
Juicing Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"The Slow Star Juicer is an easy way to literally concentrate one whole pineapple and five beets."
"Juice fasting is not a quick fix, but it's the first step in healing because the body wants to naturally heal."
"Juicing completely fixed me, it was amazing."
"Juices are highly oxygenating to the body and dilating to the body will stimulate the blood vessels stimulate the blood stimulate blood flow."
"Drinking fresh-made fruit and vegetable juices is one of the healthiest things you can do in your life."
"Juicing is a big part of healing and promoting health."
"I almost got like four ounces, it’s not even squeezing yet."
"I think I’m maxed out, dude that thing's still going."
"I made four times the juice for the same price, it’s simply amazing."
"Some juice is better than no juice but leafy green and dark leafy green juice is probably some of the most nutritious and healing juices on the planet."
"Let me tell you I have been juicing for over 25 years now."
"I try to release a new video every single Friday covering a wide range of different types of crochet projects, tips and tricks, mystery box giveaways, live tutorials."
"This auger design tends to not collect pulp like other augers."
"This just proves to me that the Slowstar is a much better juicer in this instance for juicing fruits than the NC800."
"Juicing is an investment in your health, and warranties matter."
"Juicing can and will change your life provided you do it each and every day."
"I purchased like eight bottles of this juice off of Amazon it's called raw Fountain and this one is Green Day it has Apple kale cucumber and celery and that is it nothing more nothing less and that's what I like."
"The liver doesn't care if you juice it at home."
"I've had a lot of green juices that just taste like the lawnmower clippings. This is so fruity, so delicious."
"Another thing to mention with a juicer like this because it's cold pressing all the juice out you are losing the fiber but we don't drink the juices for fiber we drink them for nutritional content."
"This juicer is so quiet and it provides a peaceful experience for the user."
"Juicing is more work, but it's worth it because you feel so good."
"Juicing is trial and error, finding what works best for you."
"If you take a orange juice, that is the sugar from an orange that's just been concentrated into liquid, no fiber."
"I am excited to have that juicer because we got 10 quarts of juice out of scraps that I would have just composted or gave to the chickens."
"The biggest time saving tip that I can give you when juicing is to bulk juice in the morning."
"Prioritize your time that 30 minutes that you need to make, prep, juice and clean all in one sitting clean your juicer right after you use it, it will be a game changer for you."
"For the best health results, make your juice with the best juicer that makes the most nutrition."
"The juicer that does that best of all the juicers I've tested is actually not a juicer, it's a vacuum blender."
"Vacuum juicing - nobody talks about this except for me."
"If you put that same drink through a juicer you throw away the pith and the pulp. But the pith, skin, seeds, and pulp of every fruit and vegetable contains more nutritional value than the juice alone."
"When you guys watch my channel, I'm not gonna do that. I want you guys to get all the nutrition out of your fruits and vegetables as well as your nuts and seeds by doing the practices and using the equipment that'll do it in the best way possible."
"You will never know how good you can feel until you give juicing a try."
"Juicing every day... You'll never regret it."
"Juicing is the ultimate way to feed your hundred trillion internal cells."
"Juicing is definitely going to help with that, bar none."
"Juicing is a great process, real nice easy process. It's gonna fill you up, it's gonna make you feel good."
"Define juicing: Can you squeeze out the fill in and drink that? So yeah, yes you can."
"But so I drink about, I do a batch, I do batching of the juice, so I drink a little over two gallons, I'm six feet tall so I drink like I have to."
"Juicing is a good way to get our greens in."
"Juicing gives you a lot of antioxidants and nutrients but you lose the fiber better to eat the whole plant."
"Juicing water rich items like cucumbers, watermelons, pineapple or apples are easy, hydrating, and cost-effective."
"Juicing your own vegetables... made the whole soup... taste great."
"Knowing your juicer and playing to its strengths is gonna help you save time and make a better tasting juice."
"I really like making fresh orange juice in the morning. But I just take the orange, cut it, cut it, and squeeze. Oh, that's so fun, right?"
"Juicing is gonna remove the fiber and it's gonna allow easier access for these nutrients to fill your cells with life force and energy."
"My secrets for the best watermelon juice: use a slow juicer, add lemon and mint, and store it properly."
"Juicing is not about dieting, it's not about starving yourself, it's not about deprivation, it's about nourishing yourself and feeling completely satisfied."
"Think of juicing as self-love. It's something that loves you back."
"Even if I'm not fasting, I still have to have the juicing because of the nutrients that are in it."
"Juicing has totally saved your life, right, and totally changed your life."
"I've transformed my life through juicing."
"Juicing fresh every day is the best way to drink it because you don't have to store it, you're gonna have the least amount of oxidative damage and you're gonna get the most benefits from the fruits and vegetables that you are juicing."
"Drinking a carrot juice that you make in your own home juicer is much healthier than a candy bar."
"The cool thing is it's working while you can multitask and do other things so your overall juicing time will be a bit shorter."
"Juicing simply is the best way to concentrate the beneficial... especially the green vegetables, which are the healthiest foods on the entire planet."
"Ginger is one amazing plant; I encourage you guys to always juice some ginger in your juices."
"Juicing is one of the best ways to get a highly concentrated amount of nutrients into your body with the least amount of stress on your system."
"Just a few of the benefits of juicing include weight loss, clear skin, increased energy, better sleep, increased vitality, improved digestion, stress relief, increased focus, increased zest and enthusiasm."
"Juicing gives you an overall glow."
"The Revo 830 has been specifically designed from the ground up to optimize to juice things like celery and carrots."
"It's very important to me when I am using a juicer, it's important to use a slow juicer that will maximize nutrition content."
"Interesting life hack: roll your lemon out; it'll get the juices to loosen."
"Lemon is a must in any juice, isn't it? It's just needed."
"You get more juice, you get the juice faster, it presses better."
"Juicing is beneficial for everyone. It's a great way to get loads of nutrients in one shot."
"Juicing has done amazing things for me."
"Make it fresh, drink it fresh, get all the good stuff out of it."
"Juicing may help you get the five to nine recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day, but that alone is not a balanced diet."
"The power of juicing: learning the importance of living a healthy lifestyle through juicing."
"You are worth it. I would get a juicer if I were you right now and you're watching and you're thinking about it, you will not regret it."
"One thing that is amazing about this juicer is you can batch through so much juice."
"It's so easy to clean and I know with watermelon there's not as much residue or mess on the juicer."
"One of my jobs, I feel, for you the audience, is to help you level up your health with juicing."
"It's very important that we find out all the pros and cons that go with each of these juicers so that you can make the best, most informed decision possible for your juicer."
"Juicing literally helped to turn my life around."
"Juicing has just changed my life... I felt absolutely next level incredible."
"If there's one thing I'm going to recommend for people to change your life... I would say to add in a big freshly made green juice every day."
"The pure juicer is definitely the best in terms of how much juice you're going to produce."
"I encourage you guys to make vegetable-based juices for your health."
"You're going to have a more nutritious juice."
"I attribute juicing to saving my life because I had a chronic health condition that I had to turn around."
"I'm glad I get to share the knowledge about juicing and a passion that I have about juicing with you guys."
"You guys can make the best decision and best choice for you, so that you will become a juicer for life like I am."
"You get so much more juice out of your produce and like so much less waste."
"By juicing your fruits and vegetables you could really ramp up your servings."
"I like the vertical style slow juicer the most because they're the most versatile."
"Most important thing when you're juicing in a slow juicer is to take your time."
"The slow juicer is much more effective at grinding up and extracting out nutrients from the produce."
"Thanks to juicing, I'm able to basically increase my quantity of fruits and vegetables and get very nutritious phytonutrient, vitamin, and mineral-rich foods with minimal amount of calories into me."
"I'm much more convinced now than ever that a vertical slow juicer is definitely the way to go."
"Juicing is one of the most important things you could do to improve your health."
"I've been juicing basically, I have right here is beets, apples, ginger, um celery, cucumber."
"I'm going to start a Clean Plate, eating clean, juicing my fruits and my blender."
"Juice like a pro in any vertical slow juicer."
"I got my parents and my brother a horizontal auger juicer because they're the easiest ones to use and clean in general."
"Drinking some pulp with the juice is beneficial."
"I'm not a fan of the high-speed juicers; they lower the nutritional quality in the juice based on scientific studies."
"The Slow Star Juicer is my go-to machine for when I'm juicing my ginger, turmeric, ginseng."
"What's the best juicer for juicing fruits? That depends on how you define 'best'."
"The real reason why I like the Nama J2 is because it's a vertical juicer, and vertical juicers tend to juice fruits the best out of all different kinds of slow juicers."
"The juicer will move the insoluble fiber that comes out this side, but the soluble fiber dissolves in water, so you're going to still get the overwhelming majority of the soluble fiber in the juices."
"One of my main tips for you guys is when buying fruits that you know you're going to juice, get the nicest, firmest, and most fresh fruits."
"I'm showing you guys like it is, and that's why I'm going to always say the best juicer for fruits is vacuum blending plus the bag or some kind of manual or hydraulic press."
"This has been very effective, one of the most effective juicers on juicing fruits."
"Look at that, no time at all before I was even done talking, the Nama J2 has cleared the whole hopper of watermelon."
"The papaya was nice and firm, not soft and mushy, and that texture really helps the machine to get it to juice really effectively."
"Nobody goes to the depth that I do to explain the juicers to you guys so you know the truth about juicers."
"Valencia oranges are the number one juicing orange with a very bright distinctive colored juice."
"Every morning juice some carrots, celery, and parsley... it'll keep you healthy."
"I really enjoy making these videos because I am a juicer for life, it's part of the reason why I'm here today, it saved my life and it turned my health around."
"Buying a juicer and a good juicer with a long warranty is your best investment that you can make in your health."
"My life was saved by juicing and other dietary changes."
"If you guys are still going to juice bars and buying a $10 juice, let me tell you guys, buying a juicer is the best thing you guys could do because it's going to save you guys so much money."
"Juicing and dietary changes literally saved my life, and that's why I'm so passionate about this topic."
"That's a solid juice, man. Some people don't like drinking straight carrot juice, I love straight carrot juice, but with apples, it almost tastes like candy to me because it's so sweet."
"Juicing is one of the biggest things that you guys could do in your life that could change your life for the better."
"I've gotten healed, in my opinion, by adding fruit and vegetable juices."
"I want you guys to get the right juicer because over 25 years ago now, I had to buy a juicer and I didn't get the right one for me at the time."
"I do recommend the Omega NC800 horizontal machine over all other horizontal machines at this time."
"This makes a higher quality juice that in my opinion tastes better for sure."
"The point of juicing is to get like this many vegetables that you cannot possibly eat in one day into this much of a liquid, and you can drink that."
"It's important for me that you guys get a juicer with a long warranty."
"I love juicing because it is quieter, and it is a cold press so when I do my carrots they don't turn brown immediately like my old juicer."
"Omega has been a business now in the U.S. I think for around 34 years, they're one of the oldest long-standing juicer companies in the USA that is still in operation running today."
"What better way to concentrate and get more nutrition into you than by juicing."
"Juicing has changed my life, I know it could change your life too."
"If you get a juicer and you do nothing else than to juice some greens, you're going to be a lot healthier because of it."
"Juicing isn't rocket science; it works because it allows you to concentrate the volume of leafy green vegetables, vegetables, and even the fruits in your diet."
"Buying a juicer is one of the best things you could ever do for your health."
"Juicing makes it fun, easy, exciting, more importantly, tasty and delicious."
"I started juicing and I started feeling better."
"Fiber is critical for our microbiome, and that's why juicing is one of my favorite ways to increase my microbiome."
"I got into juicing to save my life because I had a chronic health condition that I needed to turn around through juicing."
"All vertical juicers are pretty much good all-around juicers and they're good at juicing most things fairly well."
"Slow Star made the most juice followed by Nama and VSJ, and then Kuvings made the least amount of juice."
"Juicing to me is one of the best ways I boost up my immune system."
"The kuvings revo 830 motor base is the best of Class Motor that kuvings has ever put into a home juicer."
"It's totally insane how well the pure juicer works on these pomegranates."
"Juicing allows you to crank it up so that you guys could get healthier, you could achieve your weight loss goals, even your health goals."
"I want you to make juicing a lifestyle habit."
"It's the best juicer for me because I'm willing to give up the few deficiencies that it has because it makes up for the deficiencies in other areas that are really important to me."
"The Nama J2 is my favorite juicer at this time because it is a vertical juicer that means it takes up less counter space."
"The Nama J2 is the best selling juicer in the United States."
"The motor right here has a full 15 year warranty which is the longest warranty in the industry for motors on juicers."
"Juicing is the easy way to help save your life, and I guarantee it."
"Using a juicer is the best way I know to get more living nutrition into your body."
"Using a cold pressed juicer, you're going to notice straight away the texture is totally different."
"The VSJ843 makes an amazing nut milk; it's probably the best juicer on the market that will juice and also make nut milk."
"You're seeing pulp that's drier than the other juicers, that means you get more of that celery juice, more of that kale juice."
"I want you guys to be juicers for life, because juicing is probably one of the biggest things that can make the biggest difference in your life today."
"I want you guys to have all the information you need to make the best choice to buy the best juicer that is going to specifically meet your needs."
"My tips and techniques will always ensure you have the best time juicing."
"If you're on a budget, I'd say this is the best budget juicer that I've tested to date."
"You're going to be enjoying some delicious fresh cold pressed juice in your house."
"I want you guys to be able to juice so that you guys could change your life literally."
"That's a good carrot juice; I don't taste any pulp in there."
"In my experience, overall in general but not always, the VSJ is one of my top performing highest yielding vertical single auger juicers on the market."
"My life was saved by juicing, it allowed me to get healthier."
"I use these juicers like every day, I juice every day when I'm home generally."
"They taste like you seriously just juiced whatever's in the drink right there in your kitchen."
"I have seen the power the juicing could make in a person's life through actual experience."
"I'm gonna juice today, Ryan did a little grocery shopping yesterday."
"It's important to find a juicer that fits with your needs. What's best for you? Is it necessary to have a $600 juicer, or can you do all of your juicing and fulfill your juicing goals with something a little less expensive?"
"There's a magnetic field that is created with these two gears that actually aligns the magnetic field around the produce and allows for additional extraction of nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes."
"Depending upon what your goal is for juicing, if you're into additional nutrition, which is one of the main benefits of making juice, then this is something that takes the yield and the nutrition extraction up a notch."
"When you start juicing, your blood counts start going up, they start building not only the right quantity of blood but the quality of the blood also improves."
"When you start putting life force energy in the form of just foods into your body, raw alkaline juicing, it's very, very powerful."
"Juicing should be part of your entire life, from birth all the way up to when it's time for you to die."
"When you're juicing, you're actually pre-digesting the food in a perfect state."
"I've been obsessed with juicing lately."
"With the Ninja, you get all the goodness of whole fruits and vegetables. Nothing is left over; that's total juicing."
"The Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer c7000 is now my favourite wide feed chute vertical slow juicer on the market at this time."
"Juicing has been one of the major things I've done in my life to turn my health around."
"Juicing technology has improved greatly."
"The Koreans in South Korea have definitely taken juicing up to the next level."
"The Angel juicer... twin gears tend to have the most yield. The highest quality juice."
"It's actually working! There's actually juice coming out of this. That's crazy."
"The goal here is to combine like the high speed of a centrifugal juicer without the oxidation, the good yield of a vertical juicer, the ease of use, ease of cleaning of a horizontal juicer, all in one package."
"I personally encourage you guys to juice the skin and all when juicing watermelon, especially if it is organic."
"My life was saved because of juicing and massive dietary changes."
"Juicing has saved my life, and it could save your life too."
"This thing is fantastic. It creates some really, really wonderful juice."
"I believe that I am the number one juicer expert in the entire world."
"Juicing is an integral part of my life."