
Harsh Conditions Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The extreme conditions of the gulags cemented the bond between prisoners and arms."
"Prepare because what's coming this fall and what's coming this summer could be brutal."
"Alaska is beautiful and brutal, nature in the universe is beautiful and brutal."
"People describe the concert as being hell on Earth and I think that's exactly what he was trying to do."
"Imagine this: It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit, you're starving, crammed next to 14,000 people you don't know, and they didn't even think to put up an umbrella for some shade."
"Every person watching agrees, every person in this country of 330 million agrees: you shouldn't be fired for leaving a freezing-cold truck."
"Somewhere that denies its people's souls, their individuality, their happiness. Somewhere way too hostile for anyone to survive. That's what Marxism is, and that is not hyperbole."
"Survival is not going to be pretty. Survival is going to be the most horrific possible thing you can imagine."
"For most living animals, being frozen in ice is nothing short of a death sentence."
"There's nothing progressive about having people sleeping in 10 degree weather."
"Their culture has adapted a way of life to survive and even thrive in the harsh conditions of the planet."
"The battle went on hour after hour in numbing cold and mind-dazing noise."
"Life under slavery sucked no matter who you were."
"For those who found themselves suddenly ripped away from their ancestral homes, an awful existence awaited in the new world."
"Alaska... a harsh but beautiful place... one in every 250 people go missing every year."
"Scientists believe that the Neanderthals who killed the family resorted to cannibalism to survive."
"I give her a B-tier because one, she's living in a harsh environment." - Ygritte
"So far this has been great if you're looking for a vehicle that can get you up to a mountain pass in harsh conditions."
"Super strong coating, great durability for harsh conditions."
"I pray to god that he has the most horrible traumatizing time in prison ever."
"Life in any Russian prison is incredibly tough... Only way to escape this prison is by dying."
"I think I would rather have a death penalty than spend my life in prison."
"There's something about those miserable cold conditions that really appeals to me."
"Consider that the alternative is to wander alone in this barren wasteland. Out there, it's dark and cold, and you'll likely die shivering and alone."
"Alaskan crab fishing: one of the riskiest occupations on the planet."
"I love this atmosphere of just trudging through the cold, a bit tired, a bit angry too, but sanctuary is nearby."
"Imagine, I mean just try to put yourself in the shoes of a soldier in trench warfare on these battlefronts. It's muddy, it smells awful."
"Struggling to survive in the harsh reality of life on the frontier."
"His Greenland consisted of maybe 350 people, plus a whole bunch of livestock clinging to a tiny temperate zone on the edge of a frozen wasteland."
"To say this was a toxic work environment would be an understatement."
"Terrible working conditions, unlawful hours, and shockingly low pay were the realities."
"Fun fact: 135 days through winter, freezing your ass off."
"In the icy depths of the Gulf of Alaska, the Coast Guard confronts gale force winds and massive waves. I wouldn't want to be on that boat, you."
"How could they do this to all these women? Here to be forcefully housed with this serial rapist is extremely callous and abusive."
"Life arose on this world under conditions much worse than those that killed the dinosaurs."
"This is gonna be one of the most brutal economies for the next year or two and possibly for the next decade that anybody has seen in the history of the human race."
"Imagine if your boss could beat you as much as he wanted as long as you didn't die. It's ridiculous."
"Conditions were brutal, even more so when you learn that nearly half these mill workers were children."
"Welcome to the Outback, one of the most unforgiving regions in the world."
"It looks like somebody threw them down the [ __ ] drag strip."
"Imagine a pregnant black woman who worked on a large Plantation... you would think her Masters would excuse her... the realities instead were that pregnant enslaved women were subjected to the same arduous labor..."
"Committee Maximum Security Prison: the absolute worst."
"Men of steel fighting in conditions that no army in the world could withstand." - Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov
"The discovery gives a glimpse into the grueling conditions faced by people in the past."
"The AK though... it's the ultimate mud gun for austere conditions... you need it to work, AK wins."
"Cult members often stay in conditions that are absolutely brutal."
"Amazingly, Masha had been able to keep the young child shielded from the harsh conditions outside."
"Some survive in the coldest places on Earth, some find under bridges quite comfortable, and others merge into the sewer."
"Turmeric is for you what I want to tell you is how easy it is to grow, especially in harsh conditions."
"It couldn't be easier to grow something like this, and that's why I recommend it for growing in really harsh conditions."
"They lived in squalid cramped conditions, the food was meager, the whippings were frequent."
"This thing's been through some of the harshest conditions."
"The unpleasant environment of Alcatraz, along with the harsh conditions of the prison itself, led many to contemplate escape."
"The harsh living conditions, frequent outbreaks of violence, and numerous deaths that occurred within the prison are believed to have left a lingering presence of unrest and suffering."
"The wind howled and spat pellets of snow, each gust ripping into the skin like a cruel blade, tearing away the heat of their blood with every moment that passed."
"The harsh conditions are also a place of hope for the future."
"The wind is like a thousand frozen razor blades, slicing through your skin at once."
"Cold only kills. There were no oases, no vegetation, no fuel. The Arctic was simply a field of ice covered in gigantic blocks."
"Seeing a vehicle push through such conditions is very reassuring."
"They calve like crazies and these bigger calves in this cold weather...handled it so much better than those 50 60 pound angus calves."
"...how I managed to survive the icy Danger of the Frozen North."
"The life of a beggar was brutal, facing constant hardship, freezing cold weather, and certainly not a life our investigator ever wanted to experience again."
"Nevertheless, influenced by the harsh surroundings, technology can still surprise you no matter how careful preparations have been made."
"The sobering reality of Mother Nature's harsh conditions was enough to remind me that no, I was not in a simulation, I was in the middle of the desert."
"Dartmoor is notorious for its ever-changing conditions and physically harsh environments."
"In this impossible landscape, they grew and thrived."
"My heart goes out to those that are actually homeless in this weather because I cannot even stand outside for five minutes, it is freezing."
"Life can flourish even in the harshest environments."
"Imagine walking out to an unheated ous to use a bathroom at negative 55 degrees."
"Elmira was nearer Hades than I thought any place could be."
"Between 1907 and 1911, despite smashing icebergs, glaciers that threatened to devour the track, and temperatures falling to 60 below zero, the Copper River and Northwestern Railway was constructed through the wilderness of Eastern Alaska."
"You can go a long time without food, but you can't survive in minus sub temperatures without fire."
"The wind is howling, the snow is blowing everywhere."
"The cold is a grind, but there's something about grinding it out and surviving out here in tough conditions that just makes it so much more rewarding."
"It's not just any kind of network; it's a network produced by evolution in order to function under very tough conditions."
"It's freezing up there and there's no air to breathe at all."
"Fish around the North Pole and the South Pole have independently evolved these antifreeze proteins to survive in their harsh environments."
"We know that the people who were here in this building were very fearful and often held in the most appalling cramped stinking conditions with absolutely no hope."
"Life was able to survive in that way in such a harsh environment."
"Camping in the wild exposed to the elements can be brutal."
"The ability to breed under the harshest of conditions gets passed on from one generation to another."
"Really impressed with how it performed in really harsh circumstances."
"It's not a night for man or beast out there."