
Asset Protection Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Assets that you can custody yourself that the police can't seize away from you... seems like a great thing."
"Hopefully next time, you're able to keep your silver in a safer place."
"Your one job in crypto is to protect your crypto."
"I don't want people to lose the assets that they paid for. This is a security issue."
"A hundred percent it is time to cover your assets here at ITM Trading."
"Brinks says it will secure crypto backups in secret vaults."
"Now that MI6's most valued asset was safe, his intelligence could be freely shared."
"Asset protection is probably one of the most vital, important things that you can focus on as you're increasing your wealth and building an estate."
"Reason number one to consider maybe getting some of your assets out of dodge is, of course, what's happening in Russia and Ukraine."
"You need an LLC to separate your personal assets from your business assets."
"You gotta have assets to protect yourself. That's the only way you protect yourself."
"Without one doubt in my mind, it is time to cover your assets."
"The first reason why you want to form your LLC is not for the business, it's for you to protect your assets from business creditors."
"Starting everything forming your LLC is the first step forming it correctly is important but then following the corporate formalities what's going to keep that asset protection."
"Cash settlement means no risk to underlying assets."
"As long as your account's keymaster is safe, no one can seize your bitcoins."
"Your property rights are much weaker in a security than they are in unfettered property."
"Our 24/7 global security team monitors every action and interaction with your assets to protect them end-to-end."
"There's just no place to hide your currency hide your assets or hide your Investments."
"If you have silver stored in your house and your whole house burns down did you lose your silver no the silver did not burn."
"If we want to protect ourselves, we need to invest in tangible assets like real estate and precious metals."
"Protecting space-based assets is critical infrastructure."
"Bitcoin, gold, silver provide protections against inflation and manipulation by central banks."
"The only thing that actually protects the portfolio is gold."
"ArmorFi gives you insurance against your crypto assets."
"If you don't own precious metals right now I think you're destined to really have a difficult time when traditional assets get or have a meeting with price discovery."
"A diversified portfolio has some asset protection and growth, gold, and silver, both bullion and collectibles."
"My version of insurance is not through a company. My version is splitting up in multiple locations, a gigantic safe safety deposit box, different locations store and kind of using different methods of storage."
"Don't be stupid, you worked hard for what you have, keep what's yours."
"I'm all in in both physical gold and physical silver... no doubt about it."
"You've already built something for yourself that has to be protected."
"Come hang out with Casey, leave with a plan to reduce your taxable exposure and protect your assets."
"Protect your assets upon transfer to your kids and also lower your taxes, which are your single biggest expense. So if you want to make more money, cut your expenses, cut your taxes."
"The Roth bucket, you want to leave intact for as long as possible."
"Gold is not really a vehicle to make you rich but a vehicle to keep governments from taking what you earned."
"I didn't want to trust the truffle with everything."
"Gold and bitcoin are just insurance. You need insurance against a loss of purchasing power."
"This is the foundation that's going to help you build your business, build your wealth, better tax planning, asset protection."
"The number one reason to have a Revocable Living Trust is so that you avoid Probate."
"If you want to protect the assets for your spouse when you're gone, the only way you can do that is through a Will and not through a Revocable Living Trust."
"We're going to help you save money on taxes and protect it from criminals out there trying to steal it."
"You want to pull it out of the escorp and protect it in an LLC."
"LLCs do not save taxes, but I love the asset protection point. The LLC sets the platform, the structure."
"...because any of those risks I named can wipe out 100 of your asset and all of human action is a liability working against you now."
"The more you know about that asset the better you can protect it."
"Bitcoin, we believe, is a natural protection against counterparty risk in arbitrary asset seizure."
"Trusts provide privacy protection for asset distribution."
"A trust can provide additional control and protection for your estate."
"For asset protection to work, you're not going to be getting away from paying taxes."
"It's a feel-good thing but it's also a financial plan to have things free and clear that people can't take away from you."
"You never had to sell it, you never lost control of the asset, and it's a good asset protection technique too."
"After today, you're going to be masters at land trust, and you're not going to put your LLC on public record anymore."
"Having a Wyoming or Nevada blocker entity is the key to any proper foundation when it comes to asset protection."
"$88,000 off but what is the cost of this Navigator $105 and it has the door guards so you want to protect your $105,000 depreciating asset that in 5 short years will be worth up to $40,000"
"It's a great way to protect your personal assets while investing in property."
"They could be staying together to protect their assets."
"You want to protect your assets. You don't want the potential for something to fall back on your personal assets."
"...the importance of putting together a plan that ensures that the assets that you are creating now, that they're going to be passed on to your beneficiaries when you're no longer here."
"If inflation continues to outpace expectations, there isn't a single financial asset class that's going to protect you. Stocks, bonds—doesn't matter."
"Having complete ownership is essential to protecting yourself and your hard-earned crypto."
"There are five common scenarios for using a holding company: asset protection, claiming the lifetime capital gains exemption, tax savings, tax deferral, and estate planning."
"Technical controls, a lot of times we cannot see, we cannot, sorry, we, we, we cannot touch it, but we can deny the impact, all right? So, the logical control could be hardware, it could be software mechanism used to protect an asset."
"We must have good internal control to safeguard the assets of the company and eliminate fraud."
"You're not going to have a tremendous amount of success if you don't have an offensive line to protect your largest asset."
"You're your insurance policy is to protect your assets but also to look after the people who are your dependents when you're no longer here."
"Long-term care insurance is meant to protect the assets that you've accumulated."
"By addressing IT risks and weaknesses, organizations can better protect their assets, improve operations, and ensure they meet legal and regulatory requirements."
"Once you have these assets, you need to protect them really fiercely."
"Your invested assets are not subject to the creditors of the brokerage firm."
"Create your trust, fund your trust, and then maintain your trust."
"The trust replaces the will; the trust governs all of the assets that are titled in the name of the trust."
"Protects your personal assets from the debts and liabilities of your company."
"Internal controls are essential to ensure the company's cash and assets are safe."
"The point of an Enterprise Risk Management specialist is to know how to ensure all the assets in a company are accounted for and protected using the least amount of security necessary."
"An estate plan wants to do these things: minimize taxes, possibly provide you control from beyond the grave, but also asset protection."
"Bitcoin is a protective asset, it is something that you can sit on and know that in a world where I feel unsafe with my other assets, this one is still going to be there."
"Asset Protection is about safeguarding your assets and placing them out of the hands of creditors."
"The infinite banking concept is what you get is your benefits guaranteed, money liquid, cash protected in most states from creditors, lawsuits, bankruptcy, and tax-free."
"It's less about protecting the assets from each other and more about making sure that we're protecting the interests of both parties."
"It allows you to have asset protection on that money."
"Trusts may allow beneficiaries to protect assets from creditors as the trust may be bankruptcy remote."
"Trusts are not just some dusty antiquated notion; they're actually an effective tool for the protection of assets."
"Domestic asset protection trust... delivers control while providing asset protection."
"Wyoming offers great protection with the charging order."
"Once you start building business credit, it will actually help you protect your personal assets."