
Django Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"We have a fully deployed, fully functional Django application."
"Django is all about getting as much output with as little input as possible."
"Django makes it easy to build web applications more quickly with less code."
"I have about 90 minutes worth of material of Django that hasn't been seen."
"I don't know about you, but the 'why' of Django seems pretty compelling to me."
"Django doesn't have any magic it just has Python and a few quote unquote advanced language features to make your life easier."
"This is the benefit of using Django - you don't have to go into source code, just change the back end."
"That's a fully working notes app with Flutter and Django backend."
"I'm really trying to break Django more into the mobile app world."
"Can you build mobile apps with Django? I just know I'm gonna get people commenting."
"Django follows the MVT design pattern: Model View Template."
"Django is a high-level framework and it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you."
"Django is very scalable, versatile, and runs on Python."
"That's extremely powerful that right out of the box with Django we have the ability to go into the admin page and just change all of our models and all of our objects."
"One of the coolest things that you get from Django is just exquisite."
"That's my stuff, that's my number one, right there, Django man, that's my stuff, fire movie, classic. That's a classic."
"We're already starting to save stuff, we already hopefully see how easy it is to map data in Django."
"Coding for entrepreneurs is doing try Django."
"My goal for this one is to help you learn and master Django."
"React's spa optimization plus Django's powerful features make it even better."
"Both React and Django are the most popular libraries and frameworks in their respective domains."
"Once that command is finished, you can then load up the Django extensions shell plus."
"Deploying to AWS light cell containers, setting up a database using Django admin and handling media file uploads using S3, and that's basically everything."
"Once the build command is finished, we can type docker-compose up, and this should start our service so we should be able to access our service once this starts and test out our Django placeholder page."
"The service is started; let's open up our browser and let's just head over to Hit enter, and you should see this Django 3.2 placeholder landing page. So this means that we've configured our Docker files successfully."
"That's how you set up Visual Studio Code to be able to use the integrated debugging tools on a Django application that is running in Docker."
"Django allows you to build complex web applications with very little coding."
"Congratulations on completing the Django series."
"We've learned a lot in the first six lessons of this Django series."
"With pytest, testing Django APIs becomes a seamless process."
"pytest's flexibility makes it ideal for testing various aspects of Django applications."
"Django is a high-level Python web framework suitable for easy and simple projects."
"Django views encapsulate the logic to process user requests and return responses."
"Django templates generate dynamic web pages, allowing you to show static and dynamic data from databases."
"Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) allows interaction with application data from relational databases without writing SQL queries."
"Django supports a robust cache system for saving web pages to improve performance."
"Django comes with a built-in user authentication system."
"Render is a shortcut for passing a data dictionary with a template."
"Django offers an easy way to set views called generic views."
"In case all your templates need the same objects, you can use the request context."
"This is basically how you set up a Django deployment to an AWS server using Docker."
"Knowing middleware, caching, context managers, view sets, and routers would be big pluses."
"One of the key benefits of class-based views is the way they allow you to compose bits of reusable behavior."
"The generic views provided by REST Framework allow you to quickly build API views that map closely to your database models."
"Django Rest Framework, also known as DRF, is used for developing RESTful APIs."
"The building blocks of Django REST API include models, views, URLs, and serializers."
"Hello and welcome to the Django RM Mastery Course."
"Now I have a working e-commerce website built at Django and Vue."
"The first thing we're going to install now is Django."
"We just need to create a new Django project."
"And to create the Django app, we just stop the server down here."
"I'm going to go with Django just because the scope of a film is so much bigger."
"Python is a very fun language, and Django is a framework based on Python."
"Congratulations, Django worked successfully, but we are not here to create just a Django basic app; we are here to create a chatbot app."
"One of the things I'm most proud of in developing Django is our amazing documentation."
"This is all you have to do to create a database model in Django."
"So that was our very first web application in Django. It seemed quite complicated."
"And we'll take a look at how we can quite easily build this application in Django and actually make it even more featured than our Flask version using potentially fewer lines of code, in fact."
"Django takes care of that for me."
"It was generated for me by Django's migration system."
"Now I can just say f.origin.code, for instance, to get JFK as the code of the origin of this flight, or f.origin.city to get New York City."
"Is there a way to stop us from doing something stupid like adding a flight from Paris to Paris, which right now we could do? And the answer is yes."
"This is often just a great place to jump start the process of allowing yourself to modify data."
"This package allows you to organize Django settings into multiple files and directories, easily override and modify settings."
"Everything like we would do for a production-grade actual Django project."
"We now have Neon integrated into our Django project, which is fantastic."
"So overall, the Django Debug Toolbar, I hope you would agree, provides us some really valuable information."
"I just want to say a quick thank you to all the people who are uploading videos on YouTube for Django related applications and examples."
"Hello and welcome back to another Django tutorial."
"Managing data in Django is obviously a very critical task."
"Django has a built-in authentication system."
"We want to see how to build a website using Python with the Django web framework."
"This project is designed to quickly get you set up and started with a Django app."
"Let's turn on our server and login to the admin panel."
"I think I like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood more than Django and Inglorious Basterds."
"Django is awesome for building applications quickly."
"Master database interactions with Django."
"Once you have it, you can set up Django so you can perform these searches and get the relevant results."
"Super user has full access and control within the Django admin site."
"In Django, when we create a new model, Django automatically creates some model permissions: add, change, delete, and view."
"The permission required mixin is going to allow us to actually set user permissions or permission checks on models."
"So that is what Django tenants allows you to do."
"Once you're done with this tutorial series, you'll have many more high-level tools that you can use to build your Django applications."
"So let's go ahead and install Django."
"Django is a very popular Python-based web framework; it's been used by a lot of companies, and a lot of developers love it."
"A single top-level Django project can contain multiple apps; each app controls an isolated piece of functionality."
"Rather than hard coding a URL... Django will figure out where our static files are located."
"A Django template is a text file... Django templates can also be non-HTML files such as CSV templates or email templates."
"The model-view-template is a design pattern used by Django for developing a web application."
"Django's form class offers a very convenient set of class methods to take care of most of the form processing and validation for us."
"In Django, a view is described as a callable that takes in a request and returns a response."
"The whole point of this series is to take the magic out of class-based views and give you an overview of all the different generic class-based views that Django has to offer."
"I think Django's my favorite Tarantino movie."
"All we have to do is create a class, define our model, create a migration, and push that migration into the database, and Django takes care of the rest for us."
"I want to show you how to use the inline form set Factory in Django."
"Django DRF is a package that allows us to convert our application into an API."
"Django is a high-level Python web framework that makes development much faster."
"Suddenly Django becomes this much more powerful framework to build event-driven applications rather than just web applications."
"Django handles all error cases by raising an exception which is invoked via an error handling view that you can configure."
"By creating forms this way, developers are guaranteed to add Django's layer of security."
"Django provides a very efficient way to save received data as a response directly to the database."
"Django admin provides a convenient means of accessing and modifying databases from a friendly user interface."
"Using the Django admin panel can save a lot of time for the developer by providing an interface that is easy to modify inside your project and model."
"You're making great progress on your Django journey."
"You should now be able to design a Django web application using Python, HTML, and CSS."
"Django provides a set of commands that auto-generates a project structure that contains the configuration and settings related to the entire web application."
"Django is feature-rich and includes many right out of the box features that you can use to handle common web development tasks."
"Django is very secure and helps developers avoid many common security mistakes."
"Finally, Django is highly scalable."
"We've created a CRUD feature now for our application utilizing our Django backend."
"Django is a great back end and it also does really well for building out APIs."
"This page is definitely worth reading if you want to learn a little bit more about the Django authentication system."
"It's using this contained search mechanism, which Django comes built in with."
"Django's philosophy follows the DRY principle, which stands for do not repeat yourself."
"In Django, we refer to these files as static files."
"Django will look for static files similarly to how it finds templates inside polls."
"This is the real benefit and advantage of using Django."
"You don't always get what you want in life, but Django generic views comes pretty close."
"This is incredibly easy and a lot of fun, and it's one of the reasons why we like Django so much."
"Hello, welcome back to Did Django projects where we're building a simple blog web app."
"The first task we need to build a new app, we're going to call that blog because we're building a blog application."
"We're going to develop a small database for our blog app."
"Each model in Python is a Python class that subclasses the Django DB models dot Model."
"We're going to create a URL, you're going to then build your view and then a template."
"After we've done that, we're going to look at another Django form field, the model multiple choice field, which lets you select multiple related objects in the form."
"The Django method of doing this is to create one folder that will hold all of our images, CSS, JavaScript files, and so on."
"Django is a high-level web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern."
"Django appears to be an MVC framework, but you can call the controller 'The View' and the view 'The Template'."
"Django provides an ORM that allows developers to work with a database using Python objects without having to write SQL queries directly."
"Django provides an automatic admin interface that allows developers to manage their application's data using a web-based interface without having to write any code."
"Django has built-in security features such as protection against cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection attacks."
"Django is designed to be scalable, so it can handle large amounts of traffic and data without slowing down."
"The models are the backbone of any Django application; they represent the data and the business logic."
"Now that we've got this blank Django project, let's go ahead and actually do the work."
"Django actually uses its own templating engine, it looks like Jinja."
"Django already has built-in authentication for us."
"Python is one of the top programming languages; Django is one of the top frameworks for Python."
"Django uses a 'batteries included' approach."
"Django makes building APIs absolutely easy."
"Think of settings.py as the core project configuration."
"So just to recap what we've got here, we've got sessions so we're using sessions here in Django."
"Now we're going to convert a Django model instance to a dictionary with a really simple built-in method."
"Let's go ahead and say basically we're going to set the parameters to build up our Django container."
"This is a fundamental aspect of Django that is used all across the board in many many places."
"In this short course, I will try and pack in all the basic concepts that will help you on your way to learning and mastering Django for rapid web development."
"So let's start off by answering what is the Django framework? The key point here, as I already said, was rapid development."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to order blog posts with Django and Python."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to create the change password page for our blog with Django and Python."
"We've actually created a Django project and we can test to make sure that this project is working by just running a server on our local machine."
"We successfully set up two pages that we can see and we kind of understand now how this URL directory system works."
"We want to control those analytics so we will use custom analytics using Django."
"Building out this image gallery using Django."
"We're gonna look at user authentication for a blog with Django and Python."
"We're gonna use the Django authentication system, it's baked right into Django, we can just sort of tap into it."
"Instagram has been very happy with their choice of Django."
"We're planning to stick with Python and Django and we want to do our part to help keep the community strong."
"Django rest framework sits nicely on top of existing Django code and has a very thorough feature set."
"Django itself doesn't necessarily need Celery to run, but when they come together, you can use the Django admin to manage your Celery processes."
"The goal of Django is to be able to develop applications incredibly fast."
"You can use quite a bit of Django, you can use Django URL dispatch, the request and response objects, view error handling, the new Django templates, you can add your own filters and tags."
"It's possible to go the other way, I wrote a fairly substantial App Engine application using Django."
"So let's now head over to Django and now put all this code into some sort of functional app so that we can output some predictions."
"In this tutorial, we're going to create and prepare the Django app for deployment to the Heroku service."
"Now to create a project in Django, add the Django admin start project."