
Data Retrieval Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Stay tuned for how to do this in constant time, how to be able to store an arbitrary key, get it back out in constant time."
"We're even getting the bands that have no album records, which is what we want when we run this query."
"No log n. Just constant time-- you want a word, go get it instantly."
"You can, of course, search for items inside of here."
"There's actually a more reliable source than web scraping and that is APIs."
"This allows you to look up a value in a table and then return a corresponding value."
"Show all items retrieved from the database on the website."
"Distinct is going to be another command we can use."
"With just one query to the server, you're going to be getting back a list of all of the authors and their names and a list of all of their books and their names and no extra information."
"Using Ajax to fetch data from an external API asynchronously."
"VLOOKUP tells us it's in the second position. Is that not totally cool?"
"Querying selectively: Fetching specific data with precision."
"Let's say I just want all students that are from Washington, there you go."
"We're gonna pull a lot of information from this API, and if you want to add more things, then it's gonna be very easy..."
"GET essentially gets data, imagine your computer sending an HTTP GET request to a server to retrieve data."
"Latency is the measurement of delay between the time data is requested when the data starts being returned."
"The DAX distinct function returns a one column table populated with distinct values."
"A relational database management system allows us to store, manage, query, and retrieve data stored in a relational database."
"GraphQL allows us to specify exactly what data and what fields we need back from the server."
"With SQL, you're learning more and more to get exactly the data you need with one single query."
"We should be able to retrieve elements that are already stored so given a key we should be able to retrieve that element"
"...how do we get data into those databases and then how do we get data out of those databases? We do that using the structured query language, which is SQL."
"This is going to trigger this function and fetch new data from the API."
"With GraphQL, you get exactly the data you need, nothing more, nothing less. That's what the query language allows you to have."
"X lookup is going to be your best friend. It literally simplifies the whole process of doing an index match."
"That's how you can use some database functions to look up some data in a big table or a database, particularly where you've got multiple criteria."
"...provided the storage isn't encrypted you may be able to retrieve files and folders from it."
"...the other thing is that in modern computers when you grab something from RAM you don't just get the thing that you grabbed you also get other values."
"You can pull in data from just about anywhere."
"X lookup offers various methods for retrieving records."
"This is something that you're gonna be doing a lot when you're building a web application and you need to grab information from different APIs."
"GraphQL only returns back what we ask for."
"The zen of eager loading refers to the fact that eager loading does not want to ever change the results that you get back."
"Constructing the API URL to fetch data from."
"I'm much more of an advocate of actually trying to find and reverse engineer the back end API to get the data that way."
"The get method basically is a function that will make the API call and grab data from that call."
"You want to be able to do fast range queries to return an entire series or to do a computation on a series of events."
"Using Spot On, you have the ability to go back to that date and pull up any report."
"I want to get the top 10 most expensive products."
"Let's work on getting all the articles."
"In GraphQL, it's the client who decides what data it needs from the server."
"Now we need to fetch the data from the API."
"As a data scientist, you are always dealing with data, you are retrieving data from some data tables, and for which you need to use structured query language."
"That's the big difference between GraphQL and a REST API, I can get only the data that I want."
"Let's go ahead and keep the ID that we want to look for."
"A FULL OUTER JOIN instructs the database to include all of the records from both the left table and the right table regardless of whether a match exists."
"The query language here is absolutely unreal for getting the right data you want very quickly."
"VLOOKUP is going to search for a name and return the value from the column you specify."
"Find all is going to give you back a result set with all of the elements on the entire page that match whatever you're asking soup to find."
"We're going to reduce the amount of IO because we only need to read exactly the data that we need."
"You would go to the Graph API if you want to get user information, file information, email information, or even Teams call information."
"Let's define a function that fetches our data."
"The query performance is how long it takes to retrieve the data."
"Okay, so hopefully, you've learned a lot in how to get data, this time using GraphQL."
"Full-text searching provides a smarter way for you to search text that's in your tables."
"The benefit of CDS view is actually getting you that data much faster."
"An API allows us developers to be able to go and fetch data on a remote server that has all the things that we don't even have to know."
"VLOOKUP looks for a value in the leftmost column of the table and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify."
"Understanding how these devices manage their data can provide forensic examiners with the ability to retrieve a wealth of information."
"Choose a database system that supports efficient retrieval and sorting of data."
"We're going to implement the GET method, which is an HTTP method, which will return all the to-dos from the database, return there's a beautiful JSON payload."
"The core of querying data is the select statement and it retrieves data from tables."
"In this way, you can have your customized filter applied on two different columns and get your data."
"REST APIs require loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL APIs get all of the data in a single request."
"We've successfully pulled in data on the fly and saved it to a variable."
"This is the data from the backend, that means I can successfully load data from backend."
"If the response status code is 200, we're going to get the JSON."
"This request is saying get search results from produce index, I'm interested in the aggregations results only."
"With GraphQL, you can basically target specifically what fields that you want."
"So you just look up the quote unquote 'Alice' position of this array and boom, there would be Alice's phone number in constant time."
"It can be retrieved and searched quickly to make your web applications or web pages potentially faster."
"We are reading data from our database and that is the select command."
"You can search all of this text and do stuff with it inside your Access database."
"This hook does is it basically will look and retrieve and also save things to our local storage."
"Enter City, and it will go ahead and fetch the data from an API."
"We're almost at the stage of us pulling some live price data directly into Power Query or into Excel via Power Query."
"If we can return some data, that's going to be good enough to keep things running."
"So the reason that we start off retrieving data out of numpy arrays using this combination of getitem and slicing calls is that it is extraordinarily fast and efficient."
"So for that, we have a second way of retrieving data from numpy arrays, and the second way is going to be using something that, for I don't know what reason, is called fancy indexing."
"GraphQL allows you to execute queries however you want and just get the information that you want."
"We can find a specific row by passing that label."
"The game of using MPTT is to make retrieval operations very efficient on hierarchical data."
"That is what we want, you guys, that is what we want, look at that, pulling in the information beautifully, that is just perfect, that's money right there."
"We want to provide some feedback to the user that we're loading or fetching the data."
"With a trie, your lookup time would be Big O of one; it's constant time."
"Seek directly to the row that matters and start reading that data out in order."
"Relational databases typically allow you to retrieve data using the structured query language or SQL."
"We're going to grab a new comment and we'll say comment where the ID is equal to the ID of the one we just saved."
"As a simple way to do it, putting your data into SRA Explorer, getting the list of download URLs from there, and using their little bash script on your UNIX machine to pull all of that data down is a really convenient way to do it."
"I would like to be able to ask just where is Tom, I want Tom's data."
"It's a fast way to find and retrieve data."
"This is how you put information into a database, how you take it out, and how you just read what's in it."
"Typically what you do in a real app is you're not going to be hard coding in the data into the project itself, you're going to be retrieving that data from somewhere else on the Internet."
"Our goal is to read out the data from each of the recorders and get information back into the investigators' hands within 24 hours."
"Time travel gives you the ability to look at your data at any point in time up to a period of 90 days ago."
"GraphQL is a query language that queries your REST API and provides you with the data that you need."
"The VLOOKUP function is great for looking up and retrieving data from a specific column."
"It takes constant time to add or retrieve data from a HashMap."
"SQL is a language via which you can do exactly that, retrieve data from a database, put data into a database, and so much more."
"Once we refresh, we still have access to the items we have in our list."
"It's very easy to fetch any kind of data, you just need to create a query."
"Now we have to connect to the blockchain and retrieve the data from our contract living on the Ethereum network."
"Vlookup function is used for looking up a piece of information in a table and extracting some corresponding data or information."
"VLOOKUP takes advantage of vertically aligned tables to quickly find data associated with the value the user enters."
"The nice thing about being able to subset an element using its name is that you don't have to remember where it is in the list."
"The archived data is available for quick and easy retrieval, and users can recall archived data by simply clicking on the file."
"I was able to say exactly what data I wanted to fetch."
"We should be able to type in new songs to add to our database and also read all the songs from the database."
"We're basically just going to be running an elastic search node and we're going to be indexing documents and then we're going to be searching on them."
"It's usually more important to be specific about exactly which columns you want."
"That's how to use the VLOOKUP to retrieve something from a table."
"Now I'm able to get the data from the database for a particular user."
"One of the things that separates NetSuite from the rest is when it is time to retrieve your data."
"Rather than doing a full post back each time you want to retrieve some new data, you could just do an Ajax query to just pull out the one object that you want."
"The retrieval Big O time complexity for an array is actually going to be Big O of one or constant."
"The dictionary lets you choose the keys that you want to look up data with."
"We're going to fetch the latest 10 blocks."