
Public Domain Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The idea behind public domain is that it fosters innovation, creativity, and knowledge, and encourages artists to draw on previous works of art to create something new."
"They know that they're getting public domain content and then marking it as they own it."
"Taylor Swift didn't have to get Paul Anka's permission to record 'My Way.' You could record 'My Way,' I can record 'My Way,' everyone can record 'My Way' because this is a collectively held right."
"When something makes its way into the public domain, it starts being used by everyone because it's free to use."
"NDAs do not cover criminal activity, illegal activity, or things that are already out there in the public domain."
"Life-saving drugs can and should be squarely in the public domain because the public sector can make decisions about this based on people's needs not investor profits."
"Once something becomes a meme it belongs to the world."
"Once upon a time is a celebration of the public domain but if it were up to Disney they would own every single character in that show."
"Public domain works should not be confused with works that are publicly available."
"Psilocybin it's in the public domain... research has to be funded by private individuals."
"Steamboat Willie horror film announced as Mickey Mouse enters public domain."
"When an artist creates something and gives it to the community, it no longer belongs to the artist, it belongs to the community that they made it for."
"Please do your own research, all media used is in the public domain."
"Mickey Mouse, yes the OG animated mouse himself, becomes copyright free in his original black and white form in 2024."
"Enjoy the beauty of public domain maps and their versatility for creative projects."
"The coolest, most culturally relevant aspect stuff passing into the public domain has less to do with the works of media themselves than the concepts contained within them."
"First, many Disney movies are based on public domain stories, meaning in most cases these companies can just call their films the same thing as the Disney movie."
"Designing with public domain art is a journey."
"How to use public domain art in your printer, in the end, or printables."
"Most in these public domain cartoons are so stupid."
"Childhood IP entering the public domain."
"OG versions of Superman, Batman, Joker, and Wonder Woman will hit public domain in a decade."
"Just because a film is in the public domain doesn't mean it's bad."
"But yeah, I hope this video proves that you shouldn't always write off a film for being bad just because it's in the public domain."
"I favor a system in which valuable patents are bought out and put into the public domain so that everybody can use them."
"No one has an answer. The answer to when does art suddenly belong to the public because they decide it's important to culture is never. The art never stops belonging to the artist unless they choose to sell it."
"The earliest versions of the characters Mickey Mouse, Minnie, and a few others will become public domain next year in 2024."
"But, sound recordings from 1923 are public domain as of today."
""Steamboat Willie" and Mickey Mouse are finally in the public domain! . . . Sort of! And, maybe not really. It’s complicated."
"Public domain work is art that belongs to the people. It’s a beautiful thing."
"Works become public domain ninety-five years after first publication."
"Now the song is in the public domain, meaning you can use it as much as you want."
"The time has finally come after nearly a century, the iconic figure Mickey Mouse is officially public domain."
"Novel means new in the sense that the invention mustn't be anticipated by another patent which has already been granted or by knowledge which is already in the public domain."
"It's going to be a very interesting day when Mario becomes available to the public domain."
"The public is sovereign; information is basically the property and hold to the American public and to the Congress, not the property of the government."
"All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain."
"Full accounts, including commercial profits, will be placed into the public domain at least every year."
"Anything you save on Tableau Public is public."
"Oh wow, is this actually just going to play a public domain movie? That is so cool."
"Mickey Mouse has recently went public domain."
"As soon as Steamboat Willie entered the public domain, there have been all sorts of new projects announced."
"Winnie the Pooh is now in public domain."
"The first iteration of Mickey Mouse is now officially public domain."
"Christmas music is public domain unless it's a famous artist."
"The design is now yours; it's public domain, completely free for you to download and use in whatever capacity you like."
"Public addresses have to be paid for and you can use them over the internet."
"The moment you're done and you release it out to the public, it is no longer the artist's; it belongs to everyone else now."
"Most of these are public domain; it's a pretty cool collection to have."
"If something is public, it's built to show; it's built to grow."
"Once the copyright lapses, it goes into the public domain."
"The entirety of the channel is public domain meaning that I do not claim any rights on any of the content that I make."
"Public domain is the area that you can go to freely and without restrictions, where you can be comfortable that you're not infringing anyone else's rights."
"I'm going to make the designs available to you for free, I'm going to relinquish any rights I have to the design, I'm going to make them completely public domain."
"Creative Commons zero or in the public domain... overall you're safe to use them."
"All ontologies should be open, completely in the public domain, free anyone can use them for any purpose."
"The galaxy did two things primarily: it got stuff into the public domain, which is what I wanted."
"Nothing is reproduced here that isn't already in the public domain."
"Public domain stuff makes money all the time."
"You'd be surprised at the kind of information that was out there in the public record that people simply do not search."
"It's hilarious, the Betty Boop cartoons a lot of them are in the public domain now."
"The copyright for Steamboat Willie finally expired and it is now in the public domain."
"Public means it's open to all, no restrictions."
"A lot of our venerable pop culture icons will eventually slip into the public domain."
"The original Lord of the Rings novels passing into public domain is going to be really interesting to see what happens after that."