
Strong Opinion Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I hate Del Sol Valley, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."
"Ron DeSantis has become the most disgusting piece of trash."
"It is arguably the dumbest thing that I have seen any country do in the last 20 years."
"There's no counterargument to what that woman had to say."
"Facebook, to me personally, feels like a platform that needs to be like [ __ ] cleansed off the face of the earth every day I sign onto it."
"There is absolutely zero reason for a character like Snoke to even fucking exist."
"The media are a flaming dumpster of hot garbage." - Ben Shapiro
"What President Biden is doing is bone deep down to the narrow stupid."
"The fact that anybody would diss the pioneers of hip-hop you should get cracked in your face."
"Sugar rots your teeth and also rots your [ __ ] brain."
"Thankfully New Jersey and Pennsylvania weren't having any of that, and I don't use this word much but I'm going to use it here: that's so incredibly based."
"This is the most disgraceful ruling I think I've ever read in my life."
"Kaide is one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met. Her content is brilliant, and if you disagree, you're just wrong."
"Based on my extensive experience, I believe that the risk posed by Pitbulls is equivalent to placing a loaded gun with the safety off on the coffee table."
"Jesus Christ, that's what I have to say about that."
"Abortion is wrong, abortion is murder, abortion stops a beating human heart."
"Abortion needs to be eliminated one way or another."
"The suit is better than the original suit. I'll die on that hill all day long."
"I'm not going to shut up about VAR. I don't care who you are."
"I absolutely despise soulmate Aus I'm a hater from the bottom of my heart."
"Absolute sheer unmitigated moral garbage right there. I will take him at his word."
"It is newsworthy when cops raid your house and steal your fucking money. Period. End of watch, so to speak."
"I would have put that man behind bars, all right? I would have done it."
"I could see where he's coming from, I think it's a strong statement."
"I have zero sympathy for Valkyrie, and I suggest not that you should have any sympathy for it to you because it's absolute [__]."
"If anybody says that this indictment is anything other than a ludicrous steaming pile of judicial dog plop, they're idiots. Period."
"Because, all unintentional hilarity aside, this film is a f-king travesty."
"I called it the greatest geopolitical miscalculation ever made by our government and I stand by that. It absolutely is."
"Zack Snyder needs to not do any more of these fucking movies."
"Who tell is the best character in the game and I don't even think it's close."
"Genocide in any context, in any form, [expletive] terrible."
"Crypto mindset, if you're not in crypto, you're going to be poor bro."
"Darren Patterson is excellent. Shut your hole."
"If you believe that one race is better than another... you can just go ahead and [ __ ] right off."
"This is the one to me, to me this is the one."
"COBOL cripples the mind and the teaching of it should be regarded as a criminal offense."
"I despise cash shops in all video games. I would personally throw all of them into a pit and fill it with the currently very expensive gasoline and burn it all up if I had the power to do so."
"I think he is, even if he doesn't hate or not, I don't care what anyone says, that man is racist."
"This could be the single worst thing they've done, period."
"The keyboards are just absolute and utter garbage."
"I just don't feel like any kids should be locked up."
"I want you to hate being unhealthy more than you love your Doritos."
"Poem smartphones were amazing that's the hill I'm gonna die on."
"You can't dismiss Jesus as just some other great person like that's just silly that's being intellectually stupid."
"What happened on January 6th was wrong. I don't know how much more strongly I can say what happened on January 6th was wrong."
"I unapologetically think Affleck's Batman was the best."
"Honestly you're wrong it's the best one it's on a whole other level did you not hear me I just ranted about it."
"I hated this movie, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie, hated it."
"Hot Carl, it's fermented shark. It's so bad, it's like fish jerky."
"If you are in this world and you're not using ClickFunnels you're out of your mind."
"Wow. Bold statement there, Michael. Very, very bold."
"Call of Duty is not trash; it's one of the best games ever."
"I'd give up the moon before I give up cold grapes."
"Hot Funyuns are top tier chip, shut your goddamn mouth!"
"One of the best comic book movies of all time, indisputably, is Matthew Vaughn's Kick-Ass."
"The idiocy that must be brutally excised from this country by any means necessary."
"You can have a strong opinion and it doesn't mean you're an idiot and it doesn't mean that you're wrong."
"I don't care what anyone says, drugs are bad."
"This is something that you believe in quite strongly."