
Templars Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The treasure of Solomon found by the Templars was not the Ark, but a knowledge of architecture that would inspire a revolutionary new form: Gothic design."
"This stone is one of very few artifacts that proves the Templars came to America."
"Recruits wishing to join the Templar order made a vow to discover the joys of paradise."
"A map connecting Templar strongholds reveals a Templar cross pointing to a remote monastery. Could this X mark the spot of where surviving Templars escaped from France with their treasures and relics?"
"We know how cunning the Templars are. We know how much the Templars had. The Templars had a [bleep]load of wealth."
"Friday the 13th of October, 1307. I don't think anybody saw the scale of what they were about to do to the Templars coming. I mean, this was genuinely, like, world shocking stuff."
"The Battle of Montgusard remains the best symbol of his reign when the teenage leper King flanked by a small band of Templars and knights charged the vast forces of Saladin and won."
"I think the Church thought the Templars were about to reveal this secret."
"The templar's enigmatic leader Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake."
"The Templars apparently became a threat to the church itself."
"For years, I've been searching not just for the Templars and their treasure here in America, but for the true history of this country."
"The Templars became more powerful across much of Europe."
"They were morally justified in doing it; they were fighting for God."
"They became known as the Templars; yet the building on their famous seal is quite likely not the fabled temple."
"Templar knights regarded themselves as chivalier, and a key component of that identity was the horse."
"The Templar charge was the most respected weapon on the battlefield."
"In Templar chapels across Europe, whether they were Masters, Knights, sergeants, or Squires, all of the Fallen were commemorated."
"The enduring fascination of Templars is something we all have in our psyche."
"Templar knights swore vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They were part soldier and part monk."
"For the Templars, religion was just as central in the Middle Ages as economics is for us today."
"In the late 12th century, joining the Templars in the Holy Land meant living up to impossibly high standards."
"A few hundreds of Christian Knights, out of which just 80 were the Templars, attempted and in the end managed to beat the formidable huge Army of Saladin."
"Although Joffrey's deeds never made it to the history books, his courage and the courage of his fellow Templars saved thousands of lives retreating from the Holy Land."
"There's a reason we're sitting here talking about the Templars and not the Teutonic Knights or the hospitals or any of these other military orders that existed at the same time as the Templars."
"The Templars exert a kind of hold our imagination that almost no other medieval organization can match."
"The Templars have been for hundreds of years and they still speak to us."
"The templars proved themselves to be so successful as bankers."
"The templars would not only go against a Muslim group who, if not actually allies, were at least tolerated and accorded some degree of respect, but also the King of Jerusalem himself."
"Although the trial and suppression had succeeded in destroying the order of the Temple, it failed in other areas."
"How many Templar ships sailed from La Rochelle in the autumn of 1307 is unknown."
"Templars in Portugal actually went nowhere. King Denis found the order innocent of all crimes, and the Templars there simply changed their names to the Knights of Christ."
"These Templars and spin-off orders such as the Scots Guard helped to pave the way for the emergence of Freemasonry."
"The Templars were the true originators of the international banking system that is still in use today."
"No medieval institution did more for the rise of capitalism than the Templars."
"Not only was it a bastion for the Templars, but it was also the residence of the Pope during a period of turbulence in Rome."
"Even though modern perspectives tend to see the Templars as a secret society, their existence was never doubted at the height of their power."
"The Templars still managed to capture the wonder and imagination of the modern world."
"The Templars have lived on in the popular imagination for centuries since our official dissolution."
"Whether through the creation of contemporary branches, works of fiction like the Da Vinci Code or the Assassin's Creed franchise, or through the intrigue of scholars."
"The Templars were genuinely legends in their own lifetime."
"While controversial, Zena’s theory correlates with these new findings, implying that the Templars could have visited the island on multiple occasions to hide their secrets."
"The Templars emerged as an elite military unit famed for their valor and purity."
"The Templars are also much more three-dimensional this time."
"Throughout the two centuries of the Templars' existence, there was no indication whatsoever of heresy coming from the order."
"The truth is if we want to know what the truth is about the Templars, it's perhaps more mundane than a lot of people would like."
"The Templars' treasure has remained a mystery."
"The Templar connection to Viterbo adds another element of mystery to the Oak Island narrative, connecting the quest for riches on the island to the Templars' long history in Italy."
"The battle of Mont Gessard in 1177 is kind of the quintessential Templar battle."
"The Templars will always be remembered in our history with admiration and reverence."