
Pet Behavior Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Blue is a little antisocial... I feel like your dog is just a reflection of you."
"A lot of books will describe the breed as dog-like because they're very much into wanting to be with their humans."
"He's missed you, I can tell, he's been screaming all day."
"You could spend every moment of your Waking Life attending to your cockatoo and it would probably still want more."
"She may not be magical... but what she did was real magic."
"Every piece of furniture in this house, including the house itself, destroyed by the cats."
"Playing with your cat before bed? They might just want to keep playing and be a jerk about it."
"I heard what you know what your dog dreams like, I heard that, I'm like, oh, it's snowing."
"If it's clear who's number one in the relationship, he'll be a happier and more relaxed member of the family."
"Every time he's scared about other strangers, he just comes and sits right next to me."
"Annie was never a play cat... but now she runs around, she plays with the kittens' toys, she has fun."
"Curious TikTok commenters believe Ashley's cat might have been trying to protect the home from an unwanted dark entity."
"Adapting to your dog's behavior is part of being a good trainer."
"I feel like what I'm saying is bad and I thought it's just because my cat likes to play hide and seek..."
"He was fierce, ferocious, aggressive... and yet at home, he was probably the perfect family pet."
"I think it's hard to go wrong with a Golden Retriever, I've never seen one that wasn't happy. They're always in a good mood, it's f**king crazy."
"It's like having a pet that, like, you know that if you do set up this mousetrap of events, you're gonna get poop on the carpet, but you just, you don't feel it until it's too late."
"The somewhat spooky nickname of the Bull Mastiff is the 'silent watchdog,' which gives them an air of mystery but also means that they make great dogs for apartment living since they're not barkers and they won't upset the neighbors."
"They're known for being very good with children."
"If you're looking for the kind of companion dog that wants to be in your lap wants to be cuddled they're definitely not like that."
"My cat is an escape artist, absolutely. Like, she is determined that she could live in the wild."
"Every time I see that hamster, I remember, 'Oh yeah, don't trust Squashy.'"
"If you're not entertaining him, he's going to be finding ways to entertain himself."
"The death of an owner is a tremendous shock to any pet. The animal can become confused, aggressive, and sad."
"Any dog can be a bad dog, it just depends on how you bring them up."
"The American Staffordshire Terrier can be extremely vicious and violent, but it all depends on how they were raised."
"Dogs are happy to see you, cats are like, oh yeah wizard!"
"She's loving exploring the world, she's listening so well."
"Relax, everybody. Oscar took his place, he's relaxing, everybody's relaxed."
"It's always a good sign as well when your dog is barking at something next to you in the sky."
"She attacks you, she's just like my cat. The Beast is like my cat when it's nighttime."
"Cats are just troubles, you know? I'm just saying."
"He's actually ignoring me, that puppy. Come here, ignore me, come here, come here handsome."
"Pets just like to play hide and seek, but hamsters aren't as good at hiding as dogs."
"Grace happens to be away the budgies are very active during the day."
"Our man has been on the run for 30 minutes. Also, our man is a dog."
"Mackie just threw up. She may be the stupidest dog I've ever met."
"That he'll eat something and then go sit under the sofa and wait for us to come and get it it's like having a child."
"The first issue you watch out for is a cat who's just hiding all the time."
"This dog reminds me a lot of my own dog. He takes poops like all over the room."
"She definitely understands the click means she's getting a treat."
"Getting your rabbits fixed really helps reduce aggressive behavior."
"This absolutely could not have been created by a four-pound Yorkie, it's just impossible."
"It's like oh you gave me a laser pointer I can make my cat attack anything."
"The difference in damage between a sad and a happy pet is absolutely enormous."
"Us Doberman owners know that our dogs very often chew the stump of their tail when they're older."
"Dogs love ice cubes stop kicking the damn Ice Cube under the fridge you're gonna ruin the linoleum."
"There is nothing more obnoxious than an arrogant dog."
"I love it when Tigg always talks. He looks in the most random directions when he's talking to the camera."
"How do I stop my dog sucking my toes? Maybe you just need to take Rambo's dog."
"There's something so special about the sound of dachshund feet on the floor."
"This little sausage's behavior has been so much better since we got him a new girlfriend."
"He's still running around and playing like a younger beagle."
"They play slightly differently, like Teddy prefers it when you move something along the floor, while Billy likes to jump up."
"Billy is a lot more confident than Teddy, and generally Teddy will lean on Billy a lot."
"Your cat leaving the litter box, perfect meme material."
"That's his nest that he's made. Oh, you must lay there, he lays in that little hole. Oh my god, that's so cute, I love him even more now."
"My dog wakes me up by licking my inner ear. My dogs love to lick my bald head, my inner ear, they go for it."
"Skye is just having a ball by herself, literally and figuratively, my gosh, Skye, you're a crazy little girl today."
"Your dog is always gonna take on your energy, so if you have like frantic anxious energy, the dog will pick up on that."
"Dogs get a glow about them, they just seem happier and more loving all the time."
"Jackson would eat anything and then he just stopped."
"I have two dogs, they can be troublemakers sometimes."
"He never came to me when I would call unless I had a tennis ball, or he felt like it, but mostly he didn't come at all."
"Miley, she is my companion, she's just my friend, and she loves showing off in front of everybody."
"My dog's favorite toy is empty Gatorade bottles."
"He refuses to lie down like a normal cat. Please lay down like a normal cat."
"My dogs are they got the zoomies."
"That's when it happened, Belle, my dog went stock still and stared right past me towards the pond, ears perked up on high alert."
"I've done nothing but cut him slack. He sleeps on my car, he's always stealing Ladybird's squeaky toys, remember when he kept a chamber pot by his bed? He keeps burying his porno in our backyard. And he... well, I can't put up with it forever. It ends today. Yep, yep, yep."
"No take only throw. Please pet, no pet. Only pet."
"Scratching helps cats feel safe, confident, and marks their territory."
"The dog sleeps downstairs. He sleeps on the sofa and then in the morning, when he wakes up, he comes up to our bedroom and every single day, he asks permission to get on the bed."
"Oh my god, cat, do not shake your head behind my chair, you just scared me. You are such an idiot for not... Why is that clown sitting there on that chair like that? Put it somewhere else."
"Everyone is left dumbfounded by this unexpected display of power from their canine friend."
"I genuinely think my dogs do that. They think that we all survived because they barked at the door."
"I think about like you know like if your cat like you're playing with them and like they scratch you and it hurts like you're like man you're such a little [ __ ] like how are you hurting me."
"Yell at your vacuum cleaner to get your dogs to stop barking at it. Wait, this actually works?"
"Every single time she eats, she licks her Bowl clean and she is so excited for Meal Time."
"Becca, Becca, Becca, you just said Felix has peed in all their houses."
"He just wants to climb. He's just like me because he gave you guys a kiss."
"Finding out that my cat potty trained himself."
"Dogs tell us so much more than a lot of people realize. If only they would tune in to their dogs."
"Guys, we have a dog that would have a thousand percent just munched that entire plate."
"Not so cute when he's slobbering all over you, huh?"
"The biggest thing I see people have is, you know, they say your dog's not socialized because it's aggressive towards other animals."
"He and his aggression's only with male dogs. Oh yeah, bigger male dogs. If he meets a small male dog, he loves them."
"When the wrong human comes home. 'Oh, hey, coming in.' And, nope, not you. Screw you."
"my dog pissed twice on my bed this morning because she's mad at me"
"she has emotions because she thinks she's the queen"
"I was so scared, but Chloe wasn't barking or anything."
"You whistle so when you whistle you summon spirit your dog can see that is that why is that why they can see it because your owner is technically calling that."
"This morning, he cuddles really cute in the bed. He came up to Ela in the morning and he sat on her head, like where the pillow and her head meets at the top, and he was just sitting there so cute."
"People think you know cats are puppies when they're whining and they're, oh they're so cute like no they are calling for their mommy cuz they are scared and they want to be with their mom."
"We had him in here just with this shut and he didn't eat for so long, and he there was wood over here and he was under there for literally like a week."
"I told you, don't you go back under the covers and there she goes right back in the covers."
"Every morning when I come out to walk the dogs, Bear is laying at the entry of the property."
"The only problem with them is that Bella thinks that she's now allowed to sit on your knee constantly."
"They're getting a little bit more brave because obviously I'm standing out here and they're still in the patio. The one with the white has been the most Brave today."
"She knows exactly how to push Aussie's buttons and she does it like masterfully."
"Ragnar is definitely more of a lap cat than Gigi and Milan. Gigi's never really liked cuddles at all. She's let us pick her up, but she didn't enjoy it."
"They can be nice but also bad, but they're mostly nice."
"She loved bacon and eggs, she loved beer, and apparently if you were ever having mixed drinks, Reckless would walk up to you, nudge you with her head and stick out her lower lip and let you mix a mixed drink directly into her mouth. Amazing."
"Then our dog comes running downstairs, stops in the middle of the room, looks at me, and then goes to walk outside."
"Every single night for the last like ten days I've had to kick my cat out of the bedroom."
"My dogs woke up and frantically jumped off the couch and started barking, running for the front door like someone's there."
"He would run up to anyone and everyone, tail wagging, the friendliest thing."
"We love doing this and Bella definitely loves barking at our neighbors, that's one of her favorite hobbies."
"You now have a physical cue that means ‘go on your spot’, ‘get on your bed’, ‘hop it up’ or whatever verbal cue you want to add to that."
"They're very good around kids, perfect."
"Separation anxiety implies when your dog is separated by a barrier... they're experiencing distress because of the separation."
"I think dogs in general are naturally protective. I don't think that you need to get a protective dog to have a protective dog."
"He spent a little time exploring before getting right down to business and scratching and climbing all over it."
"The joy of having a dog that walks to heel is when I give owners something. It's often a behavior that we'll address quite quickly."
"Like a wild animal will grow up fast; a dog never grows up, it's a puppy for life."
"The best way to exercise a cat is make sure that it's their idea and not yours."
"Bettas like to rest... if you see your betta is doing this don't panic, he's probably just resting."
"One of the rats, a rat called Ninja... she was the most confident one and she seemed so sweet and outgoing."
"Our cats would rather sleep in a box than a cat tower."
"We were really worried about Merlin being a big boisterous Rottweiler, but he's turned out right in the end."
"The Scarlet Macaws are known to become one-person birds, meaning they tend to prefer one person in the household."
"It's just puppy behavior, sometimes he could be bored and super under stimulated."
"She is one of the most social kind kitties I have ever seen."
"I'm just happy that Prada is not a mean cat, and she's smart."
"The repetitive licking of a puppy on a substance like peanut butter releases calming endorphins."
"Cats are warm and friendly; cats just walk around your house so arrogant, like 'I don't like any of you.'"
"I learned not to make a fuss with goodbyes and hellos and kept my own energy levels as calm as possible."
"Our dogs are a reflection of our understanding of how to train dogs."
"The goal is to try to tire your puppy out because that leads to better behavior."
"She's the most talkative one by the way."
"Ball pythons really do utilize vertical space more than we think."
"Every bearded dragon is different; they all have their little cute quirks."
"You are warm and you are providing a comfortable place for them to sleep, so of course, given the opportunity, they're going to nuzzle in and try to sleep on you."
"He's a good guard dog, he does have some separation anxiety, he doesn't destroy things, he doesn't bark, he just wants to be by your side all the time."
"It's vital to recognize that responsible dog ownership, proper training, and early socialization are significant factors that shape a dog's behavior."
"My dog's world is much fuller than most because they are so well mannered, calm, adjusted, and happy, which means they are welcome anywhere."
"I'm pretty sure he's telling us he wants us to go to bed because this is what he does when he doesn't like that we're not sitting on the couch or in bed when it starts getting late."
"He's just an amazingly well-behaved dog."
"She loves to fetch, she loves to play, but her main thing is cuddles."
"A cat can make any mistake appear intentional."
"We're real cats. Yeah, we love clawing the sofa, purring all day, and eating salmon kibble, isn't that right, buddies?"
"She's just sitting in her bed waiting for her treat like a good girl."
"Learning that because of her breed that she's just going to be high energy... that was really, really helpful."
"If cats hate you, you might be the problem."
"My cat likes big litters, even though he's not a big cat, he likes to act like he is."
"I just want to get her more comfortable around new people ultimately so it's not like every time she sees a new person she feels like she needs to protect me."
"He's just taking a little nap; he's just a sleepy little guy."
"Rocky was a good dog today, he didn't interrupt us."
"Licking behavior is naturally soothing, anxiety-reducing, entertaining for dogs, and it's just a great way to add more enrichment to their day."
"He actually wants to play with me more than he wants to eat this piece of food."
"Is it worth buying a husky? Do you think they're too dramatic? Yeah, you totally shouldn't get one. I have three because they're too dramatic."
"Fred is a super dumb and super sweet Russian blue."
"Dealing with dog-on-dog aggression in the same home is extremely difficult."
"Hey, it really is okay, he's a dog. This is what dogs do."
"My cat Spaghetti does not like being touched on her belly; she just bites me."
"My dog actually misses me, comes into the bedroom at night and looks around for me."
"It's a cat, Ronald, what do you expect?"
"They are very petite and seek the warmth as well."
"He's so sweet when he doesn't like something, he doesn't get aggressive, but he'll just lick you."
"Bo believes that every disc belongs to him."
"Rocky likes to sit like a gentleman."
"She's usually happy, but sometimes she wants a cuddle."
"We always get a little bit grumpy at this stage, but as soon as we're allowed to run free, it's so much fun."
"He's communicating with me, he's figured out that if he sits at the door and looks at me and wags his tail, that it means he needs to go to the bathroom."
"Naughty cat of the week: Bit a hole in my brother's ear. Nice cat of the week: Did not eat garbage this week."
"They love being able to run through all the way, stand on top, or hide in the middle."
"He is playful but mostly calm and loves to cuddle."
"I ran back really excited to eat my macaroni and cheese."
"That's one water-loving dog right there."
"They fight like cats and dogs, but as soon as one is without the other, it's just sad puppy dog faces."
"I think the same can be said for the vast majority of these dogs that are pets in people's homes."
"A physically and mentally tired dog doesn't have much energy to expend when he's left alone."
"She wasn't overly affectionate with strangers... not everybody likes dogs."
"Rabbits, like cats, expect this is my house, you just live here, human."
"I'm telling you, he's more like a dog than a cat."