
Formulas Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"There's also a rather elegant form of this multiplication rule written in terms of the dot product and the cross product."
"Magic is a formula... if you do x y and z properly and in the right order... then there will be a result."
"That's really wonderful and actually gives similar formulas for all the really famous functions, like the exponential function or cosine, etc."
"Dynamic formulas in Excel: the superior way to calculate."
"First term, common difference, formula - all set!"
"I'm gonna add the name, the quantity, the price, and the total through a formula."
"Formulas and functions are what make a spreadsheet so powerful."
"I'm going to share a couple of formulas I've used over the years that have been very helpful."
"This is the most foolproof way to apply pretty much majority of these formulas."
"If you think Excel is boring it's because you've never known about the power of Excel formulas."
"Don't focus on memorizing formulas. Focus on understanding them."
"Excel formulas are the instructions you write to perform calculations or manipulate data. They start with an equal sign and can combine numbers, cell references, and operations."
"Formulas are really the backbone of Excel. It's really what it's known for: its calculations."
"It's now time for us to move on and concentrate on the exciting part of Excel, and that is formulas and functions."
"...you can use formulas to combine cells..."
"Functions and formulas enable you to organize, filter, or combine data in ways that suit your analytical needs."
"The second formula that comes to mind is an index match and it's actually a combination of two different formulas."
"Formulas and functions are a key again to make Microsoft Excel go to that next level."
"Co-pilot's ability to generate formulas saves a lot of time."
"We wanted the formulas to feel beautiful."
"If you go into a CFA exam without having had memorized all the formulas that you know will be applicable to that exam, you're like setting yourself up for massive failure."
"Once you know the formulas, it is very easy."
"I just really trust her. I trust her color choices, um the formulas that she creates, you can tell how much love she puts in them and behind them."
"Favorite formulas deserve a spot in the collection, while others can be let go."
"As you get used to formulas and you start writing more formulas, you will start to develop preferences on which one you like."
"That's the general rule that we're working with, that anytime that we provide multiple scalars, that that formula will spill."
"Circumference equals two pi times the radius."
"So I highly recommend you study these formulas; seems like they're going to be asking about these a bunch."
"Many, many writers and advertisers have tread the sales water before us, and they have found formulas that just plain and simple work, whether it is a Black Friday promotion you're putting out there or an Instagram caption or a sales page."
"What they can essentially do is test values in other cells and perform actions dependent upon the result of that test."
"A formula is a calculation, and formulas in Excel use functions."
"The AND formula will highlight the active cell, and the OR formula, if you remember Level 4, will highlight the row or column."
"So, they are the best 12 formulas in my experience. I use them all the time. I would thoroughly recommend becoming familiar with them."
"Use the formulas a couple of times because you can look at the formulas and until you actually start plugging numbers in, you don't realize that the formula is in radians."
"For every formula you are given, you can be asked to find any of the values in that formula."
"While I love really high-performing formulas, I do think that in general, we're at a place in makeup where so many formulas are high-performing."
"I've gotten a lot of feedback about my focus on formulas and a lot of people like that I share my list of formulas."
"One of my favorite formulas is the diluted EPS, which is a guaranteed question in every single mock."
"The sort function allows us to basically do the same thing but in a formula as opposed to in a command that's located on a ribbon."
"Creating formulas: calculating averages, any mathematical formula, just like you do with Google Sheets."
"Formulas are powerful. They're easy reference points that allow us to take information in front of us and customize it."
"The equation is rate equals the rate of reactant used all products made divided by time. You've got to remember this equation, you're going to see it all the way through this topic."
"Fit glow is just out here making some of the best formulas that you can possibly get your hands on."
"If you don't know these formulas, you're going to be dead in the water on test day. A lot of people fail this test because they don't realize that basic formulas such as finding the volume of a right circular cylinder are on the test, so make sure you can do that."
"You only really have to understand four major formulas of comedy."
"It's a very useful result. Sometimes this formula is much more friendly to use than the exact formula."
"Large language models in five formulas."
"Index Match is a very easy formula, but a lot of people get tripped up by it and confused by it."
"That sequence there has an nth term n plus 13."
"For sectors, it's very important that you learn the two formulae for arc length and area."
"This gives us a formula we could use to model the forward, the corresponding forward to the stock price."
"The coupling coefficient can be expressed as the ratio of the common flux over the common flux plus the stray flux."
"The general form of the parabola is Y minus K is equal to a (X minus H) quantity squared."
"When you have a binomial raised to the fourth power, immediately think of the difference of two squares."
"The key in the formulas of respiratory therapy... is not understanding so much how... but understanding what that particular formula tells us about our patient."
"Knowing your basic formulas is going to be a huge part of your success."
"It's quite a good skill, being able to rearrange formulas."
"The equation for Ohm's law is voltage is equal to the current times the resistance."
"Circumference is pi times diameter."
"This picture gives us new formulas for the amplitudes."
"The area of a circle is PI R squared, where pi is a constant of 3.14."
"This is one of the hardest videos I've uploaded recently, given that we covered about over 10 different formulas."
"Whether you plug into the percent change formula and process through, versus whether you change it to a percent of problem so that you can write it out in a different way, if you do it right it's going to be mathematically equivalent."
"We need formulas so we can get past these problems."
"Power dissipated in a resistor can be calculated using the formulas P equal to I square R or P equal to V square divided by R."
"I can actually in a PDF write various formulas and functions to accomplish what I need."
"Array formulas can be really, really powerful."
"Area tends to equal a half AB sine C."
"The equation A of x equals x squared plus 4x plus 3 gives the area of the rectangle."
"The area is equal to pi times the radius squared."
"So for sine of A plus B it's sine A cos B plus or minus cos A sine B."
"The gravitational potential energy is equal to MGH."
"When you're getting errors or the incorrect results in your IF formulas, it's most likely due to the incorrect data type that you're comparing."
"Let's just jump into the heart of today's video, and it is all about formulas."
"My biggest tip for formula writing, especially if you're newer to formulas or you don't feel super comfortable with them, is to break it up into pieces."
"Take advantage of the formula data up here and the data types down here."
"The great thing about this is that all you have to do is select this area, copy, and then paste, and it copies all the formulas over here."
"That actually lets you derive the quadratic formula."
"You want to go into the SAT knowing as many formulas as possible."
"The circumference of a circle is 2πr or πd."
"The basic functionality of connecting slicer selections to formulas is quite easy."
"It's more about our skill with formulas than it's about our ability to connect the slicer to the formula."
"That's how you use slicer selections in formulas."
"The makeup world is getting advanced; they're getting good, like the formulas are delicious."
"I always hated it when my teachers would give me formulas but never exactly explain how you got them."
"We have four new identities or formulas on the board."
"Excel's golden rule: If a formula input can change, put it in a cell."
"A much better formula, of course, is, 'Hey, let's take our amount times our rate.'"
"Sometimes formulas can actually help to open us up to the possibilities and help inspire us."
"I always like formulas like this because they're easy to work with."
"Circumference is equal to Pi multiplied by the diameter."
"Functions are a little bit different from formulas but they have a lot of similarity."
"Every mathematical formula you can think of is in there, so that it covers everyone's bases."
"Combine formulas together to do something super powerful, really quickly."
"Dynamic arrays can change the way we work with formulas in Excel."
"I am constantly amazed at all the formulas they give you on that formula sheet."
"Working out the formula of substances is quite important, it's an integral part of chemistry."
"Parts work off of a simple formula called the lookup formula or inheritance formula."
"It's really useful to understand where formulas come from instead of just memorizing them."
"The circle can be defined with the area of pi r squared, or the circumference of the circle is 2 pi r."
"Typically, reduction formulas are mostly written in this kind of form because the notation is just much more nicer and easier to read."
"Makeup formulas have come so far."
"All you need to do in this method is memorize these two formulas, that is your main job."
"The circumference of a circle is equal to the diameter times pi."
"By using different types of formulas and equations, we can get completely different results."
"If derivatives represent slopes and you have a differential equation with the derivative in it, then we have a formula to find slope at any point."
"L is directly proportional to \( H^{2/3} \)."
"If a formula input can change, put it in a cell and refer to it in the formula with the cell reference."
"These are some really, really top formulas that have a tremendous impact."
"The volume of a cylinder is Pi r squared H."
"The phase velocity of the wave is C divided by the square root of epsilon R."
"These are two really good formulas, and I feel like I can confidently recommend them."
"The velocity of a wave is given by the wavelength multiplied by the frequency."
"We're going to look at two different formulas here that we can use for Venn diagrams."
"To work out the area of a circle, the formula is pi r squared."
"The formula always works, whatever the situation is."
"The formula for slope is nothing but the covariance by variance."
"The hallmark of formulas is if you want the solution to update instantly, formulas are your ticket."
"You can take all of these licks and look at them as little formulas."
"Mixed cell references are awesome because they help us build formulas quickly."
"If you need today's date not hard-coded for historical transactions but you want a formula that will always update... we use the today function."
"Cos 2 theta can be rewritten as cos squared theta minus sine squared theta, or as 1 minus 2 sine squared theta, or as 2 cos squared theta minus 1."
"This is one of the most interesting formulas that you will come across in waveguides."
"I'm going to introduce you to the basic idea of a formula, how do you do calculations in Excel because that's what Excel is popular for."
"You have to remember the three: the speed, density, and pressure formulas."
"Ohm's law has many forms and each of these is just a rearrangement of the others."
"We're going to find an easy formula to evaluate this sum."
"This is a very nice formula when you want to integrate an inverse function."