
Dramatic Impact Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The planet Buster: a powerful bomb that... will immediately explode its core and turn into a giant flaming ball of death."
"Every decision you make in this game with these characters is said to have dramatic repercussions on your journey."
"The beat had that extra dramatic feel to it, fit really well with the verses."
"The titular song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera comes when Christine first follows the Phantom down into his lair, and the end of the song is absolutely killer."
"The single greatest scene of the entire series."
"The nuance and brilliance of the scene are immeasurable, particularly in how it shifts the audience's perception of Vic's actions over the course of the series."
"Knowing what you know about those two characters being brother and sister boys, it's quite hellacious."
"Would it have had more dramatic impact had Rhodey died? Yes, it would have."
"This was probably the best season yet. Holy crap, that ending was incredible."
"Oh man John's saying 'I love you' too, and the music and oh god no Shiera don't go."
"Writing the scene to make it where Oberyn essentially wins the fight but gets blinded by his pursuit to find the truth about Elia Martell which results in his death is the perfect way to properly shock your audience."
"Masenko from Gohan completely eradicates every cell of Buu."
"This was a powerful final line to a complex, morally ambiguous character who loved her children."
"This season is fantastic, another 9 out of 10, incredibly strong and powerful in spite of its flaws."
"A holy terror is going to strike into their hearts."
"There are just too many lives staining the pages of the script."
"The emotion realized from drama brought this game into full bloom."
"Fortunately, the results of one such collision were actually filmed back in 1914, and it's really dramatic stuff."
"This scene rivals any scene that I've seen in the show."
"I'm pretty sure old Azeroth is still in the face with Deathwing's fucking hook."
"Christian Slater is the perfect leading man for this wild ensemble, batshit crazy masterpiece of a movie."
"It's a good story because it's dramatic, memorable, surprising, and predictably unknown."
"The drama is the hatred is the jealousy and those things then lead to actions that will challenge duality to the max and that is when lives are taken over."
"Action without dramatic purpose is just visual noise."
"I just died in your arms tonight is a dramatic New Wave hit that feels Larger than Life."
"Taking leadership of the republic forces on world, this attack proved successful and provided one of the most shocking reversals and dramatic Republic victories of the war."
"One of the most amazing endings ever... stick around for that."
"When this film does control its tone it can lead to some amazing drama."
"Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"There's an awakening coming where it's going to be like a 1,000-foot tidal wave sweep across the Earth."
"Robbing it of a talented actress who had left an indelible mark on audiences through her diverse and impactful performances."
"Any villain that kills Beerus is a statement. That is a statement."
"This is Game of Thrones, this is something, man."
"Hold on to your jaws as this drama wows you with its superb cinematography."
"What a good ending. Wow, what a spectacular ending."
"The whole country looked like it was in a nuclear blast."
"In the tumultuous realm of professional boxing, no stage commands the spotlight quite like the illustrious domain of the heavyweights. That's all it took: one shot."
"A good villain will always chew the scenery and spit it in the face of any who dare oppose them."
"Black Lightning literally exploded onto television."
"You don't need a big explosion or spectacle at the end of a movie for it to be effective."
"No one cared who I was till I put on the mask." - Bane
"The hospital scene is so striking because it does not shy away from showing the horrible consequences of shirking responsibility."
"Massive jumps like Super Mario Party, whoa, what was that? It's huge."
"We're gonna make it thunder and lightning as well, damn right."
"Now you're gonna have to take my word for this because no one wants to listen to my thickness of screaming away, but it was a dramatic difference. I'm just gonna shut the door."
"Rhaegar risked everything with Lyanna. He not only left his wife and children – he started a war that destroyed his family and his kingdom and his life."
"He literally sounds like a man who's getting eaten alive by a giant shark beast and what makes this scene even more horrific is the final close-up of Quint spitting out blood before being taken under."
"The butterfly effect the ending that was originally that they had cut what and it's again spoiler review he goes back and kills himself as a baby."
"It's happening, and then it's just this great like what is this and all of a sudden boom."
"It fits flawlessly seamlessly it would explode oh my God so it makes them younger and it makes them more efficient and it makes them more prolific without the drama."
"I was left with my jaw on the floor after just about almost every scene."
"The Fatal Vespers: A contemporary pamphleteer described the scene: 'What a chaos!'"
"Rachel didn't just hate Bam's life... she also took his entire friend group."
"The bugs show up, do you want to know why it's post-apocalyptic? Because giant tearing bugs have annihilated all the Cowboys."
"Monica's line 'I can't control this pain anymore and I don't think I want to because it's my truth' really cuts to the heart of the show."
"Your world could crash down at any moment... nothing that just happened five minutes ago cappell like... nothing compels to what just happened."
"It adds to the dramatic weight of that scene when he did take off the helmet."
"That ending really hit me, like literally right after their wedding."
"This was such an astonishing performance from both guys."
"It's all about your storyteller, and that's a good dramatic actor too."
"Everything we have taken for granted is going to come crashing onto the scene."
"The finale... got people's attention and guaranteed that people will be talking about this for months."
"Thirty days of chastisement will fall in New York City such as the world has never seen."
"He can drag down meteors from outer space to create a giant crater."
"In Coventry 2019 a dramatic event shakes up a previously quiet neighborhood."
"I think that's the minimum you'd expect from a nuclear bomb going off in your face."
"I am moving in to change everything at once, it will be shocking and it will bring a great awe upon this Earth."
"With a single punch, all that 30 minutes of buildup transfers over to our villain."
"There is nothing that leaves you with the same impact as an unexpected revelation."
"I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
"No man alive can inspire the absolute terror of those words like Ethan Hunt."
"For her to go bad and go crazy and eat a Sun and kill a whole planet was really impactful."
"When people say that these surgeries are life-saving, they're not just saying that to be dramatic, these procedures saved my life."
"Dressing the bed was the most dramatic impact I could make in the room."
"The performances in this movie are mind-blowing."
"This last act of the movie was phenomenal."
"His talent as an actor is great; he's someone who has quite the range and dramatic weight he can bring to the screen."
"The approach to the wedding dress was beautiful fabric, nice and simple, dramatic silhouette."
"This movie had consequences. It was insane. It really was."
"It is such a great experience on camera for the audiences to have that one-go shot, great acting, great blocking, moving around the space to deliver that type of dramatic impact that you rarely see in chinese dramaland."