
Dispute Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The only disputes that happened were minor, like drivers arguing over who saw a parking lot first."
"Sue me for what was rightfully hers... if she was gonna sue me then go ahead sue me."
"You know I was cheated on the first fight the second fight we fought Madison Square Garden you know I beat him all the fans you know knew I beat him I beat him in that fight no one could say any different."
"Next time hopefully clown will bring some examples, some proof, some evidence before he fires stupid allegations at me with nothing to back it up."
"Stop with the 'that's not what it means to me.'"
"This is absurd stop this is an official this is not."
"Don't even bother with the rest of it. She has no standing."
"Yo, they really got this guy on tape trying to murder someone in jail over a $20 book dispute."
"Remain calm during disputes and have the self-control not to follow the crowd. Courage in the face of danger comes from inner strength, not foolhardiness."
"That's not in dispute, but trying to get him to say he wanted them to die, I mean what a swing in and miss."
"One side had evidence the other side didn't it's just that simple."
"He loves telling that story and in the end he didn't pay them one cent of their stupid prepayment penalty."
"He refuses to abide by that and the back and forth over it is so utterly juvenile."
"That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard."
"This was not a he-said she-said situation. This was a 50-something she's and one he."
"We had a conversation last night. Why are you reheating it?" - George Galloway
"Monique's legal dispute with Netflix served as a rallying outcry for greater transparency and equality within the entertainment industry."
"Although there have been attempts to discredit the Horizon system via the courts, to date the Post Office has been able to defend the integrity of the Horizon system at all levels."
"It makes the dispute unnecessary moving forward."
"She doesn't dispute that she stabbed her husband a staggering 193 times."
"I ain't never made a dollar off Gilly, not 1 dollar. I never put a record out with Gilly, stop all that cap ass talking. But I ain't never made no money off you [__]."
"They sued the hell out of her for every penny they had paid over the last 10 years."
"All this over baby wipes because a father wanted just one package for his baby."
"We sent that report to our lawyer and waited while he contacted Karen's lawyer to see if she was going to give us the money. She refused of course."
"The lawyers tried to fight once they found out the pipeage was not being used but they couldn't fight it."
"Maybe next you can sue somebody for wearing shoes you don't like or being too short."
"Federal common law necessarily raises a substantial and disputed question of federal law here."
"Proving that the homeowners association had unlawfully removed my trees was relatively straightforward."
"It seems to me to be largely crazy to end a friendship over a political dispute."
"He expressed a willingness to repay the losses but disputed that the sums represent actual loss to post office."
"You're another one of these low down line jumpers, is what you're saying."
"The lady said that I stole her money."
"All I want to know is if anyone of you reading this is good with researching laws and all of that. If it was him, I'm planning on taking him to court, but I don't know if it's worth it and how much I'll get from it if anything at all."
"We're just going to go back in there play some mini golf they tried to say that we were vandalizing but they had no proof so we are allowed to go back in."
"...the finders were declared to be jointly Ford and butcher, not butcher, Ford and butcher."
"...and after a series of negotiations the border reopened and despite the continuing dispute over the status of Gibraltar there would be no further changes in its status."
"You're blocking me from retrieving stolen property."
"'Their treasure trove,' the British Museum is going to want these, and that's for certain.'"
"Barass exactly she she withdrew from the case and I think that that infuriated her even more cuz her bar said you're probably not going to win yeah oh my goodness."
"That's hardly all the time, losing it a little bit feuding."
"India decided they weren't happy with the small print and the dispute continued for another 40 years."
"However, this is disputed by the chief investigator for the Cook County coroner's office, Harry Glass."
"Everybody knows he lost except fat ass."
"That's the biggest controversy of them all."
"It was as if everyone had to take a side, and the dispute carried on into the 20th century."
"I swung again, we just went back and forth. He may say he won because they were holding me back from beating his and my jacket came off. But you call that winning? No, you didn't win."
"Lots of accounts dispute that including Ditko himself."
"Old Mr. James Barr, an Englishman and a man of much nerve, then replied to him; 'it is not the King's highway, it is a road built by the owners of the lots on the other side, and no king, country or town has anything to do with it.'"
"Comparisons between Rome and the British Empire were always disputed and contested."
"Fake news is not an argument, it's a slogan. If somebody says fake news to you they are not disputing anything that you have reported, they are just throwing a blanket over you and saying I don't even want to talk about it."
"Throughout, the post office was trying to settle the claim."
"Scarlett Johansson sued Marvel for Black Widow because they released it on stream and in theaters, she was like, 'Oh man, this ain't part of my backhand deal.'"
"Within the first couple of weeks, we began to suspect we were in close proximity of an ongoing domestic dispute between the tenants and the unit upstairs."
"Thirty years of my life went into this ranch. Now the railroad wants to take it away from me."
"We might be fighting over this thing for a while."
"None of the penalties were penalties."
"Son or no son, she's suing for the 59.87 today, and she wants it so she can go buy herself a new cart."
"WTF, you said that I could have it. Tell them they can't have it, it's mine!"
"Plaintiff Richard Orton says his ex-lover moved out without paying rent and stole his belongings. He's suing for unpaid rent, utilities, medical bills, loss of property, and related fees."
"The defendant won't return her furniture, repay her for the tires, and she's suing for every penny of the $3,000."
"...cono got into a verbal altercation with his wife Esther which apparently led him to stealing her purse and refusing to give it back."
"The boat owner appeared and started shouting and waving his hands in the air."
"He's so scared of the [__] like I said he's so scared of the [__] that that of his homie that he tried to throw it all on me and my homies so I'm like bro listen the incident that happened bro it was forty thousand I ended up paying thirty thousand bro."
"...and she wants to be compensated for her losses so she's suing for one thousand five dollars."
"The only motivation for the murder had been a simple dispute over money."
"She says she hired the defendant to do some work in her house. She paid him, then he never showed up to do the work. She's tired of his lame excuses and is suing him for the return of our 300."
"Which makes it a tie because we both know you robbed me on my tote."
"Gypsy Rose is missing a pretty big bag from her TikTok account, several thousand that ended up in her estranged husband's hands."
"This is engineering, these are machines, this is not something that should be this acrimonious."
"She's threatening to sue if we don't return everything that's hers or pay for what we don't have or what we sold or broke."
"Literally she just said 'wow they stole from me' and Airbnb is just sitting there like 'yeah you're right they clearly stole from you'."
"Why do you own property on these postcards that you're beefing over?"
"The victory is not going to be settled by theology, it’s not going to be a dispute between theologians. It’s going to be a demonstration of power."
"Few would dispute the eastbound fleet's existence in the South Pacific, though."
"After a short dispute between her, Kirby, and Brooks, she saw Brooks get back into the red SUV and heard him saying something to the effect of, 'I don't swear so f-u-fing B's you're dead.'"
"Ethan saying he made zero dollars on Frenemies is another bold-faced lie. He makes what I make, which is a lot. And then he also keeps all the Frenemies highlights, which is like 5 million views per month since the beginning."
"Compensation is the sticking point."
"This entire war has been built on one simple deceptive lie: The ancestral people of this land are the Jewish people."
"Your eight landlords did when they took you to court for your non-paid rent."
"What I'm telling you now, sir, is the only thing that I'm dealing with in this case is the property that you say that you left behind."
"The amount in controversy is simply the monetary value that's at stake in a lawsuit."
"Hundreds of people died in the border clashes, over what in reality amounted to some small islands which were described by at least one commentator as having 'no value whatsoever to either country except one of prestige'."
"I assume you saw trying for the will."
"He didn't body shame him. The kai said it very clearly he didn't, he didn't say that he didn't mean that but whatever he meant it was still a head loss."
"Petty disputes are like taxes, they hit you when you least expect it."
"You try to screw every single penny out of him, and he knew all along it was mine."
"But generally, I would not recommend disputing any delinquency, let alone hard inquiries, via online because you sign away a lot of your consumer rights when you do so."
"There is no dispute that Ms. Heard did not write that headline."
"This is one benefit of credit cards that I regret never using much I kind of saw it as risky and unnecessary my first thought has always been to work it out with the merchant but from now on I'll consider disputing the transaction at the business tries to do me dirty."
"He would humbly advise him to look into how much profit Mark made after the recent dispute with the Yen Empire."
"We're actually designed by nature to win arguments. We're not actually designed to resolve disputes. Those are very different things."
"There has never been so much as a letter in dispute about the Quran."
"No way, Jose! That was Ka's fault. He was leaning over! No, it was your fault. You didn't make the best one. I made the best one!"
"She called the apartment complex before I could and tried to get a refund for her half."
"Money is essential. As much as anybody wants to dispute it, you need it."
"I have a counter claim against you for 685 for storage fees."
"Had Fat Joe done 'So Hard' the way it was supposed to be done, there's nothing for Ja Rule to do but shut the [__] up."
"The Jews and those who dispute therein are full of doubts."
"She's suing for 200, the cost of a new fence."
"He looked up at him with a twinkle in his eye and said, 'Now, now, my good man, this is no time to be making enemies.'"
"And Diamond Duke is the winner. Says who? It was a dead heat."
"I am NOT going to award you the amount you're asking for in terms of damages."
"Why are teams fighting their players on these small pay raises to the point where they're going to take them to a trial?"
"But that's not what you're doing. You're coming to court and saying, 'You breached the contract because I don't like what you've done so far.' That's not how it works."
"The Second Samoan Civil War reached a head in 1898 when Germany, Great Britain, and the United States disputed over who should control the Samoan islands."
"My shady apartment complex is saying they will charge us 250 because one tenant is being lazy."
"Tom Cruise locked him out of the editing room."
"10 to 15 is totally reasonable so this delivery driver was just way out of line."
"I used to live there too. It was just as much my land as yours."
"The ongoing war between record labels and TikTok has been insane. TikTok literally in a statement told YouTube, 'We've given you free promo. We've blown up your artists. We don't owe you any extra bread.'"
"That's where you're wrong, Bob Kirtland was the meanest, stingiest, most vindictive."
"The god of Abraham, the god of Nahor, and the god of their fathers judge between us."
"Gibson loses the Flying V trademark case in the European Union. Not in the US."
"Central Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a contentious claim since 2005."
"But then everybody that wasn't in the room tried to say that the movie never played."
"But I argued the heck out of that one, and she finally dropped it,"
"There had been an altercation over an attentive waiter."
"Historian Marilia Correa, from Baylor University, disputes however that the armed forces were monolithically sided against the president."
"Sure it's packed in with Splinter but it doesn't belong to him. It belongs to Shredder."
"My shiny, my shiny, you found it in my yard, it's mine."
"Stacy, it isn't worth anything. It's mine, I deserve it."
"...but the disbelievers say this is nothing but a lie which he has forged, and others have helped him at it. In Truth, it is they who have put forward an iniquity and a false word that's contradicting it."
"Yasiel Puig is kicked out of the game, arguing."
"A Mrs. George Kaufman is here and she claims they want to cut it all out-- the Indian Camp story."
"He called us the mafia just because we're trying to make sure that an old lady has a home in a street where she's lived most of her life."
"I'm professional because I swore? But when she was ringing down my phone and texting me, what am I just supposed to be sitting there, Kumbaya, and just say, 'Yeah, I'm just going to take anything because I have a business'? No, that's not how it works."
"Do y'all think it's wrong that man is obese and he owes me or his company allegedly owes me M's or no?"
"I'm owed six million dollars from Good Music, and that's just what it is."
"The defendant's motion to dismiss is a predictably false, misleading, and histrionic misrepresentation of the facts and circumstances of the history of the case."
"Have they ever gotten an argument like this before?"
"I've never disputed that I wasn't going to pay her. I think she just did this just to make me look bad. But it's okay. I never disputed that I didn't. But it's just that, like the judge said, you have to keep things professional."
"Bottom line: they had a business arrangement. The plaintiff backed out, and now she's out of luck because he owes her nothing."
"No contest, I'm not gonna argue about 110 dollars."
"Command them not to get caught up in wrangling about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers."
"That is Jesus, son of Mary - the word of truth about which they dispute."
"Contested divorces in Georgia are filed when spouses do not agree on all issues at the outset."
"Eritrea and Yemen agreed to resolve the ongoing territorial dispute over the Hanish islands through further negotiations scheduled for February 1996."
"In the eyes of many, Samuel Tilden stays as America's stolen president."
"The family law is extremely personal. It is the classic quintessential 'he said, she said'."
"...what can't beat me so you speak of morality? Where was your morality when you first pissed on my car?"
"It's amazing that you had to go through all of that just so that they would reverse a thirty thousand dollar charge that shouldn't have been charged in the first place."
"The burden of proof is on the person disputing it."
"Tension or fight? Absolutely not. No argument that was audible to you? Absolutely not."
"If they don't respond in a 30-day window, it has to come off whatever you disputed."
"Castle is Karidwen's, island belongs to Yachik," Yachick retorted.
"Once they say over the phone, 'Hey, it's been removed,' or you disputed it successfully, give yourself 30 days for your credit report to update."
"Anything negative on your credit report can be disputed successfully."
"This whole incident stemmed from a neighbor dispute, but that's no justification for the nightmarish way in which Gary Dean's life ended."
"You have the right to dispute any errors, inaccuracies, or incomplete data."
"The entire educational system is one of the disputes that's going to become a really prominent dispute."
"The ideal outcome in the majority of cases is that the parties are able to resolve any dispute amicably between themselves without the need for litigation."
"I was bringing legal proceedings against her for constructive dismissal, unfair dismissal."
"He said, she said, she said, she said, I think it bolsters their credibility."
"The dispute took an intense turn."
"Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy."
"Not a single sentence of that story has ever been officially disputed."