
Combat Dynamics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Every orc that falls, they are dying and the FPS is going up. Good job everybody."
"Combat looks really spectacle-driven and flashy but it's also quite strategic."
"Winning feels awesome, the combat is fluid with punch, the world is layered with exploration, and once again From Software smacks you over the head with that atmosphere and art direction."
"The combat is so much more engaging because you're always reacting to things."
"The combat's full of contextual animations for different enemy types."
"The dynamism of the combat just made it so good."
"Level 11, level 16 when you get those huge range spikes on the Kog'maw there's nothing really that a Zoe can do to try and match it in the fights."
"The combat's working, dodging and slipping by an enemy, staggering them off balance then casting a boiling Quagmire at their feet feels incredible."
"The Surge 2's combat feels like squaring off against a thinking opponent."
"Even if you are playing as a man doing 10% more damage against females is still really useful."
"The thrill of inferno is in the speed of movement and the momentum of combat through a maddeningly twisted and dangerous world."
"Rarely are you simply chewing through disposable ax fodder; instead, your enemies are often fighting for something as important to them as your quest is to you."
"PvP feels different new. We're upgrading our combat feel. The roles are playing differently."
"There's no denying that thrill of weaving in and out of enemy attacks laying the smackdown where possible super fast."
"The smaller scale conflicts and higher lethality weapons feel more powerful and satisfying."
"Fights became almost like a give-and-take sort of dance."
"Marwin's combat can get pretty tense and powerful, and it just gets better as it goes on."
"The tide of battle has swung back into my favor."
"People seem to like how much more frantic and intimate all the fights are."
"Power Stone everything is a weapon, especially weapons."
"The fusion rushes into Buu, barely able to defend against us as he's pushed back into a mountain. The entire mountain collapses on them soon after, turning into a shower of ki, creating a massive explosion that does more damage."
"Expect fighting to be just all over the place."
"From annihilation to reanimation, the ebb and flow of battle is relentless."
"If they accomplish their goal of reducing damage spikes in combat, it would slow down the pace of the game and make it more enjoyable."
"Combat and BioShock Infinite feels quite sluggish when you've got skyhooks and environmental staff and weapons and powers that really combine nicely with."
"It also makes combat scenarios less repetitive meaning different situations could happen at different times."
"Combat in Starfield offers jetboost, gravity impact, and zero-G fights."
"The encounters in the game are now more advanced... fighting ones can become way more dangerous than ever before."
"The defining combat mechanic are standoffs with a bold shout."
"The flow of combat has a twitchy elegance to it, a moment-to-moment dance of death."
"You can actually take a guy's head off with the flight."
"I definitely like how rapid fire and quick the combat is though and they've got enough animations in there to make it all look pleasing and good."
"Combat is intense and takes planning but when cranked up to Full Throttle, combat becomes this frenetic ballet."
"Naraka Blade Point is fast-paced... with less need for aiming and more prediction-based skills."
"Enemy moblins won't just pick up straight weapons; they'll sometimes pick up and throw objects at Link."
"Start hunting, you'll see them actually moving around the battlefield now because they're on Hunt firing away."
"The best fights are in the middle, like a seesaw where the hero is winning in one moment then the villain pulls out something unexpected."
"The real highlight of the combat... the boss fights."
"Shortened recovery time: helps in maintaining momentum during combat."
"I think when you've got fewer abilities but those abilities can be balanced to matter and be powerful, and you have a strong focus on Unique Mechanics, I think you get a pace of combat that feels fast."
"Offense should be able to kind of combo hits more effectively now with these changes uh it's a comment in my opinion."
"It's an interesting way to avoid an attack and then also counter-attack at the same time."
"Monster paradigms: mob, warband, phalanx, hunter, swat team."
"Controlling combat pacing: principles apply across genres and viewports."
"This fight is a dance, a back and forth of attacking and healing."
"The vast majority of abilities have splash on them."
"Whenever Stang Echo Warrior attacks, create Stang Twin, a legendary 3-4 red and green human Warrior creature token."
"The pacing of the combat, the impact of every hit, that feeling of satisfaction after every encounter is just perfected."