
Flutter Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Flutter makes changes appear right away, instantaneously."
"Flutter has blown my mind recently both in terms of the developer experience and the quality of the apps that it can produce."
"Flutter may or may not be the right tool for the job."
"Flutter... has some of the best documentation that I've seen for any framework period."
"Flutter... has these things called builders which allow you to work with asynchronous data sources and render the UI automatically."
"Mobile, desktop, and web, all available to you from a single Flutter code base."
"Before you commit to Flutter, you will want to give it a try."
"Each time I start to code, I just feel joy. Some people are painting. Some people are cooking. I just do Flutter. I'm Fluttering."
"That's a fully working notes app with Flutter and Django backend."
"I'm definitely gonna have to give Flutter a try. I'm from a React background."
"Flutter has a hero widget that can animate elements from one screen to another."
"Programming with Flutter - it's like you do something daft in your app, and then you fix it and you do hot reload."
"Because Flutter wants to be efficient about redrawing."
"The Ubuntu desktop installer has a new user interface built in Flutter, an open-source application development framework created by Google."
"With Flutter 2, your app can target four additional platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web."
"Flutter 2 broadens Flutter from a mobile framework to a portable framework."
"There's so much more to say about running Flutter on the web."
"We're excited that everyone can now run Flutter natively on their development workstation."
"Flutter support for Linux desktop apps is rich enough that we can recommend it for developers to use today."
"By bringing together beautiful, fast user experiences with a productive development environment, Flutter truly is unique."
"Flutter is unique as a UI toolkit in its flexibility."
"Flutter started as a ui framework for building beautiful ios and android mobile apps, but our vision is to provide a portable framework that helps developers build beautiful, natively compiled applications for any platform."
"...null safety lets the tooling keep track of what things can be null for you, making development in flutter easier, faster, and more reliable."
"Migrating to null safety isn't a terrifying ordeal."
"Flutter truly is unique as a UI toolkit in its flexibility."
"Flutter combines beautiful, fast user experiences with a productive development environment."
"Flutter is one of those things where it usually it just is what it is."
"We're really here to showcase how to build a Flutter application, utilizing FlutterFlow and SuperBase."
"That's how you build a custom management system CMS with Flutter Flow."
"That's how to use API calls in Flutter Flow."
"Flutter is a platform to cross compile applications for all platforms."
"This is Flutter, we are, I think, the friendliest community in tech, and let's keep it that way."
"Welcome back to another quick Flutter tutorial."
"Flutter is intelligent so it's going to go through your widget tree and re-evaluate."
"I'm more excited to jump into the meaty part of writing my first Flutter application than to go over a very long course that tells me everything there is to know!"
"It's a really exciting new way to write animations in Flutter."
"We've covered a lot of stuff in this code lab, we brought together a lot of different effects... and in the end, I think we built a screen that pushes the boundaries of what most people think of when they think of Flutter UIs."
"We're so lucky in our community; we have so many people who've gotten into programming because of Flutter and Dart."
"We hope these tools help you ship great open source Dart and Flutter packages."
"Flutter create gives you the counter app, and everybody has their kind of spin on what feature you add to the counter app to demonstrate the coolest thing ever."
"In this video, you will learn Flutter the fastest and simplest way possible."
"I'm sure if you apply yourself, you'll get a lot of value from this course, and I hope you come out the other end a really good Flutter developer."
"By the end of this video, I will give you a full picture of how to go from a beginner to an expert in Flutter."
"Hello everyone and welcome to the master class of Flutter and Firebase."
"I work to develop infrastructure and tools for teams inside of Google that are using Flutter."
"You can think of it as like a custom Flutter create or Dart create basically where you're in charge of the templates and you can customize those as much as you'd like."
"We're super happy to be here during Flutter Forward."
"Everything that scrolls in Flutter is using slivers."
"CustomScrollView is the real workhorse for viewports in Flutter."
"We're creating a Flutter e-commerce application, divided into five major sections."
"Welcome back to my channel, where we create apps using Flutter from scratch."
"Flutter has a lot of profiling and debugging and instrumentation tools that allow you to go down to the very lowest levels of the system."
"If you contribute code to the Flutter core code base, their style is to use 'final' everywhere."
"It's particularly useful for writing one-liners in Flutter."
"It's more Flutter performance in the execution of your app."
"The best thing about Flutter development is just command S and things just happen immediately."
"This is how you use custom paint widget in your flutter application and also add animations to it."
"Remember folks, Flutter Community kindness to each other on this show."
"Creating UIs is one of Flutter's strengths."
"If you're really new to coding and you're having issues with Flutter, most likely it's because you don't have an understanding of the basic programming concepts."
"After this lecture, you will be able to create any type of theme for your Flutter project."
"Once you have a perfectly designed theme, you can reuse that theme easily in any type of Flutter project."
"Using this theme data, we can create and customize every type of theme we required in our application."
"Automatically, Flutter will detect the theme of the system and will apply the theme on your application."
"We can change complete themes of buttons, app bar, each and everything can be defined over here."
"We're not just going to design the Flutter signup screen, but we will also learn how to define theme for text field."
"We will create a single child scroll view to make our screen scrollable."
"So this is how basically we create the designs in Flutter."
"Flutter is this cross-platform solution that reaches millions of users out there."
"The Flutter framework has been designed to be accessible out of the box."
"Perfect tech stacks are rare in an imperfect world, but I think the Flutter Firebase stack is about as close as you can get."
"By the end of this video, you should have a solid foundation for building pretty much anything you can imagine with the Flutter Fire stack."
"Firebase maintains a variety of different plugins for Flutter; the only one that's actually required is Firebase Core."
"Managing multiple Firebase projects can be pretty tedious, and that's especially true for Flutter apps."
"Flutter is a community-driven force."
"In Flutter, we actually can make those designs real."
"Flutter has a massive potential that people are unlocking, and FlutterFlow is really enhancing that and making it accessible."
"Let's start to learn Flutter and create our first application together."
"Create amazing apps with Flutter and Dart."
"We are going to use the column widget for the children of the column."
"To make the image circular, wrap this image widget with a widget called ClipOval."
"After the constants, head back to the pubspec.yaml file."
"These three concepts map really nicely onto the separation of concerns that Flutter has between widgets, elements, and render objects."
"At the end of this video, you will be able to create a data architecture with Flutter."
"Flutter is not only great for building apps, it's also perfect for creating UIs for any surface."
"You will scarcely find more knowledgeable Flutter folks than those two."
"The cool thing about Flutter is that you and I were able to just sit down together, we could tweak some numbers here, do a little adjustment there."
"Flutter makes it really easy to start customizing your apps with material theming."
"Riverpod... it's going to make your life a lot easier with Flutter."
"A repaint boundary basically instructs Flutter to cache the image."
"If you ever notice that your animations jank the first time you run them but not later on, then that could mean you will benefit from pre-compiling shaders for your application."
"The way we build our widgets in Flutter is by composition."
"Flutter widgets often take a lot of different parameters, so I think separating them line by line keeps the code much more readable."
"Whenever I have widgets that are arranged vertically and I want to add a fixed size padding between them, I can do that by simply inserting a sized box."
"Flutter offers some very powerful yet simple animation APIs that we can use to delight our users."
"Develop a Flutter to-do app that allows the user to add, remove, and list task items."
"We're going to create eight separate examples in this chapter to demonstrate the use of Flutter hooks."
"It's just very cool when you can take an already written Flutter application and just run it on the TV."
"Starting from version 2.0, it seems to be nothing surprising now; Flutter officially supports six platforms."
"The launch of a Flutter application on Android TV is extremely simple because Android TV is the same Android OS."
"Actually, I can say that Flutter applications can work on Apple TV; it's just necessary to build a custom Flutter engine."
"It's possible to create Flutter applications for TV platforms; sometimes it's a little bit tricky."
"This is one of the absolute most classic ways of managing state in Flutter."
"Wow, so far Flutter is the fastest at 2.8 seconds. Now that's impressive!"
"Build context in Flutter is so important that any developer has to spend a lot of time understanding how it actually works."
"It's so important to understand how build context works in Flutter."
"Let's create apps using Flutter from scratch."
"I'm going to show you how to code the entire chess game using purely Flutter."
"So there's routes that we can set in the MaterialApp."
"This is just a stateful widget like we would have had inside of the main."
"Now we're going to work with routes."
"Block is probably the most popular state management solution in Flutter as of now."
"A Block Consumer is a widget to consume the Block state itself."
"Slivers are a fundamental building block that exists inside Flutter."
"Let's make this beautiful course app in Flutter."
"We're using the Flutter command to create this course app."
"Our main focus will be on provider and how it can be used in any kind of Flutter application as we deal with dependencies and values that change over time."
"Composition is a fundamental principle that is used extensively in Flutter and more widely in software development."
"Whether you are creating an app to create a home for unloved marine animals or just coding up that app that you've been talking about for years, what we hope you'll find today is just how easy it is with Flutter to make your vision a reality."
"Flutter compiles down to native code, so you don't have to sacrifice quality to get a great-looking app."
"Flutter became the obvious choice for me."
"Flutter is painting every single pixel you see on the screen, handling every single touch, ending every single gesture."
"The Flutter developer community is really great and really engaged."
"I kind of fell in love with Flutter."
"Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful native mobile apps."
"Flutter is the best of both worlds; it's fast and it's native."
"So with that, let's go ahead and build out our Flutter application."
"Hey everyone, welcome to the Flutter development series from Roman Just Codes, where I'll be developing beautiful user interfaces with Flutter."
"I'm happy to say that I'm satisfied with how simple Flutter allows developers to integrate Firebase into our apps."