
Neediness Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I worry about me when I'm not in the spotlight anymore because I think I might be more needy than I thought."
"There's nothing that a woman can't do to a man who's needy."
"They're coming towards you because they need you, they can't live without you."
"Prayer comes from people who know they're needy."
"If you lost them 'cause of neediness, what you have to do is work on yourself."
"They feel lost without you, they're needing you, so there's some codependency that they're feeling right now."
"You harm yourself... when you need something."
"As long as you're in this place of needing, you're going to have lack."
"Don't sound like a bunch of text messages when she hasn't responded to you. That's going to come off very needy."
"The main mistake perhaps that people make is not coming from a place of fullness but coming from a place of neediness."
"Woman, if you need me then believe me I need you."
"The people that need to be loved the most are desperate for love, but normally act in a way that makes it hard to love them."
"The more you need something, the more you create this comfort zone of lacking it, which will create so much self-sabotage."
"Needing something is a bottomless pit. You can never ever satisfy neediness."
"Confidence is very, very sexy, and neediness is very unsexy."
"When you've let go of that neediness, you've detached."
"Romance: There is a big difference between the need for love and being needy for love."
"There's a big distinction between neediness and being in touch with needs."
"I wonder how much has been layered on top of a fundamental law which is neediness is unattractive."
"Neediness occurs when you place a higher priority on what others think of you than what you think of yourself."
"Anytime you alter your words or behavior to fit someone else's needs, that is needy."
"If we are being too needy, we need to work on building up our relationship and our sense of security within ourselves by learning to trust ourselves more."
"Neediness and performativity, those two qualities are unattractive in both sexes."
"A narcissist doesn't do that, they'll just be like 'hey I need this man'."
"It felt like she was really needy and I felt overwhelmed because I need to be with someone who's independent."
"...this gap continues to carry with us through adulthood and we continue to try to fill this gap with the love of others, the nurturing of others, and it causes us to become very desperate having this primal need for validation and support within these relationships..."
"There's a difference between stating your need and drowning in neediness."
"We want to be needy for the rest of our days, we want to be desperate for the rest of our days."
"I think it's a learning process throughout your growing with your significant other because it could change. Like, you asked me a hundred, mine could be something different each day. I'm just needy, you know?"
"Has anyone ever told you you're the neediest dog in the history of needy dogs?"
"It's also a sign of a healthy human being, by the way. It's also why people who are not needy are so attractive. You ever think about that? Like, why is it that neediness is so toxic?"
"Needy but not, you know, wanting the deal, but not needing it is the ultimate in alpha beta frame control."
"...the people whom we really want to go back in time and redo it over are not the people who didn't like us, but the people who liked us but we pushed them away because we were so goddamn needy."
"Everybody needs to feel needed, that's like the foundational the basis of self-worth and self-identity."
"It's better for a guy to complain that you're distant than for a guy to complain that you're too needy."
"Finding people who make you feel like they need you as much as you need them."
"Idolatry gives us the ability to not be needy."
"A human being needs to be needed far more than we need to be loved."
"You don't seem as needy as I used to think you were."
"Being needy is the best way to attract an unsuccessful relationship."
"Enjoying a thing creates wonder, needing a thing creates worry."
"I've just woken up, I need you. Mum, I've got pain in my tummy, I'm hungry, mum, I'm feeling frightened, I'm falling apart."
"Timothy was a sweet boy who craved attention."
"Baby dragons were just as needy, if not more so, than a human baby."
"We only know God when we need something, we only love God when we need something, we only pray to God when we want something from God."
"Jesus Christ, guard my life, for I am poor and needy. Guard my life, for I am faithful to you."
"If a woman has formed an opinion on you already and you were needy, please do not try to go and get that woman back after it's over with."