
Atmospheric Design Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"There's something so fitting about having a song this beautiful appear amidst one of the most claustrophobic zones in the entire game."
"The design of the world still works on you in the background."
"The lighting throughout Dead Space 2 does a lot of heavy lifting for the atmosphere and tone, establishing tension even in linear level design."
"Silent Hill was made foggy by its limitations, but that fog was made real by Team Silent's creativity."
"Half-Life's opening levels create a slow ratcheting of apprehension and dread that sticks with anyone who's played the game."
"Released in 2008, Dead Space is a master class in atmosphere and tension."
"Just the atmospheric tone, you know, just awesome."
"The combination of lighting and realistic cloud cover then plays a key role in defining the atmosphere within this game."
"I really enjoyed the story, it had some great moments, I was interested in the world, I think the story is well told, they handled choice and consequence exceptionally well, and combined with the game's atmosphere I think they did a fantastic job."
"This game is amazing at creating atmosphere. It's honestly one of the best I've seen lately."
"I plan to create more videos on these sort of topics about how we can maybe encourage change."
"It genuinely felt like a milestone in gaming, with no previous horror game being anywhere near as atmospheric, as unnerving, and as pants-pooingly frightening."
"The Resident Evil 1.5 beta is creepy in all the right ways."
"The dark atmospheric feel of its world makes this feel like the most visually authentic entry."
"The atmosphere is masterful, the symbolism behind it is fascinating, the overall experience is suspenseful, intriguing, and is perfectly placed in the context of the game."
"Verruckt takes place in an insane asylum and you can feel that while you're playing the map."
"Atmospherically and artistically windbound is about as close to perfect as you can get."
"The Order 1886: Once you get past the hype, you'll find a fantastic atmospheric shooter."
"The weather effects add to the game's overall mood."
"The music and sound design is a masterpiece all on its own in this game."
"Architecture creates meaning through atmosphere rather than symbolism."
"This game sells its scares in a way that I found genuinely impressive."
"Faith emulates the stylings of 1980s 8-bit video games and nails down that haunted game cartridge look."
"The rain effect in Slippery Climb creates a really hostile atmosphere."
"While it certainly doesn't stand toe-to-toe with contemporaries like Dead Space or Gears of War, I was really impressed with the atmosphere and genuinely engrossing story..."
"The music just adds so much to the immersion of this world. It's called breath of the wild so the music is going to be minimal to add to that idea of taking a breath and just letting the beautiful scenery and atmosphere just breathe."
"As I looked over a sea of hellfire complete with giant rotating fireballs I could almost hear the Super Mario 64 music..."
"The sound design, and the music, just BEAUTIFUL!"
"The fog here is actually the thing that makes the scene work at all on PC."
"Dead Space sets new heights in terms of atmospheric presentation in video games."
"Based on that atmosphere, yeah, based on the tools the game gives me but also kind of the oppression going on here."
"It's kind of like lo-fi beats the video game and if you get what I mean by that, this game might be for you."
"The space feels huge because of the expansion and contraction of space, creating those memorable moments."
"Manhunt is a special horror game in how it creates its dark atmosphere, its gruesome content and its satisfying yet terrifying mechanics."
"I just love decorating with leather or faux leather accents because it really helps to create a warm and inviting atmosphere."
"R-Type Delta has everything one looks for in an R-Type game: creative, moody, and foreboding stages."
"The oppressive atmosphere, for instance, the way the combat system handles the weight of the character—simple ideas like that—all contributes to the idea that they wanted to make this game challenging."
"I like the art, the production design. Everything about it just really felt lived in. There was such a great atmosphere to every quality of this."
"Beautiful hand-drawn moody atmospheric rich tone Metroidvania."
"The tone of this trailer is immediately set with the first few shots, as we see several parts of Hyrule plagued by a storm."
"The rooms start getting a little bit more run down as you get deeper into the house."
"We wanted the cave to be as dark and moody as possible while also feeling really light and refreshing, opposites."
"Dead Space's most important asset is its light and Shadow and the Remake does a fantastic job of maintaining the original's dark atmosphere and in many instances outdoing it."
"There's a lot, and all of it plays with bold color and really good light and shadows where you actually feel like something could jump out at you."
"Contrast is set in this series of unfortunate events Bioshock Infinite type place."
"They're trying to create an atmospheric experience, and they have succeeded."
"Yeah, we like to glorify the soundtrack of titles and I love video game music a great deal but something like this not only has some really interesting atmospheric music but some really awesome ambient detail."
"The presentation is incredibly well done and fittingly atmospheric in a way that sells the setting perfectly."
"This game does a very good job of creating atmosphere and ambiance."
"We want the horror we want the scares now we want that same environment but the neon lights are flashing instead and going off and on sporadically."
"The music is just so well done... atmospheric."
"Ghost even has a Kurosawa mode in honor of the legendary filmmaker, which meant that we needed dramatic lighting, biting wind, and expressive skies and atmospherics."
"I even like the shadow behind, which is kind of very moody and atmospheric."