
Menace Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Ganondorf looks more menacing here, like a no BS dude."
"It's been a long time since I felt that way and I thought they brought back to a real menacing scary imposing point again."
"There's a lot of humor in this and there's a lot of menace at the same time."
"Scourge is sinister, scary, and absolutely menacing."
"I'm not sure is this mean you're not gonna kill me? Hahaha, no of course not."
"Tyrian is infinitely more threatening than he was before."
"There was a muted air of menace about the whole scene."
"There's an atmosphere of disengagement... it has migrated to a mood of Menace."
"To truly understand why this thing, the moon, is such a menace to Mario in this game."
"This Jaws comic makes Jaws look just as menacing and threatening in the comic books than he does on the big screen."
"This guy looks really cool, he looks creepy, he looks powerful, he looks like trouble."
"The most horrifying serial killer ever: a man dressed up as a snowman with a giant axe and no neck."
"His red eyes glowing, smiling his broken smile."
"A truly great serious villain or antagonist in any story needs an air of menace."
"You'll still be menacing and threatening and scary."
"A new shadow arises in the east. It is no tyranny of evil men as your son believes, but a servant of Morgoth is stirring, and evil things wake again."
"This man is a menace, this is a tormented demon."
"Hamas is a menace to civilization, Hamas is a menace to reason."
"The real boogeyman the town truly fears and hates."
"Heath Ledger's degree of menace is terrifying."
"He's funny, he's menacing, he's such a powerful presence on screen."
"The tyranids, the great devourers, are among the greatest threats to humanity and to the entire galaxy as a whole."
"Religion instead of being an ever-present help becomes a menace to the Integrity of the person."
"He maintains the fear aspect and menace, unlike some other villains."
"What an absolute menace. I thought he was gonna kill me."
"He stole my suit, he's a menace to the entire city."
"Kid Buu is my favorite form of Boo because he is the definition of the word menace."
"... there's this real air of Menace like he's a coiled Cobra"
"...this thing is very menacing when you're driving down the road..."
"Truly a terrifying villain you’d never want to cross paths with."
"showing its multiple rows of pointed teeth"
"Choso is an ever-present menace to whomever his sights are on."
"The idea that a world that seems perfectly benign and protective could suddenly turn menacing and terrible."
"Is there no hero among us who can stop this shark menace?"
"When Blackbeard is trying, he's an absolute Menace, even without relying on the use of his devil fruits."
"Blackbeard is an absolute menace of a man."
"...the extra heft on his shoulder really helps make this Rocket feel a bit more menacing, he's supposed to be this character with a lot of walls put up in front of him because of his trauma."
"Outer dark implies this is a very dark novel, it's menacing, it is bleak, it's very naturalistic."
"Wow, they made them scary again. Make Stormtroopers scary again, and they did it."
"That ship looked menacing, it was huge and incredibly well designed."
"...Tony brings such an air of drama and heaviness to the role and adds such an element of Menace."
"Zoom was easily one of the most terrifying villains."
"Chrollo can plan and is menacing to whoever he wants to kill."
"Boohoo the Clown: His master plan? Amplifying the sounds of a crying baby named Joey to destroy Angel Grove."
"She just took me by surprise as a really good, menacing character."
"...a darkness with coiled cruelty had crossed the threshold of his door."
"I am a greaser! I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people, I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!"
"The gravest danger looming over Darkshire and all of Duskwood was the relentless menace of the undead Morbent Fel."
"Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye."
"He's happy to destroy the entire world; that's what he's about."
"Where angels might have sat, devils lurked, and glared out menacingly."
"Jaws could be quite a menacing figure in both films and was responsible for a fair few grisly deaths."
"The completely black exterior is imposing and does a fantastic job of capturing the cold stone exterior that makes the tower so menacing."
"Jason's out there watching, always on the prowl for intruders, waiting to kill, waiting to devour, thirsty for young blood."
"The expressionless smile carved into the mask only adds to a sinister aura."
"Beware the child of Morrslieb; he will come for you in the night, his power so immense that it crackles about him like black lightning."
"The bees of death are big and black, their buzz low and somber."
"The creature was staring at us from the tree line, a malicious look on its face."
"All the multi-layered sections of the teeth make him look incredibly menacing and really authentic."
"Vader's lightsaber here feels like a menace."
"There is still something out there watching and waiting, biding its time, something cold and cunning and cruel, something not human with a taste for blood and revenge."
"They needed to be something that seemed menacing at first but got more majestic and beautiful the more you look at them."
"Tom Hardy's performance of the audition is fantastic, full of charisma with a seer of menace."
"The fog walker was drawing near, the illumination of its presence becoming undeniably brighter, more menacing."
"According to legend, the Wawel Dragon was truly menacing and posed a threat to the city's residents."
"There was something more than them that the evil wanted."
"Delightful," Jackson Frost's smile widened to show his many, many pointed teeth.
"Gauss is such an evil, menacing character."
"What a great character. That's how you make a menacing, threatening villain."
"Beneath a thunderous cloud that rumbled with malice was its master, floating with forthright fury and elegance."
"Do none of you truly sense it? Do none of you feel a phantom menace all around us?"
"I'm the ever-present Word Snatcher," and then he leaned all the way forward and gave a terrible knowing smile.