
User Input Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Now the user can type in all their vertices and all their edges."
"That's how you would add a little bit of validation to your input feed right here."
"Wouldn't it be nice to allow the user to just keep typing numbers, as many as they want, and then quit once they're done inputting numbers. Right?"
"I think the B in 'cre' is better, thank you."
"Guess the number, go and get the value that the user typed inside here stored inside of guess."
"We're going to connect the joystick and send its values."
"We are going to decrease the value when the left key is pressed."
"Every single input you put in happens; it's just so snappy."
"It's like a calculator, it's only as smart as what you put into it."
"We want to ask the user for their entries. So, first, create our list of string."
"So it's really good for user input."
"When people were allowed to tweak an algorithm even slightly they were more satisfied with the results of the algorithm and actually opted to use that algorithm over other algorithms that they knew performed better but had not involved their input."
"I would really love to be able to add an email and username field."
"Angular Forms are used to handle user inputs and apply validation, with two types: template-driven forms and reactive forms."
"What should be your steps? Step one has to be how to read input from the user because this entire program depends on user's input."
"Python has this function called input, it's brilliantly named."
"Forms and handling user input. This is obviously a very important one. This is something that, um, I'm sure a lot of you really want to learn how to do."
"You need to pass these things, so I say, 'Hey, okay, I will pass this to here and password,' and you can see it's a nice icon there on these two fields."
"Your controller is super smart in the fact that if you give it the right parameters, it will do everything you want it to do."
"Name must be at least two characters."
"We're going to be filtering the data based on the input of the sidebar of the team selection and the position selection."
"If you're expecting the user to only enter integers, then you should only allow the user to enter integers."
"You can control not only the things that the user inputted but also understand the order in which they input them."
"Parameter queries allow the end users to determine by their choice what the query results will be."
"The rich text one will allow people to enter information into the form and also utilize formatting tools."
"Validating user input is an important part of application development."
"Flask analyzes the insides of these virtual envelopes, figures out what the user input is."
"The people in the field need to have prime input on how this stuff works."
"We need to make sure that this is either income or expense; we don't want people to put bananas in there."
"Input grades, average grades, print grades."
"This is a very interesting thing here; this is actually an input that I've set up and I made it read only."
"We've successfully now built a program to handle various user input."
"So this allows you to control what your users can enter."
"Don't trust users' supplied data ever, and always validate and sanitize any user input."
"Lists are a fundamental feature to ensure clean data input in Excel."
"I can type in a prompt, and that prompt is literally just a bit of text."
"We want to use a regular expression to enforce our rules or logic on the usernames that a user can choose."
"The very first rule of handling user input is to not trust user input."
"Control click and drag to create many points."
"I want my user to enter two numbers and also operation sign, and then depending on those two numbers and that operation, we want to calculate the result and then write that result to our user."
"We want some more form values aside from just a title."
"If you work with dynamic data, you're going to come across situations where you have no idea how many times the user may need to add similar information into a single post."
"Prompt engineering... crafting specific prompts that you would put into an AI tool."
"I want a customer to be able to input and view their own records."
"From idea to design real-time input, the user inputs the design criteria that the project must meet."
"Are you tired of trying to create a player controller with Unity's new user input system by digging through the convoluted documentation?"
"The more accurate the information you input, the more accurate the results will be."
"We're going to move towards the goal of taking user input and doing something with it."
"We have an application that not only processes data, but it processes user input."
"Never, ever, ever trust the information given to us by the user."
"When it comes to web applications, the HTTP request is the user input."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a simple way to create multiple types of content that your users could input on the backend and have that content display in multiple different ways on the front end?"
"...you should never trust user's input, because if you're trying to disable them from doing something on the client, they don't have to respect that."
"This is actually a fundamental aspect of building web applications: having input from our users beyond just clicking."
"Shopify Liquid allows us to take user input from the admins of the store; they can customize their theme using the customizer."
"These checks are there to ensure that the user's input into functions or the function execution executes as expected."
"Reactive sites should be reactive to users' input."
"Use skeleton screens and those kind of techniques to make sure that your site is reactive to the user's input."
"The conditional logic just allows you to further customize it based on the information people are already giving you."
"What you write on the prompt is very important."
"It's important that you have a part of your program or your procedure that operates differently depending on user input."
"We're going to keep asking the user for a valid input until they give us something that's valid."
"And the takeaway for today is that you should never henceforth trust the user's input ever, even if it's you."
"You never want to trust User submitted data."
"The higher the value, the more the output will resemble our prompt."