
Clear Communication Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Answer the specific question that they're asking you."
"Children can't consent. Don't prey on them. Controversy solved."
"The response is very clear and very close, and they believe it said 'Hugo' or 'Mose', meaning 'let's play'."
"He knows what he's doing and why he's doing it."
"Language should aid clear communication; avoid mistakes that hinder understanding."
"I'm standing on a public footpath right, so let's get that clear. While I'm on a public footpath, I can film the company."
"If you understand that you and I are gonna be fine."
"You no longer have the permission to stay with me. I know you've been saying that we're friends, but we're not. You can no longer be here with me."
"That writing should also face in the same direction."
"No means no 👎🏼 thumbs down for consent. Got it?"
"It's not hard, it's not difficult, okay? When a woman says no, it means no."
"There is nothing more important than a very clear understanding."
"You're grown, so you have to say what you mean and mean what you say."
"Anybody that's in a relationship with a man knows that they are in a relationship with a man because he tells them."
"You cannot have an impediment. They don't know how to analyze, so it has to be kept very, very clean."
"Thank you guys so much, this is pretty ridiculous."
"There's somebody here who wants to clear the air with you."
"Make things clear and simple and make the hook and call-to-action appealing and immediate."
"Say what we want to say and say it clearly and frankly, and then deal with the consequences."
"He's got a huge YouTube channel that's going out there... he breaks it down to the T, makes it easy for you guys to understand."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"This is very easy. Explaining how it impacts your wallet right away."
"Your skin is as clear as every single clean ass point you make in your videos."
"People ask Elon to do a lot of things, but he's being very, very clear here."
"Just be very clear about what your game is and then nobody will be disappointed. Obviously honest marketing only works if you have a good game."
"If you have racist policies, say racist things, operate in a racist manner, you are a racist. Period. End of story."
"We need a clear message: endgame plus proper quality of life changes."
"They make their opinions known beyond a shadow of a doubt."
"Make sure on your quest to becoming great that you're keeping people around you that are transparent in their communication and want nothing but the best for you."
"This was a very cool experience and I wanna make that abundantly clear."
"Please don't touch me, that's all you have to say."
"Have a clear ask. Again, don't end an email with a vague statement, have a question, have it easy for them to respond."
"He's left no room for misinterpretation... we focus on the game tomorrow."
"Be unapologetic in asking for what you want."
"She just did it again but this time a little bit more permanent... there's just no way you can't get the point."
"Clarity, transparency, communication: essential."
"Don't assume that somebody is interested in having sex with you, just ask them for consent."
"I'm gonna make sure he knows by putting a signed hat, I signed head of my skin, and a sign itself telling him what happened."
"Express yourself very clearly, group number three, and let people know what you want and what you expect."
"The ace of swords indicates a breakthrough communication."
"Before I get started with today's video, I do want to make a couple things crystal freaking clear."
"For all the questions I've asked Jean-Pierre Hudan, I have to say I received just that: a logical and straightforward answer."
"Make it clear on what you will accept and won't accept."
"You draw the line, you make it very clear: Do not cross this line."
"Communicate what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done."
"If you're helping someone else in an emergency situation and you need to access this bag, you need to tell someone 'hey get the first aid kit out of my bag', you can say the blue pouch."
"Safety's first and that needs to be made clear."
"We actually lay out those boundaries and I think when you give things titles rather than letting them exist in the gray area, you actually get to have these conversations."
"In any business deal, you always state your intentions clearly, or you will never get what you want."
"Bring your hands to the mouth, reminding you to have clear and loving communications."
"I'm speaking very clearly, enunciating my words, and I'm not being lazy or casual with my pronunciation."
"Characters actually communicating clearly and being honest about their feelings to resolve an issue in a healthy and productive way."
"Be clear with your communication, that's very important."
"Always have a very, very, very clear ask to a realtor."
"The structure of documents should have a clear beginning, middle, and end."
"Slow down, enunciate your words, stress the appropriate words in your sentence for greater clarity and greater understanding."
"Always pay attention to what you're doing, who you're climbing with, clear communication with them."
"I like Clarity, I like closure, I like consistency, I like communication."
"Be honest and have integrity. Set clear expectations with the people that you work with or the people that you serve."
"When you're looking for a headset, you want it to cancel out that background noise so that your customers or your meeting or whoever you're talking to can hear your voice loud and clear."
"This person was honest, they communicated some type of truth and clarity to another person."