
Community Outreach Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Praying in the Holy Ghost, finding souls, pulling them from the fire, one church, one person, one family, one nation at a time."
"We're setting up community vaccination sites, developing mobile units to reach hard-to-reach communities. Today, 90% of Americans now live within five miles of a vaccination site."
"We want to make sure we get this information out to as many people as possible."
"If anyone has any struggles around drinking drugs any with mental health problems don't be afraid to reach out there's lots of support for you now you can contact myself or Danny we'll be more than happy to help."
"We want people on the outskirts to feel there's more to the church than headlines."
"The harvest is out there, it's coming. Friends are coming, they're coming, they're coming."
"Talking with people of faith and reminding them of our values."
"There's no room for Jesus in the heart of a lukewarm church. He stands at the door and knocks, seeking entrance."
"He's growing support amongst blacks, Hispanics. He brings us together."
"That's what I did. I wrote a geek mail to every person that had it listed as owned."
"I published his letter on my pediatric health side kid nurse so that it could be shared beyond our community."
"You need to embrace that. I agree. There's too much at stake. Reach out to those kids. You've got to bring those barriers down."
"What do I need to do to get you to understand that this is... I need to get a bus and drive around and go to every elderly home and pick him up."
"We want to take you from Atlanta then we want to spread it around to the rest of the communities globally."
"All we do in our ministry is motivated by love for Jehovah and the people in the territory..."
"So I just want to thank you both for taking the time to explain all of this to my audience and for the work you're doing."
"They got to get back into African-American churches, Latino churches, into white churches."
"Doing community-led outreach on a very, very personal basis is going to be much more effective."
"We got the word out in our churches with the civil rights movement. We got the word out. This is another sort of phase of that chapter."
"Freedom reads is a way for people on the outside to express our kinship, our support, and our belief in the possibilities of those on the inside."
"Spread the word, say it louder to those people in back!"
"I've been trying to do more of that which is why I reach out to people... wouldn't it be cool if we did that?"
"Bethel's model: Bringing Heaven to Earth." - Describing Bethel's mission and motto.
"There's not a shop in the world that has done more to introduce cars to a wider audience."
"Beat the Streets is honored and grateful for the opportunity to sponsor final X."
"You really serve as our marketing team, you help us to expand and let other black folk know."
"This is a genuine people-powered movement, a lot of stuff that we're not getting, you get it and you spread the word."
"Portland police officers have fun: Portland police officers have well and truly jumped on the social media bandwagon."
"It's definitely not the normal way of doing church in this western culture. Now it's like okay, our goal is who are we bringing to church, who are we telling about those that we won? And it's exciting, it's really, really a lot of fun."
"We travel, we speak at schools, hospitals, wherever we can to just try to make the world safer and kinder, more loving."
"Go out into America and find people who want the best for their country."
"Reaching out to more people that way, growing our audience."
"We're giving you all some jewels today... I pray that this blesses you."
"The players are going to be dividing into groups, about eight different groups, and they're going to be heading off to local hospitals."
"He's amazing... has befriended over it I think 20 KKK members or even I think it's more."
"It's an important thing to be open about ASMR and to spread the word so that other people can experience those soothing parts as well, you know, it's a good thing to spread love and to be connected to everyone else in the world."
"There's no excuse, get it to 10 people, 20 people, 50 people, 100 people."
"You can be a missionary by walking out your front door."
"Shout out again to the charity of the day which is Doctors Without Borders."
"We just had an incredible Easter celebration... we were able to reach over a hundred thousand people with a big gospel message."
"Even trans men are reaching out to you for your help. There's no benefit for them in this law."
"I mean loving people is great, taking care of them is one thing, but thinking, 'How am I gonna reach these people?'"
"If you have a grandparent or a family friend or a neighbor that doesn't know about these types of scams... have them watch this video."
"Christian hip-hop, if we want to keep a hundred percent finding facts real, we were the outcasts... but we were out there evangelizing, pounding to pave, making great music that glorifies Jesus and edify the church simultaneously."
"An anti-war movement rooted in the working class, not only to fight the wars, but to reach out to each other."
"I feel amazing, I want to share it with everyone."
"I want other people to know what the gospel is and I want people to be as happy as I am."
"Stay rooted, stay grounded, and go after the rootless ones."
"Charities and organizations are sending their support and encouraging others to prioritize their health."
"I've made it a mission this year and in the coming years to really do some serious outreach with UFO researchers from around the world."
"The name of the game is converting. You don't win when you're talking to the same people that say, 'Uh-huh.'"
"The challenge for the party is still how do we have an economic message or an aspirational message that reaches a lot of these communities."
"I am commissioned to go out not only here but throughout the world and reach the community that's what I'm commissioned to do."
"We have to accept that fact, let's reach our hand and let's show them the support."
"We gotta watch and take this Bible seriously and go teach our people. That's the true warfare."
"Now is an opportunity for the president, the vice president, and our cabinet to be out in the country, connecting the agenda to people's lives."
"Good morning to your boyfriend, good morning to your grandma. Tell everyone that I personally have said good morning."
"If your religion can't find the people, it's no good, amen. Obedience is holiness."
"I'm gonna be looking for people that haven't i watch strangers that happen i watch to give him away."
"I wish more people would reach out and run to her and have a conversation and see where this hurt is, see what's going on."
"Don't ever feel like you're alone because there's always someone, and if you feel like you have no one, breathe, bro, just DM me 'cause I'm here."
"There are tons of people outside the church who are hungry for a real church that cares about all the things we're talking about here."
"Black media is involved in that effort... we've got to reach out through the channels where people are listening."
"These programs can benefit from multilingual documentation and options as well as community-based Outreach."
"One of my favorite groups of women to work with are girls at a place called The Next Door in Nashville, Tennessee."
"Mormon night at a professional baseball game... a big PR thing for the church."
"I never thought that even as a police officer that I would be doing the job that I'm doing now with all that outreach and everything. I mean this is such a new thing in law enforcement but it's a very necessary thing."
"Events like tonight help TIFF showcase world-renown films, provide diverse educational initiatives, and our community outreach programs like Real Comfort."
"Let each one in this room reach one."
"We're really reaching out into the community, particularly in nursing homes, to understand the role of nursing homes as a reservoir of superbugs."
"I'm lucky I have a following so I'm able to reach a lot of people."
"Show some consideration for the family, come on man, try and reach out, try to set up programs, try to do something."
"We want to have a positive outlook and outreach towards the citizens."
"Foosball clubs USA has been reaching out to schools and youth centers since 2015."
"I go to a lot of schools and speak to a lot of the legal community and try to get better communication between the urban community and law enforcement."
"The idea behind that ambassador program is really to spread this kind of training and goodwill for the bug hunter community across the world."
"The cards say 'Greetings from the Balloon Brigade, let us know how far this balloon traveled'."
"As men, as individuals, man, you go talk to whoever you want from whatever hood they from, and you build a relationship with that person."
"We're just thankful that you've called joy and given her these gifts pray you'll continue to bless she and the whole Farm Stu team as they expand and teach about the practical abundant living that Jesus makes available."
"I'm rolling out, showing this city that Flavortown is in the heart of every single one of us."
"There's so much talent in communities that are not being reached; if you want to be a brilliant F1 team, go and find that talent."
"It's important to get the information into the Latin communities down in either Mexico and or Guatemala, El Salvador."
"We're so grateful to the institutions who provided our facilitators and allowed us to reach into your venues for this training."
"Always glad to hear about outreach, about people putting things together. Awesome job!"
"We have to educate the public; we have to outreach to all communities."
"Exploring ways to improve messaging for specific communities is crucial for ensuring widespread understanding and compliance."