
Carbon Capture Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"If we were to restore a trillion trees, the right types of trees in the right kinds of soils and have them grow to full health, they could store an additional 205 gigatons of carbon."
"Direct air capture involves extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere... one of the finest technical developments for the environment's future."
"Unlike carbon capture, which removes new carbon emissions, the main appeal of direct air capture is that it removes excess carbon dioxide that has built up in the atmosphere."
"That literally means the CO2 within two years after injection is turned into stone."
"It's not morally wrong to invest in carbon capture, but it's not certain it'll solve the problem as claimed."
"Research takes funding; we need money to see if carbon capture can develop effectively."
"Trees eat carbon, there's just any others have to ignore all of these fake metrics."
"Trees can help by trapping carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere, replacing it with the oxygen we all need."
"One thing that we will start to see more is... integrated carbon capture and storage."
"Elon Musk says he will donate 100 million dollars to whoever invents the best carbon capture technology."
"Forests help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon, pulling in carbon. Trees have been doing this for centuries."
"Tell me something that's more pragmatic, proactive, large-scale to take carbon out of the atmosphere than trees. There's not anything." - Bruce Westerman
"The Tongass is resilient and stable. It eats up tons and tons and tons of climate change-accelerating carbon from the atmosphere."
"Almost all of them blow significantly over 1.5 degrees and then come back down, which makes investment in carbon capture extremely important."
"There are no magical shortcuts that are going to make it cheaper to take a kilo of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"Trees are sponges for carbon dioxide, soaking it all up and protecting the rest of us from its poison."
"We have to always compare against PCR. This is where we've taken plastic waste and we use it to trap carbon dioxide."
"We support working together on carbon capture utilization and storage."
"The lens created by a pond increases plant growth and through that increases carbon capture."
"Mother nature came up with the best carbon capture device of all time: trees."
"We are going to capture sequester capture and sequester carbon we're going to need government help to do that but it's happening and it's easily scalable and so those two things are great and they will get us to where we need to go but it can't happen fast enough."
"Eventually we'll be able to take the carbon dioxide that's released as a pollutant and trap it and use it as a carbon source to make useful molecules."
"It's the setting for our greatest efforts to increase biodiversity and capture carbon."
"Soil can hold three times the amount of carbon that's in the entire atmosphere."
"Carbon capture isn't delaying decarbonization; it's pretty much the only realistic path."
"Capturing carbon from the air into the soil is a real big benefit of the fertility on the farm."
"Carbon capture and storage will have a strong role globally only if both the United States and China truly embrace the use of this technology."
"Some of the biggest investors in carbon capture have been oil and gas companies right?"
"Photosynthesis is the best tool we have right now for pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"Alternatives exist such as tree planting, bioenergy with carbon capture, mineral carbonation, and carbon utilization methods."
"If we could make catalysts that could pull carbon dioxide and water out of the air and knit them together using sunlight, we could solve most of our problems."
"I do research on carbon capture, so I am... I do like reading in my spare time and kind of reading articles and looking into that."
"Fungi have a special role to play in getting more carbon into soil and holding that carbon there longer."
"If you can accelerate the scientific progress, which is something that the powerful AI could do, we could get to a very advanced carbon capture much faster."
"You take CO2 from the atmosphere, and you synthesize it with hydrogen to get a synthetic fuel that can replace gasoline."
"Trees being genetically modified to capture more carbon from the air."
"It's absolutely brilliant, you're growing a tree, it's capturing more carbon."
"Capturing carbon from the air and then placing it back into synthetic aviation fuel is seen as one way of effectively creating a carbon circle of capture, use, and recapture."
"We have to reduce emissions urgently and take action to tackle the carbon already in the atmosphere."
"What's nice about what we're doing: we're doing reforming within the underground, we're rejecting the carbon oxides in the underground, and we're producing hydrogen only at surface."
"We were the first to invest a massive amount in carbon capture utilization and storage."
"Pulling carbon dioxide back out of the atmosphere is... the only way we stand any chance of stopping our global atmospheric temperature reaching existentially dangerous levels."
"This direct air capture plant is actually sucking carbon out of the atmosphere at a record pace."
"For the capture of this one ton of CO2 emissions, you would be required to grow 50 trees across one year."
"Climb Works develops, builds, and operates carbon dioxide capture plants that are powered by renewable energy to permanently remove carbon dioxide from the air."
"Carbon capture promises great things on the face of it, it could even lead us down a path to negative carbon emissions."
"Bio sequestration is when living processes lock up carbon for long periods of time."
"For each ton of this material you put on the field, you'll take up 250 kilos of CO₂ from the air."
"When we do that, we get larger diameter trees that go into longer-lived products."
"Cleaning up those things which will require both protections against emissions as well as measures to capture carbon that has already been emitted are a good thing."
"Carbon sequestration is when carbon dioxide is taken or sequestered out of the atmosphere into a sink."
"Mangroves are important for capturing carbon from the atmosphere."
"Microalgae can simultaneously treat human wastewater and capture waste carbon dioxide."
"Biosequestration is using plants, trees, and techniques of grazing and farming to capture carbon and store it in the soil."