
Leadership Perception Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Ending the state happens gradually and then suddenly. Encouraging people to see leaders as clowns is key to diminishing their power."
"There's always room to criticize Trump, but when I see Trump he's like here's the things I want to do and I'm like I believe he wants to do those things."
"He must have taken seriously what he was hearing from Biden."
"Putin saw how the withdrawal from Afghanistan was managed and made note of that. It showed him an America that was weak."
"He has the war that he has imagined but he's also mortally wounded by it, he is no longer a strong man."
"As long as Trump acts like Trump, he's their superhero."
"He is actually, he says he's not a politician...he's actually an excellent politician."
"It shouldn't surprise us that Trump's approval hasn't diminished at all."
"I think people will look back on his time in office and be like geez that guy got so much done."
"Ryan has more like believers, people that really truly get what he's trying to do."
"These are these puppets that they put out there in front of a television camera we believe are running the show, but they're not these elected leaders, right?"
"Putin loves his country, he does everything for us, he raised the country up from the ground."
"Putin only invaded in 2022 because he understood that the world order is crumbling."
"Voters doubt Biden's leadership in favor Trump." - New York Times Sienna poll finds.
"Perceptions of charisma strongly influence political candidate preference."
"When Trump shows he cares about regular people."
"Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, also seems to know this."
"Despite the fact that people aren't seeing the direction of the party leading Labour into government, the majority are still willing to give Starmer a chance."
"The world's turning to the Chinese to be the adults in the room."
"He's the best president of my lifetime though I may not like him the person I would fight for him as my leader though bro that's all I'm asking for man take a step back and realize it and you sir have my respect." - Anonymous
"Keith was definitely looked at more than just this inspirational leader, he was pretty much considered like a god."
"Trump carries himself like a president; he becomes believable by being in that role already."
"Someday I hope they realize he was the most fun president we've ever had."
"Show me a female who claims that she is an alpha and claims that she's dominant among men and I will show you a female who has found incompetent men."
"I think oftentimes because he won this surprising victory in 2016 we see him as some kind of genius who has a master plan..."
"A clueless ruler, but a really nice guy." (Repeated for emphasis)
"The people around the world look at this government as a government that has lost its credibility."
"A woman of the people, definitely not above."
"Trump right now is actually winning... Trump's approval is all the way back up to about Barack Obama's approval at the time."
"The reality is, Biden is more liked than Hillary."
"Elon Musk just gets what time it is. He's a quirky, interesting guy who looked around and said, 'Whatever ruling class is running the country right now, they're screwing it up.'"
"I always knew the presidency was a joke, that the president's not always... They're all actors."
"Jay-Z is unanimously viewed as the godfather, the goat, at the moment."
"When you demonstrate this and you have that sort of frame control, you're now looked at as a guy who just gets it."
"It's important to understand the multi-layered aspect to leadership and sometimes it's better to let people think that you're dumb when you're intelligent."
"I think the President's sickness made a lot of people question whether or not he had taken the entire coronavirus pandemic seriously enough."
"Above all, he viewed himself as a man of destiny, a latter Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar."
"The Irish president isn't some big dictator, you probably don't know who the Irish president is, do you?"
"I think in many ways this situation once again exemplifies how Elon Musk is like the best CEO in the world."
"Palace for Putin. Putin, a petty KGB officer who now masquerades as a great spy."
"When you're following up Trump's presidency, it's pretty easy to look like a good guy in comparison."
"We have a prime minister who not only thinks he was born to rule but can barely even bother to pretend otherwise."
"Trump is thoughtful... I want everybody to stop dying."
"While this was no doubt [ __ ] up, Aerys actually seemed like a pretty decent dude before and even towards the beginning of his reign."
"Our country is respected again by everybody."
"He's sort of the leader of the country at the moment. He's still a rock star."
"It's not the CEO that's basically being um you know held up like that I think you'd probably take take a different stance if he was the one who was actually getting robbed."
"They sense a weakness, especially if Biden is president."
"I'm perceived as the leader of the Phantom Menace, I've never claimed that, but I got 1,300 people watching me."
"He's seen as capable and in charge."
"If you think Musk is a visionary, a genius capable of delivering on his genius, then you have a good case for buying Tesla."