
Occurrence Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Literally everything is aligning simultaneously right now."
"Only once and it happened to what one would think one of the most mundane environments possible."
"Just because it's wrong doesn't mean it doesn't happen."
"It rarely happens, like very rarely, but it happens."
"A powerful radiant burst of energy occurred."
"It leaves you with no other option than that event happened."
"This [ __ ] just happens all the time yup there you go you guys gonna get some sounds."
"It seems unbelievable. I thought it would never happen."
"The most important thing about this is not when it happened, not even how it happened, but that it happened."
"There's always, always, always something going on here."
"Nothing is unbelievable. It just happened."
"How things that you kind of just think could happen sometimes manifest."
"He holds one, that's a one in about 180,000 occurrence that he's going to fill the rest of it. That's incredible."
"I think what we've been suspecting all along may already be happening."
"I think something special happens."
"Things started to get really strange."
"I'm having them right now. That's happening everybody. It is happening."
"Every time it happens, I think there's no way it's going to happen again, and it seems like it happens again."
"I've seen it pull less than a handful of times a year."
"One out of ten, one out of twelve maybe in a good year."
"Infinite time and space mean that any unlikely event will happen an infinite number of times."
"Stuff happens, including stuff that you don't foresee."
"Sometimes in the universe, things happen."
"At around 7:30 there was a long line inside and out of nowhere there was some commotion."
"It's been a year since the event and nothing else has happened."
"It's today. It's happening. It's come around quick."
"Perhaps there's something else that might pop up around that."
"That probably happened a lot, I mean, absolutely."
"...it's subsided, it's very rare now."
"It's happening, but not the way you think it's happening. This is happening."
"Something will transpire this week. The transformation is coming."
"It's happening, it is truly happening."
"Because it's like things like that would happen."
"Apparently, this really does happen in real life sometimes."
"There is zero chance this has never happened before."
"The perfect indicator to tell you that there is you know there's been in occurrence you."
"Pain, so death, so death and pain occurred in this building."
"'The difference between an occurrence and an un-occurrence is your presence.'"
"It just happened. It was organic."
"Did that really just happen? It was a miracle."
"The crowd fell silent, stunned by what had just occurred."
"Nothing else happened until a few weeks ago at my new school."
"It all happened during November of 2017."
"Whatever happened here wasn't planned. It just happened."
"Strange things really did happen here."
"It is amazing any time you look at something like this and you think how in the world did this ever happen."
"Anything can happen and uh it usually does."
"If it can happen once in 10 million years, we're golden."
"It wasn't consistent, not everyday, but at least twice a week she slipped in under the bell."
"...sometimes eclipses do have this chaotic quality where things happen somewhat unexpectedly and almost dramatically."
"Absolutely incredible, you might see that once in 10 million shots if even that."
"When this moment, when 'now' occurs, it’s already happened."
"It's early. Ridiculously early. That's ugly and it happens all the time."
"It's happening, this one's swinging in space here a little bit."
"Hopefully not every day, but you know, maybe a couple of times a week."
"It was like, all of a sudden, it just happened."
"Not something I was expecting to see but yeah here we are."
"Everything just happens it's just happening happening happening happening."
"Something took over I can't even explain it but I I know that there's there's some magic element to it that just it happened."
"And that is just like something that happened impromptu one day."
"Several incidents almost exactly like this have occurred over the past few decades."
"I think this could have happened to anyone."
"We haven't had one single strange thing happen until now."
"As much as three or four times, maybe more."
"Impossible, except for one thing: the fact it happened."
"Healing happens, we should pray for it."
"How often can the thing that couldn't happen again in a million years happen..."
"Miracles happening, it's happening, it's happening now."
"There are always events that are going on."
"It's always good when that happens."
"There's certainly a lot of controversy surrounding that, but it is something that is taking place."
"Guys, it's happening, it's happening!"
"Sometimes these network things happen."
"It's like magic sometimes it happens sometimes it won't."
"Miracles are not a matter of if, but when."
"I've never had that happen before for some reason now it's happening all the time."
"Oh my gosh, it's happening, it's happening!"
"Once in a blue moon is a lot more frequent than you'd actually think."
"Such a celebration doesn't happen every day."
"We're going to see those dimes a dozen."
"Seismic activity began to occur within site A."
"Believe it, friends. The impossible has happened."
"And once an event has occurred, the odds of that occurrence become 100%, no matter how unlikely it seemed to begin with."
"Gold occurs in so many different kinds of rocks."
"That’s when something supernatural happened."
"Surprises come when least expected."
"Things don't happen every time we go in, but when things do happen, they happen off the charts."
"This season had a lot of coincidences."
"So yes, it is happening. It is happening."
"Are we seeing this on any type of seasonal basis? Does this happen on a weekend or is it repetitive on a holiday or is this kind of just a one-time thing?"
"It was such a strange and frightening occurrence."
"One night it just stopped and never happened again."
"It's just natural and it always happens."
"Anything that is reinforced is likely to occur again."
"It's the second pit lane fire we've seen today"
"Thankfully though, this was the only time that these men ever seemed to come to a house."
"We have both of these things taking place simultaneously."
"Something magical is occurring behind the scenes."
"He's had a couple of those lately."
"That just happened real fast. Double. That was a double, boys."
"Just cause you can't see it, don't mean it's not happening."
"That wasn't planned, it happened, it won't happen again."
"How often is that happening? Very rarely."
"If you live on the earth, from time to time, you're going to see a tornado, a storm, an ice storm."
"This would be just the second of the day."
"...this is not anything that is unique or unusual to this situation. It happened a lot."
"It's unusual for it to happen at this late stage."
"Strange things happen at this time of year."
"Usually happens in the width one, extension frequently happens in the third wave."
"That's just something that happens in the very, very get-go."
"I always forget something every single event."
"At first, no water appeared but after a few minutes water started seeping from the hole."
"...Mark never gave a speech at that school ever again..."
"That's going to be an uncommon situation, but if that occurs, that's one prolonged, three short."
"Everything happens ideally automatically."
"Something happened that began to cause the light to shine."
"This kind of shooting leap is not that common."
"The problem happened pretty quickly in the early nineties."
"Do so quickly and it is happening."
"We've never seen two straight flushes in the same night on this channel."
"Things like this need to happen more often."
"...sometimes coincidences can and do happen..."
"It's one of those amazing powerful things that happens."
"A rare occurrence happens once in a blue moon, correct."
"Not a lot of that happens in the towable or motorized industry."
"I looked at her I was like this is the best possible thing that could have happened today."
"Every single thing we have with weather now too is they go this is Once in a century but now they're saying it's this has never even occurred."
"An event is an occurrence of some importance."
"Return of the different dimension, another double."
"Several things happen several times."
"Lots of stuff is definitely going on."
"I'm so excited, it's finally happening."
"This is a beautiful thing that's happening."
"For certain events to occur, they must happen."
"Taps turning themselves on became a particularly regular occurrence."
"Paranormal stuff happened on the daily so much so that it was just routine."
"Items would always go missing and then magically reappear in other areas of the house."
"Things that are natural are going to happen sooner or later."
"He was very scared and then the same thing happened to the system."
"Nothing else ever happened out of the ordinary like that night, but we seriously have no idea what happened."
"Something always happens when I go there."
"Space is big. Even something with a small statistical chance probably has happened somewhere."
"But it was very quick, you're right. I mean, I didn't really quite know how it happened."
"Nothing like this has ever happened since they've been around."
"I think one of the main things that occurred is art."
"It's amazing that doesn't always happen."
"Nothing puts you to sleep naturally. Sleep happens."
"Rare events are happening all the time."
"The great fall has been occurring over the past day or so."
"It has happened, now where is he?"
"Wow, this is amazing, how did this even happen?"
"Probability... describes how likely something is to occur."
"These things don't just happen, they divinely happen."
"It happens once in a century perhaps, but it does happen."
"It's a one in a million chance of something like this happening."
"I never thought this day would happen."
"Sinkholes and rifts like these ones keep showing up."
"The phenomenon occurs to both men and women of various ages and seems to happen to about 15% of the population at least once in a lifetime."
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something like this has never happened in all of history."
"Friday the 13th occurs whenever a month begins on a Sunday."
"We have merely proved that they happen."
"I have no doubt that the incidents occurred substantially as described."
"We live in a society where this happens every day."
"An exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence."
"I happened between a clap of thunder and a streak of lightning."
"Something extraordinary has been happening today."
"You could stop and there will have been something that occurred most likely at that particular spot in history."
"Change occurs. Examples are all around us."
"Something unusual is happening in a space where nothing unusual ever really happens."
"What I can tell you for sure is that it happened and it's here now."
"It doesn't really matter whether it was a fluke or it wasn't a fluke, it happened."
"God has a purpose as to why this is occurring."
"It was really unbelievable the way that happened."
"Something amazing and magical happened."
"It's happening, at least it's happening."
"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were together in one accord, and suddenly there came a sound."
"Don't freaking believe it, something's happening."
"This break was not planned, it just happened."
"It's never happened before, it's happening now."
"When the tic occurs, that discomfort is relieved."
"I'm super happy that it happened at all."
"The boat didn't even make a single noise; it just beached."
"This cup just fell over in front of my eyes."
"Given an infinite amount of time, it will happen."
"That happens which Allah wants, in a manner Allah wants, in the time Allah wants."
"The probability of an event occurring is the number of ways that event could occur."
"As soon as we moved in, things started happening."
"Density shows you how often something occurs in a certain area."
"It's very clear something is happening."
"This is just like... it's crazy that it finally happened."
"This is not magic; this happens all the time."
"That's when it happened, and it happened like instantly."
"There's miracles happening here already."
"It's kind of magical that it happened the way it did."
"This is uncommon, but it's entirely possible."
"That's an interesting thought, but how do you know it hasn't happened already?"
"It's happening all over the planet."
"It's part of history, it's here, and it happened."
"The most common occurrence in the house is to hear the front door slam shut even though it's locked."
"It's really rare that you actually see a ball drop directly in the middle of the court, but it happens."