
Player Commitment Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Not everyone is going to build 10 different characters when a single playthrough can run up to 50 hours for a brand new player."
"We need some players that are going to come in and give everything on the pitch."
"Whatever you think of the next game, the chances are you'll still end up sinking hundreds of hours into it."
"Players will come through, fight for the badge."
"The one thing I do really really like about him is the fact that if the rumors are true that he's willing to walk from PSG now and come to United that's a big plus for me."
"These Final Bosses would require extra grinding for levels, stocking up on additional items and supplies, and perhaps even creating more customized strategies."
"He was so dedicated one who was playing it was just like tremendous."
"Halo 3 had a linear progression system with an end point so far out that just about any amount of experience meaningfully told you something about how serious a player was about the game."
"Bruno never gives up, always leaves his heart and soul on the pitch."
"Mythical isn't about skill, it's about time and grind."
"We as fans want these players to love the club as much as we do when in reality, it's a journey for these guys."
"What did Harden prove with this trade? He proved he's going to be playing basketball this year."
"If a player doesn't want to be here, you let them go."
"Nobody wants time they've invested in a game to have gone to waste."
"I ain't playing for anybody but Steve. That's the plan... It would be weird to be in another uni." - Klay Thompson
"Your time is definitely worth spending in there but not good enough where you're really forced to go there unless you're a top-tier competitive player."
"Both of those guys are locked into my lineup on the basis of a six."
"His commitment to training, his commitment to extras, his commitment to understanding the game is something that could never be questioned."
"Cristiano Ronaldo stays at Manchester United."
"You've still got to have players that are going to work hard for each other."
"I'm really looking forward to running through probably three full files of 3D World again. That's hardcore."
"I kind of want to max out as soon as possible."
"The players are playing for him they are they are absolutely playing for him."
"Rashford has ever evidentially and factually put his body on the line for us this season."
"Players who put in the most time were truly rewarded."
"He's gonna be my tackle for the next six years the guy's a beast I want to bring him back."
"He's always doing his best and has had some great lore."
"The players are playing now, it feels like they're there for the project, for the club, and for the badge on their shirt."
"Zach LaVine is expected to resign that $200 million contract."
"We got one more year, we're gonna try to keep Kenny Moore."
"I had this feeling like, 'Yeah, we gonna finish this thing off.'"
"I think we've now got to a point where we have demonstrated continuously to Harry McGuire that we want him as a player."
"The best thing that could happen is Pogba signs a four-year deal."
"Marcus Rashford cares about Manchester United Football Club."
"Tim Duncan was loyal to the Spurs because he already knew that he could win there."
"Before we put the work in, we should be getting a big thumbs up from the player that they're desperate to come to our club."
"For real though guys, that is it for me, I'm honestly gonna be playing this for the next few days."
"We just want players that play for the shirt."
"Forget about updates, forget about where they're going to take the game, fundamentally Clash Royale is going to be here for a long, long, long time."
"Wushi 999 accumulated tens of demons with his goal being to clear the entire top 50."
"If he sees good progress from the club and thinks, 'Yeah, I want to be a part of this, I think we can win the league,' I don't want him to leave United when we're onto this. I want him to stay."
"If any player, I'm telling you any single player, says I don't want to play for him, here's the door, bruv. You can go as well, bro. All of these guys, bro, because we've been on this merry-go-round over and over again."
"If there's a player of that caliber who actually wants to play for Arsenal, you make it work."
"It really sounds like for the people who are still visually playing this game, six dollars a month is probably nothing."
"Will this have longevity will this last will this be the next destiny with his kill destiny brothers it is so early it is so tough to tell but I guarantee I will be playing this for a while."
"The player characters set up Dagmar with a new identity in another town far from Anton's clutches, but they vow to stay in this city determined to pursue his nefarious schemes until he is defeated once and for all."
"We're not going to ask questions, we will bring home Tartaglia C3 early. Boom!"
"Jabari Parker, he's actually trying on defense."
"We've now got a squad of players that want to be at this football club for the right reasons."