
Iconic Character Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"It's Pikachu! How could you not love the Pikachu's? He's an icon."
"Mega Man is still one of the most popular video game characters in the world."
"I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her, please?" - The Terminator, The Terminator.
"Spock is the most important character in Star Trek, but the reason why Spock is so important to us."
"The one who had the best journey was Luke Skywalker."
"Edgar Markov is the OG vampire of Innistrad."
"Bond has not only survived explosions, bullet wounds, and razor rim tats, but he's withstood the passage of time more successfully than almost any other pop culture figure."
"Captain Jacob Keys is one of the most iconic and most Halo characters."
"Not even Pac-Man is safe from the battle royale fad here."
"Bond, James Bond... quite a character, wouldn't you say?"
"Wario went from that weird guy that followed the Mario series around to a Mainstay."
"Sonic is more than just this game, he is more than a cool character design, he is more than green eyes, wear hogs, scarves, he was an icon of the 90s and the 2000s."
"Connery defined the character as we know him today: suave, sexy, and fearless."
"For decades, Spider-Man has stood apart from the pack as one of the most timeless and beloved crime fighters in entertainment history."
"The swinging had fluidity and style not seen in any other Spider-Man game."
"There is no denying that the master is one of the great video game villains of all time."
"Scream 1 reinvented the slasher genre, brought in a new icon: Ghostface, the perfect meta horror movie commentary."
"It's a fine game. It's good. I mean, Spider-Man, right? So you can only like it."
"There is always light, there is always Lois. Lois Lane, the best of us."
"Steve is the avatar of Minecraft, one of the biggest franchises ever released."
"That's right, Frieza! Now I've finally realized the legend and become… the ultimate… saiyan warrior, the super saiyan!!"
"The death of Luke Skywalker is the equivalent of the death of Superman."
"That's Captain America and we only have to wait till May."
"Sephiroth stands as one of the most iconic villains ever created."
"Superman is the greatest hero we have, he's our fireman in the DC Universe."
"The twist made Norman one of cinema's most iconic villains and left '60s audiences with the fear that danger could be lurking anywhere and behind any facade."
"Their baby, Sonic the Hedgehog, would become a worldwide icon."
"It's got Hogger. That's like one of the most iconic [__] things in the entire game."
"Mr. Bean is more than just a man; he's an idea, and you can't kill an idea."
"I am the shadows, I am vengeance, I am the Batman."
"Eddie Murphy's hilarious portrayal of Detective Axel Foley has propelled Beverly Hills Cop into the ranks of the top 10 box office hits in history."
"Ferris Bueller is the living embodiment of cool. He doesn't follow the rules, everyone loves him, and everything always seems to work out for him."
"I really thought long and hard about what the thumbnail should be, and I was just like, it's gotta be Gaston. No one builds castles like Gaston."
"Barney Calhoun is one of the most iconic characters in the Half-Life universe."
"Darth Vader will exist as long as media exists."
"Indiana Jones is the quintessential adventure... an example of how to have exciting action sequences."
"Sonic is a key staple within the video game industry."
"Relax, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"The most iconic and identifiable of all Marvel characters and superheroes as a whole, Spider-Man is often imitated but never replicated."
"An undeniable badass good arc systems first shot at handling one of anime's most iconic."
"Godzilla, the one and only king of the monsters."
"In the right hands, we can get some really quality stuff from this little sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea."
"Spider-man as a concept the web-slinger is and always has been a perfect fit for games."
"Starscream, an iconic figure in geek culture."
"Many actors have broken type by playing Batman."
"Mario is one of the most recognizable videogame characters of all time."
"Spock is legendary, iconic among fictional characters."
"In 1958 Michael Bond wrote A Bear Called Paddington, which introduced the beloved, behatted bear to the world, in what would become a classic of children’s literature."
"Bane was the definitive Batman villain in the comics in the 90s."
"The stalking mechanic is the key to what makes Michael work, not only as a playable character but as an icon of horror."
"Godzilla was one of the first of his kind to recognize this at several levels and adapt."
"He's such an iconic character that he needs to be done Justice. There's a lot of closeted Godzilla fans out there."
"Palpatine: the ultimate villain of the entire Star Wars saga."
"Tommy is the OG Green Ranger the basis for every Green Ranger going forward and probably the one every little kid wanted to be."
"Tony was able to build a tiny arc reactor out of spare bomb parts in a cave."
"Already in 1940, he had the trademark juxtaposition of mirth and malevolence."
"Sam has adopted his new role as Captain America and it looks great on him."
"Spider-Man, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Hands down one of the most recognizable, well-known characters in the world."
"Black Panther, super iconic, and of course, maybe this could be like a tribute to Chad Boseman again, rest in peace, to pay tribute to him. Let's have Black Panther in this game."
"Spider-Man, MCU-inspired costume, huge part of the story."
"Michael Myers has always been among the scariest forces in cinematic history, but his own legacy earned another feather in its cap with the rebootquel."
"The Ranger remains such an enduring archetype because Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings is the prototypical example."
"Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world."
"Steve, the mascot of this game, in Smash... an absolute no-brainer."
"The hero of time is perhaps the most important Link in the entire franchise."
"Without a doubt, Rocket is one of the most iconic members of the Guardians, being one of only three member to never have quit."
"It's time to let the Undertaker rest in peace." - The Undertaker
"Han Solo, dude's coolest and they never try to do that, he has flaws, he makes mistakes but none of them are meant to detract from him being larger than life cool."
"Despite being on his own, all the tragedy, all the loss, Peter is never going to stop being New York's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Barbara Gordon became the all-time greatest guy in a chair in comics: Oracle."
"The t-rex is by far the star of Jurassic Park, and by gosh, did they get her wrong."
"There's only going to be one actor playing Indiana Jones and that's Harrison Ford."
"Arnold plays a cyborg sent back in time to kill the mother of the man who will save humankind from destruction."
"Can you imagine if someone else was running around saying 'I'm Iron Man'?!"
"Sonic's history is a crazy mass of spaghetti."
"It's me, Mario! Oh, this theme tune, the music, the visuals..."
"Mega Man: iconic design, trusty arm cannon, incredible music."
"Robert Downey Jr. playing Tony Stark, I mean, that's your number one right there."
"I am vengeance, I am the knight, I am Batman. Release the director's cut of Batman Forever, the fans want it, I want it." - Kevin Conroy
"I'm the original superhero, I'm a favorite. Superman is here, he's the coolest."
"What Batman Begins is really about to me is analyzing our own fears as a society and how we cope with them."
"It makes everyone of every age smile and say 'He's [ __ ] Batman.'"
"Sonic's move into 3D was a big success thanks to Sonic Adventure on the Sega Dreamcast."
"Saiga streaking across the sky announcing his 20th anniversary of Sega's release of a new video game called Sonic generation take a good look."
"He's Batman. It doesn't get much cooler than that."
"What can you say about Molina that hasn't already been said? She's one of the most iconic characters in the entire franchise."
"Breaking Bad turned the character of Walter White into a household name together with his iconic bags of blue crystal meth."
"Superman is still around, everything he stands for still exists."
"Jaime Lannister is the human personification of Game of Thrones."
"Long live the Bandicoot that was there from the very very beginning your time to rise once again is now."
"The gun devil is one of the most iconic elements of Chainsaw Man, being a devil who both lives up to its own hype while also appearing for such a limited amount of time."
"It's Mario, but bigger and better in every way."
"Owen McGregor is as good as ever as Obi-Wan."
"There's nothing like Mario... it's a lot harder to get bored of."
"The robin hood legend sort of attracts us in that he's a bad boy with a heart of gold."
"Spider-Man is the everyman superhero, the hero that could be you."
"Wonder Woman inherently has always been this superhero that had to kind of arrive on the scene and carve a niche for herself."
"Shantae is one of those characters who feels incredibly iconic..."
"Batman always comes back bigger and better shiny and new Batman never dies it never ends it probably never will."
"Start with the motivations people actually have and not the ones you wish they had."
"Rocky Balboa... who isn't affected by that... going for your dreams... fighting... keep going."
"Captain Kirk... a badass... grew up seeing him... Kirk was so awesome."
"Gotta go fast has been Sonic's motto for years."
"SpongeBob SquarePants came out at the very tail end of the 90s and skyrocketed to the very top of the charts and people's heart and throat is run on."
"He is truly the only man who can symbolize almost all of Naruto's history."
"He's kind of like the Millennium Falcon in sort of a character format."
"Zelda has been setting trends since the beginning."
"Godzilla is easily the most recognizable monster in all the 20th century. He's big, he's mean, and he's spent downplaying the severity of radioactive fallout for millions of children everywhere."
"Han Solo is one of the most recognizable characters of all time."
"Dolph Lundgren as Drago... the biggest, the baddest, the scariest antagonist that has ever been in a Rocky film."
"Over the years this iconic Batman villain has been brought to life by some downright legendary performers."
"The Joker still the best on-screen villain of all time."
"The big draw here though is Kirby himself along with the enemies he’ll encounter and the Abilities he’ll be able to use."
"It's kind of fascinating to see this really reimagined with the Daniel Craig Bond style."
"Whether you love hate or are all together ambivalent about the trilogy's finale, one thing is for certain: the Halloween franchise along with Michael Myers dicing, slicing, and Rampages have stood the test of time."
"Mickey Mouse, the world's most famous Mouse..."
"Trunks has the most iconic voice lines in this game. Everything he says is just a good one-liner."
"A spectacle previously unimaginable to moviegoers, as if being an icon of cinema weren't enough, he's also one of the toughest monsters around."
"From his 1954 debut and subsequent revivals throughout the decades, it's nearly impossible to keep the big guy away from movie screens."
"Wonder Woman learns the truth about her past."
"Vin Diesel, Dominic Toretto, is a mythic figure. He's like a wraith."
"Samus Aran has been eradicating the Metroid species while kicking space pirate butt for close to 33 years now."
"Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, and the trailer reaffirms why he's so inseparable from the character."
"Superman, Far and Away the most powerful member."
"It's just Mickey hanging out and enjoying his tea."
"One thing you can't take away: I am Iron Man."
"Even when Iron Man is at his lowest, he's still Iron Man. He's still that guy."
"Jean-Luc Picard is one of the greatest television characters ever."
"He's the OG action hero, the slickest Scot there ever was, the coldest warrior of the swinging 60s."
"This is so iconic this look and this is the classic Optimus Prime too."
"The original trilogy is the Luke Skywalker movie."
"Shang Tsung is an amazing character, talk about the original Baddie."
"Wonder Woman takes the world of Themyscira and makes it real."
"Batman's movie career has also had the occasional misstep."
"It's hard to believe that it's been 30 years since sonic first appeared."
"Cruella De Vil is probably one of the greatest villainesses of all movies."
"I love that casting, right? I love that Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian."
"Spider-man 3 has a lot going for it because this could be the last time we see Tom Holland in the MCU in his own solo spider-man movie."
"The Silver Surfer literally surfs the waves of the essence of the creation event."
"Scarlett herself might be one of the best female characters ever written for the screen."
"Shiki is a truly haunting experience, exploring how far paranoia and fear can drive people away from their humanity."
"Wonder Woman isn't just a superhero, she's an entity, a franchise, a brand of her own."
"I believed in Batman. The war goes on for the Dark Knight."
"This is the Star Wars content I came for: Darth Vader, the greatest man in cinema."
"I remember when the first XXX came out, I thought, 'This is the James Bond for the modern era.'"
"I'm Marvel's Jesus, which is like one of the greatest lines ever."
"Sonic is the guy who never really goes away. He's got a pretty prominent presence in video games since 1991 with Sonic the Hedgehog."
"Batman might just have the greatest back catalog of any comic book character throughout the past 84 years."
"Spider-Man is one of the most iconic characters ever—forget superheroes. Peter Parker as a character transcends generations. I mean, he's my son's favorite character and he's three."
"Superman is an incredibly powerful character."
"One of the greatest female characters in cinema history."
"Despite all that or perhaps even because of it, he is beloved by millions the world over. In this business of stars and Superstars, it will be no exaggeration to say that he is the biggest, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Godzilla."
"There's a reason why Mario is still synonymous with video games."
"He's going to be the new dad, his new Tony Stark maybe."
"Sailor Moon isn't just some magical girl, she is the beautiful warrior of love and justice, Sailor goddamn Moon."
"Laurie Strode is top five of all final girls of all time so this is not a slight I know she's probably the fan favorite and most lists if you look up online we'll probably have her at number one."
"One of the most iconic characters in all of Cyberpunk 2077 is Panam Palmer."
"Pennywise is arguably Stephen King's greatest creation."
"Shanks, the man with the world's strongest spirit, a hockey god, a hockey master."
"Peter Davison's blond highlights were meant to turn him into a gay icon."
"It captured the way I see the Joker in my head."
"Can we all agree that Mario is the most iconic video game character of all time?"
"I'm not gonna pretend to have the answer, Spider-Man."
"Praise Mario as the God of gaming... Has returned."
"Master Chief has always been presented as this mythic figure."
"Die Hard would not be Die Hard without McClane being barefoot the whole movie; his bare feet are what make him a badass, they are basically extensions of his fists."
"Jeff the Killer, while Slenderman is probably the most iconic creepypasta character of all time, I'd be lying if I didn't note that this one is right up there."
"Superman Legacy will show us the importance of the character to the world."
"It's the story of all of us, Tony Stark Ironman is the everyday people persona despite the countless billions he possesses and the IQ that apparently no test can fully measure."
"Link: The true hero wielding the Master Sword in decisive battles."
"Mario himself is a plumber, but he gonna get the job done."
"Rocky Balboa dreamed of one day doing the same."
"Especially Buttons the clown played by James Stewart."
"The tragedy has become an inescapable pillar of Horror history and when the full Moon Rises The Wolfman will always be close behind."
"Child's Play gave birth to my second favorite horror icon of all time."
"...the birth of one of the greatest horror icons that has ever dawned the screen: sadistic little bastard, I love you a lot, you guy."
"John Wick is a character that could have been played by pretty much no one but Keanu Reeves."
"Finally, they had themselves a James Bond."
"Mario's best joke is when he says 'meow' in the cat suit."
"For these reasons, Art the Clown really could be the Michael Myers for a brand new generation."
"It's a much more serious outing for the big green guy."
"James Bond is an iconic character because of his charm, spy skills, style, and yes, his cars."
"Adapting such a well-loved and iconic character into a TV series presented numerous challenges."
"Palpatine is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars, and the man responsible for most of its events."
"He's probably the most iconic villain in the franchise."
"Darth Vader obviously iconic character."
"Optimus Prime in regular mode... still looks fantastically awesome."
"Next up, ladies and gentlemen, it would not be a horror video without Chucky."
"This Rebels Ahsoka is very iconic and I can still see why people want to get their hands on this fig."
"The only reason why the office is what it is because Michael Scott and Steve Carell did a character that's like none other on the tube."
"I do like the stalking aspect. When he's stalking Rachel, you see him in the distance. He's slightly walking towards her from the fog. That's excellent. That's the Myers we know."
"Randy was a legacy character and a fan favorite."
"Without this color scheme, she's not Harley Quinn."
"The only truly great performance in the film should be obvious: Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken."
"I'm pretty sure Darth Vader is considered the face of Star Wars."
"The time has finally come after nearly a century, the iconic figure Mickey Mouse is officially public domain."
"That venom is so badass... his venom is great all the time."
"Cuteness, and it all started by a mouse."
"Everybody knows who Lara Croft is."
"There is no one more iconic in video games than Master Chief from the Halo series."