add Vue.js into the application."
"Prompt engineering tip number five is to use step-by-step protocols."
"Tell chat GPT to think step by step, and this really helps its outputs and responses."
"Take this process one step at a time."
"The thing I love about what you're sharing is that you do have these courses that take people step by step through these things."
"This is a full course, and we're going to learn everything step by step."
"It breaks the 100K method down from start to finish."
"I'm going to put the new box in, bolt it up, put the steering shaft on, put the steering linkage on, and then I'm not sure, baby steps."
"You can go to my blog and find step-by-step pictures for creating these beautiful plates."
"Just by one petal at a time one flower at a time I'm gonna continue this same process."
"Step-by-step how to do it all the way through from drawing to finish."
"Don't rush, take it a step at a time."
"You can't just do everything right away. You have to take the right step at a time."
"Let me show you step by step how to write your ebook, design your ebook, and sell your ebook."
"So let's go through each step to create this list of products."
"The first step in our process is to save the data."
"...don't think you have to tackle it all at once take one step at a time..."
"Let's go through it step by step."
"...this rule allows us to introduce type annotations where we're ready to deal with the consequences step by step, function by function."
"It teaches you perseverance endurance determination and it teaches you that you know what if you have a plan and you stick to it you'll get where you want to go you can achieve anything if you take it one step at a time."
"Remember, it's about doing it one step at a time."
"Let's get into it step by step, piece by piece."
"We're going to show you three steps to do so, that's right Bob, one two three."
"We'll start the course right at the beginning and work our way through step by step."
"Make sure you do things step by step and you don't skip anything because it is easy to get it wrong."
"I'm going to take you through everything very slowly step by step so you will better understand how some of these things work."
"I think it's really important to do, for yourself, and try doing it one at a time."
"You can complete that one thing, one step at a time."
"It's totally fine because we will just solve the error step by step."
"Step-by-step books provide excellent preparation."
"The writing process replicates life more closely, just one step at a time."
"I'm going to break this down into steps so that you learn not only the painting process and techniques but also you learn about the tools within the app."
"I very often have to do things in steps."
"The next step is to wash that with the traditional Nuln Oil."
"I'm just taking it one step at a time."
"Iterators let you go through a sequence one step at a time."
"Just do it bit by bit by the modular route."
"Now, let's get started with step number one."
"I'm going to show you exactly how you're going to do this with your own dog and it's a very simple step-by-step process."
"Each course has like several lessons and it's not just one lesson there's like it's all step by step we just explain everything how to do everything."
"The idea with this tutorial is to walk you through in detail step-by-step how to carve one of these yourself using some basic tools."
"Make sure you follow in exact order and check off the steps as you go."
"Your very first step is to cut out all the pieces for the project."
"Hopefully that's a step by step I hope I didn't skip any steps."
"If you just calm down and take it a step at a time, like step one is to bend a piece of tubing, you don't have to think about building an entire cart in one day."
"If you're feeling overwhelmed remember just start with a small section and then move on from there."
"The first step is the biggest step, but I think most people make it too big of a step."
"My best advice for anybody who's looking to start their own car cleaning business is take one step at a time."
"I hope you can see that these things are pretty simple when you break it down step by step."
"Let's take it step by step to make sure we really understand the code."
"This allows you to get it all out of your brain and onto the page and sometimes when you do that you start to find that okay this is more manageable than I thought and I can do this one step at a time."
"Life is a journey that must be traveled step by step."
"We will walk you through the process step by step so that you can craft your conclusion with confidence."
"Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene—one step enough for me."
"I will take you through it step by step and help you understand."
"We now have everything we need, so let's go step by step through the installation."
"It's one step at a time, just like anything in life."
"There's a boy and a horse and they're in the forest, and the boy says to the horse, 'I can't see a way through,' and the horse says to the boy, 'Can you see your next step?' and the boy says yes, and then the horse replies, 'Well then just take that.'"
"And it's just lovely, and this is my junk journal signature step by step."
"So basically what we do is we walk you through the process, and we show you each step."
"We just did whatever it took, we put one foot in front of the other and we just took it a step at a time."
"If you can, just take your daily tasks, your daily focus, one step at a time, one action at a time."
"It's very easy if you'll take it one step at a time."
"You only have to take one step at a time; just a step at a time is hopeful for me."
"Your calm, quiet mind can find solutions, can focus on what is the next right step, can take the next most important thing one thing at a time."
"Whether you're fabricating with new metal or making repairs, always remember that every weld joint is made one weld bead at a time."
"You too can get similar results if you follow our step-by-step guide."
"Here is the step by step of how to actually do this."
"It's five simple steps to creating a profitable ebook."
"Take it one step at a time, take it each day at a time, and just try and think what self-care is gonna suit you right now and just go with it."
"I'm scaring the water, Jackie. We've been over this, just take it one foot at a time."
"We do a new project every single week, we break it down step by step."
"We're going to start off by painting the front of the cake first, then we'll do the flowers and the cake stand."
"We are going to do this project in five steps."
"We're going to take it one step at a time, and it will still be a lot of fun."
"You can find this pattern on the blog, the written pattern here on the YouTube channel, we're going to go through the whole thing every step of the way."
"Once you are able to leave your family or able to tell your family about your decision, then take it from there step by step."
"I'm going to simplify the whole process in this video and walk you through step by step."
"It's super easy, I'm going to take you through it step by step."
"This is going to be a step-by-step video tutorial."
"Well, if so, you've come to the right place because I'm going to be showing you step by step all of the things you need to do."
"I don't look too far ahead; I look just one step at a time."
"She will gracefully guide you firsthand through all the steps."
"We will go through everything step by step."
"Once the matcha powder is prepared, you are ready to add some water."
"I'm going to show you how to do it step by step."
"It's too big a job, it's too daunting, and you just have to take everything step by step."
"It's going to walk you through every single step of the process, from preheating your base all the way to peeling away your liner."
"I woke up convulsing... and she had a talk with me that night, she said okay, tomorrow we're gonna wake up, we're going to have breakfast, we're gonna go to the base, we're gonna do the briefing, we're gonna have lunch, we're gonna come home, it's just one step at a time."
"Everything takes one step at a time."
"Little step-by-step drawings are a great way of describing behaviors and interactions."
"I'm going to break this down into steps to make it really simple and easy."
"Academy will aim to go step by step through written code to show how to accomplish something."
"You're only one person and you gotta take one step at a time."
"I'm gonna walk you through step by step every single component you need to know and you need to understand about creating effective Facebook ads."
"Things are moving in the right direction. We have to just take things one step at a time."
"This is a topic that's easy to get lost in the weeds; we're going to take it one step at a time."
"Just going to take it one step at a time, that's all you can do."
"How do we fix all of it? No one step at a time."
"This is going to be the quintessential, very best step-by-step guide with annotations that you'll be able to look in the timeline."
"When someone's having a hard time learning something brand new, we need to break it down step by step."
"This is a video series where we take everything step by step and I show you how you can build your own food truck."
"It allows you to have a map, and you just take one step at a time towards that goal."
"This is going to be an absolute beginner tutorial, so I will show you how to do everything step by step."
"We are doing everything step by step."
"I want to go through and show you every step that I think and every cut so that you get a really step-by-step authentic view of how to do this."
"Step by step, minute by minute, don't worry about too far into the future, worry about only when it happens."
"I will show you how to make a money-making blog step by step, practically everything in practical."
"We're going to go step by step, little by little, and that makes things easy."
"The only way to live life is from this moment, the next foot forward, and then the next foot forward."
"Just take your steps one at a time, look down one single step at a time, and by the time you look up, you will have come far."
"When I show you how to build a particular application, I like to divide it into several steps so that it is easier for you to understand."
"In building a spreadsheet, usually just start one piece at a time."
"Let's cut straight to it and I'll show you step by step what you need to do."
"By signing up to our course, you're going to see how it is done, step by step."
"Bird by bird, Hannah, just take it bird by bird."
"Please give me a step-by-step guide on how to deploy my project with GitHub Pages."
"Go through step by step, question by question... you should be able to get this form completed within a reasonable amount of time."
"I'm going to show you how to create this landing page step by step."
"Doing LCA is a complicated process but it's still very manageable; you just break it down into steps."
"We're gonna take it step by step and here are some of the things you can do in your home that will also help."
"In this tutorial, we will be creating this amazing blog together in 10 simple steps that anybody can follow."
"I'm more interested in the present, one step at a time."
"We have time. Just one thing at a time."
"We're not only going to talk about how this algorithm works, but we're going to go step by step."
"When we have the logo, then we can go through the process step by step."
"God doesn't lead us year by year, or month by month, or even day by day; He leads us step by step."
"I'm going to step you through it step by step."
"I'll take you through a step-by-step process of how I put this together."
"One step at a time, just like you take on in life."
"I'm just going to be showing you everything step by step how something like that is done."
"I show you exactly a step by step how to recreate this look."
"We can begin to build the structure, and I'm gonna walk you through that step by step."
"I took a big problem and broke it down bit by bit into much smaller steps."
"This course guides you step by step, and you can follow along with everything that we do."
"This is a beginner's tutorial, so I'm going to go through each and every step in detail."
"I will show you step by step how to do that."
"You've just got to not let it overwhelm you; you've got to take it one step at a time."
"Don't think too much about what's on top. Just take step by step and, you know, enjoy the levels you reach."
"We're going to walk you through it step by step."
"I'm armed with coffee, I'm armed with a camera, and we're just gonna take it segment by segment, like a good satsuma."
"And anybody with OCD, it is what it is. You'll deal with it step by step, issue by issue."
"You cannot be so crunch you have to be patient and say you have to do step by step."
"There is no instruction manual on how to build this drone, so I'm going to walk you through step by step, we're gonna build it together."
"I like how they do everything step by step."
"We want to fix problems one by one as we go through."
"Deal with what needs to be done, one step at a time."
"Take care of your job one step at a time."
"Keep things simple and just do things one step at a time."
"Now I know that you can learn anything if you just take it step by step."
"One step at a time, don't get overwhelmed."
"Take things one step at a time, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed."
"Take it one project at a time, right? Don't look at the whole picture, just take it one checklist, one check box at a time."
"It's just been one step at a time, but everything is like for an inspiration."
"It's a bumpy long road to success, and the way we climb mountains is we do it a day at a time, a step at a time, and a breath at a time."
"Let's begin with a step-by-step tutorial."
"It's just a matter of going step by step."
"Try not to get overwhelmed by anything that's going on work-related either. You just have to take things one step at a time."