
Peak Quotes

There are 631 quotes

"But later in the Tournament of Power, it, you know, it has some very high moments."
"I think I just peaked in my music career, I mean, it's, it's, it's been a long time coming but I mean I'm just so happy."
"The show's popularity was set at an all-time high."
"Bukayo Saka is playing the best football of his career right now at Arsenal."
"The company continued to grow and the adverts hit their peak."
"Indie games are actually in their best years right now."
"Rainbow succeeds player count is today at its peak of its entire lifecycle."
"Number 11 means reaching a ridiculously powerful time of your life."
"If you thought Third Age reforge was at its peak, I promise you, you are wrong."
"We are at the peak of a potential financial revolution."
"Adore was at her career peak I would say at this point as well so her casting was also not shocking in the slightest."
"The most rewarding, [expletive] awesome time of our career."
"One piece stands at the peak of Shonen anime."
"I was there in its heyday when things were absolutely awesome."
"Return of the Jedi, pretty much Star Wars at its peak."
"Nothing beats life is strange... it's peak life is strange..."
"MCC is a fantastic package... MCC is a good time."
"A peak of craftsmanship and artistic achievement."
"This was really one of those periods in gaming where we truly hit some of the best releases of all time."
"You can say what you want but this is Peak art design."
"I have no idea how it's supposed to get better than this."
"You're gonna have a faith and confidence in yourself that reaches an all-time high."
"This is Attack on Titan at its best, this is exactly what we've wanted for years."
"I was the healthiest and the fittest I've ever been."
"The three pyramids at Giza represent the peak of the pyramid-building art in ancient Egypt."
"Roy's career was at an all-time high in 1988."
"Everest today stands as the highest place on planet Earth."
"Seasons one through four were the peak of Game of Thrones; there's no denying that."
"At its peak, Game of Thrones was in the conversation for the best show ever made."
"It's usually thought of as the high point in the social scientific thought of the Enlightenment."
"Right now I reached the perfect peak of athleticism, knowledge, and wisdom as a fighter."
"It is definitely the pinnacle of this series."
"Crazy Stupid Love was Gosling's First comedy film and the peak of his career."
"I mean literal circumstantial, the thing that you're wanting to manifest or to experience is coming to a peak."
"It's never going to get better than this."
"This is the coolest thing. I peaked. This is it."
"This is Peak Venom, guys. This is Peak Venom."
"It doesn't really get any better."
"By 1983, video game arcades were at their peak."
"Mount Everest, on top of that summit."
"YouTube during that time was the peak of YouTube."
"This is truly like the best time of our life right now."
"This is the best it's ever gonna get for the club."
"The arrival of Mourinho brought a renewed confidence to Real Madrid as he joined at the peak of his powers."
"At his Peak, TJ Dillashaw seemed Unstoppable."
"I don't think we're gonna top this. Wow."
"It just doesn't get any better than that."
"The peak is always at the mean. That's the most probable value, and it's symmetric about the mean."
"Man, this was like the end of an era. Peak of American styling, exactly."
"...this is the peak of action spectacle I love it."
"This is the best June in history, bro, this is PEAK Internet right here."
"As he reached the peak, he felt the lightness in his body, relishing the sensation."
"Maximum altitude has been achieved right there. Click."
"I'm at my Peak yeah I'm at my Peak nothing can stop me"
"DMT seems to serve a peak experience on a platter with a salad on the side."
"This is the peak of the Ranger class."
"I think she truly hit a peak with the record Norman [__] Rockwell."
"You are at the top of your game and not even realizing it."
"It was the absolute peak of everything, you know?"
"I was playing really well. My confidence was high. I was kind of at the prime of my career at that point in time."
"We climbed the mountain, we went to the top. Now it's only downhill from here."
"It's become a series that I show as one of the peaks of Kamen Rider."
"Life would never feel this good again."
"Disney was at an all-time high stock of around $200."
"I feel like I'm peaking right now, emotionally, financially, physically, all of that. I feel like I'm peaking right now."
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service represented the peak of 007 as an action franchise."
"Not only have I not passed my peak, I have never seen my peak."
"This is the best experience of my entire life, start to finish. The best day of my entire life, and I don't think I'll ever come close to fully experiencing something on that level again."
"The experience and the talent will meet somewhere, and that's where your prime is."
"The peak of entertainment will always entertain."
"This piece I believe is the peak of what became of the field watch."
"This is the best season of my entire life, hands down."
"It definitely seemed like at this point in 2019 the band was at the peak of their success."
"'Cruel Summer' remains their career apex."
"It does not get better than this guys, it really doesn't."
"...hair metal was very arguably the peak of metal musicianship..."
"I've peaked already. It's fine, it's fine, peaked."
"The high point of imperialism is reached already in 1914."
"At the time, Coppola was at the height of his powers."
"It literally might not get better than this."
"That is Peak fiction right there. We have peaked, ladies and gentlemen."
"...it was sort of a climax of that."
"It's the apex of the entire series."
"Wicked mania was reaching an all-time high."
"This is Nostalgia, the peak of Pokemon."
"This is peak, man, Kishimoto has been cooking."
"Just doing that, playing music with your brother, is probably the pinnacle."
"I've never been more motivated in my entire life."
"It was the best moment of my life."
"Summer is the peak, the summit. It's why we dream."
"The peak of all things Jennifer Lawrence took place between 2012 and 2013."
"Women's basketball has grown so much, it's at the highest point right now."
"That was right at the height of like the human performance aspect."
"It's by far our busiest season ever."
"Overall, this is probably where the series peaked and where most people consider the best game to be."
"I feel like I'm in the form of my life."
"Folks, it doesn't get any better than this."
"Kubo was at his creative Peak during this final Arc."
"It doesn't get better than that for me."
"Guys, it doesn't get better than this."
"I thought this was literally the peak of my entire existence."
"This is like at the peak or in my opinion the peak of Jim Carrey's career."
"They were at their peak in Oakland in 1977."
"Peak away days. I loved every bit of that."
"This is actually amazing, I feel my life is peaked, it is never ever gonna get better than this."
"To think that you've peaked is insane."
"It's almost like he's peaking for this tournament."
"The full moon indicates a situation reaching some kind of peak or things being taken to the next level."
"It could be argued that Jamie Kennedy was at his height in the 90s."
"This is the most thrilling moment of my life."
"If you were going to put happiness in a bottle, it's the highest moment of happiness."
"Pushing positivity, you're pushing Peak."
"That's when adrenaline is peak and you're just like."
"Even though Goku still has cool fights throughout the rest of the series, this one was definitely the peak."
"Sasuke at their peaks was clearly stronger."
"You don't feel like Moses would have come up to the peak."
"I hit the highest point of my physical capabilities was on fire."
"This is the peak of my bodybuilding career."
"I was just hitting my peak. I'm still in the fight."
"I mean it doesn't get better than this"
"It feels like the best part of my life."
"It is so rare to be 20 years deep into your career and very arguably at your creative peak."
"Master of Puppets is Metallica's peak."
"it literally does not get better than this"
"All of these guys in this band were just masters of what they were doing... they were really peaking at this point in time."
"It was the best feeling I've ever had and will ever have in my entire life."
"My level of happiness has peaked."
"We're heading to the heyday of horsepower."
"Sam and Diane's relationship would still be the focus for several seasons to come in many ways, this kiss was the peak of their relationship."
"Elf is phenomenal that's really Peak Christmas to me."
"It's apex mountain for prison movies."
"That was the best experience of my life, literally the best experience of my life."
"I still love this, don't get me wrong. But I definitely think there was a bit of a peak with Uzumaki in the first segment of this story."
"That '90s nostalgia is hitting us all pretty hard because as we now know, civilization peaked in the '90s."
"That last 30 or 40 minutes of that movie was just Peak."
"Society had already peaked by the time this calamity came to be."
"Every now and then you would find that you know you're operating at a certain level and high performance for me is where is where all of a sudden you can peak."
"It was when the beauty world was on its peak."
"We may be at the pinnacle, I guess. I think we are. And then after this, we're off to the glue factory. And thank God."
"Comedy has peaked with this Sonic clip."
"It will never ever get better than this for your team. Factor that into any equation you make for the rest of your life, especially Financial ones."
"Roman Reigns is doing the best work of his life."
"Tom Brady, he's playing some of the best football of his life."
"Nadal was at his Peak and was Unreal."
"If someone was like, 'Hey, what Cauldron record should I listen to?' I mean, there's obviously 'Goat Horn,' there's obviously talking about the early records, but 'In Ruin' definitely feels like the peak of Cauldron."
"Everything's gold and it's like, it's that kind of state that like doesn't last forever either, but he's, he's on it, like we're seeing it, we're seeing his peak."
"We're sort of at that peak starting to come down."
"Al-Mustansir's reign saw the peak of the Fatimid dawa."
"That means it's peaked and you can see if I pause right here."
"Perhaps the peak of the Oilers in the post-merger era was on New Year's Eve in 1978."
"The whole thing is talking about Daniel Bryan's YES Movement which is clearly in my opinion his peak in WWE."
"This is peak attractiveness right now."
"...so this peak is your M plus H plus."
"It doesn't get much better than this, for real."
"It's a heist at its peak and it's phenomenal."
"A season is at its highest before it changes."
"Everything to do with the throne room scene, that's Star Wars at its peak right there."
"Entertainment peaked with The Crystal Maze."
"Supper's Ready is perhaps the band almost reaching their peak as a unit."
"It was Wenger's absolute prime, his peak."
"At their peak, they're my favorite band of all time."
"This is peak moment we are living at a peak of human innovation, information wealth, and health."
"Shanks is the top of the top when it comes to Pirates, the peak."
"The storytelling of wrestling quite simply is at its peak here."
"The majority of women peak between 18 and 25 years old."
"Patrick Dempsey just peaked this year."
"This is as good as it gets for me at least."
"The peak of Sami Zayn was definitely the main event night one of WrestleMania in the story with the bloodline. That's when he was the most entertaining, that's when he was the most over."
"Will Smith's peak was either this or Men In Black. I think it's Men In Black."
"...the absolute Apex of professional wrestling right now."
"This is as good as it gets, no doubt about it."
"I don't care about basic [__]. Every pop star goes through this phase, and she's at her peak right now. So she's at her peak, absolute peak. She's gonna hit the wall, she'll still make some money, but we've seen this before. She's gonna turn into Britney Spears."
"To see people at the absolute Peak of anything, it's like interesting."
"Disney's had its ups and downs and I would definitely say this was the peak of one of its ups."
"...there's a huge brightness increase up to a peak of 2,000 nits..."
"The HELOC could be the absolute peak of Bleach."
"The HELOC will be the peak of Bleach, I guarantee you guys."
"He had reached the absolute peak of what the Heian era had to offer."
"I'm about to reach the peak of my life."
"...mindset sort of reached its peak during the Renaissance."
"Women's basketball is at its peak right now."
"25 is a woman's peak. Peak of knowledge of self."
"They peaked when they did this they peaked they absolutely peaked when they did this I am so excited."
"It was probably the highest point of my career."
"It simply does not get any better than this."
"There is a point that's of high value, highest, but it does taper off fairly well from that."
"This really doesn't get better than this for me."
"This is when Arrow Video was at the top of their game, I think."
"...that's Prime Entourage right there that's like creme de La Creme or when it started to suck nuts..."
"Prince hit an artistic peak with 'Sign of the Times' in 1987."
"'Pleased To Meet Me' might be the high watermark."
"I love that. That's a really good peak."
"This is like the starting point for what comics is. I didn't realize it was like the height, that it's all downhill from here."
"I'm definitely peeking right now. Are you peeking?"
"This is about as good as volleyball gets."
"Doesn't get any bigger, doesn't get any better."
"Hank Parker left the sport the way he wanted at the top of his game."
"Nobody performs at the peak forever."
"This trend culminated in 2013 with the Michael Bay movie Pain and Gain."
"I think we all want peak performance in our lives... we are all... wanting to perform at our peak."