
Psychological Exploration Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Irony and comedy... they can be ways of kind of testing out things that you're not completely comfortable with yet."
"A story where the sport serves mostly as a catalyst for a rich exploration of obsession, ego, impostor syndrome, survivor's guilt, and other essential aspects of The Human Condition."
"A video game is a joyride to insanity. It's a journey to our inner nightmares and fantasies." - Eugene Jarvis
"Cobb's journey is steeped in guilt and desperation, a man driven to the edge walking a tightrope between redemption and damnation."
"Carl Jung's Red Book transports the reader through Jung's fantasies into a mythopoetic imagination."
"No idealized love story could save Arthur or Travis or Rupert from their own rage pathology."
"One of the more powerful ones is lucid dreaming."
"Ron gives us a chance here to confront our own inner monsters and grapple with the complicated aspects of desire and longing."
"The movie is age of Ultron it's like a family therapy session."
"The second strategy you can use to finding 10K per day products."
"Years before her time, she challenged society’s expectations, and was able to create Surrealist works of art that examined the inner workings of the human soul."
"You have a very strong desire to get to the darkest deepest places and pull things out to the surface."
"Uncomfortably dark: Xenogears delves deep into themes such as trauma, transhumanism, and various sexual atrocities."
"Transformational therapy is about accessing the meaning making machine of your mind and rewriting the scripts that are holding you back."
"Sometimes helping us explore difficult concepts or better understand our own darker sides."
"Our brains explore the mental landscape through dreams."
"Kiriyama's inner conflict lies at one of the hearts of this show."
"Everybody has a dark side, is the Joker the dark side that they say we all have?"
"You're almost seeing your shadow side or a different part of yourself."
"Making people laugh is my favorite thing, laughing is great and all, but do we even know why we do it?"
"There is a newfound spaciousness in how I show up. I'm no longer whispering my worth to myself as I rummage through the shadows of my psyche trying to find the courage to state the smallest of boundaries."
"It’s all coming about because of one belief, and that one belief is the ego."
"Get Out wakes us all up. It bridges our own unclaimed experiences, our own feelings of not knowing with those felt by Chris."
"It's the depths of the psyche, it's the unconscious uglies, it's the things you run away from, it's the things you don't want to see."
"I actually think this style-over-substance approach appropriately fits the delusional narcissistic psyche of fingerling and the author."
"Listening to it is like passing through a doorway into the cinema of the subconscious mind."
"Shadow work challenges us to look beyond the surface, to delve into the depths of our being, and to emerge with a newfound understanding of ourselves and our place in the world."
"The dark night of the soul is your relationship with your darkness."
"Is this place she goes really all in her head? Oh yes, I'm questioning if this place is actually a real place and her mind is just going there."
"It takes the human condition and pushes it to the absolute breaking point and beyond."
"She needs to just find what the opposite feels like so she can get used to what the middle place feels like the place that's good."
"In our psychology, we have this part called The Shadow... most of our problems come from the Shadow because it's the stuff we suppress."
"It seems that the truth behind our own Doppelganger may be our most important fear to face."
"The show is about people trying to understand their literal jobs but also trying to understand their own minds."
"These speeches give these characters an opportunity to externalize their complicated inner worlds."
"Therapists are trying to help you figure out the cause of challenging emotions."
"What makes ma so batshit crazy in the first place and what is her motivation behind befriending the teens?"
"Fantasies are intended to provide safe spaces, outlets for aggressive and self-destructive impulses involved in the civil war between the need to be seen and the internalized bad object."
"Stress is created by your mind, so we need to investigate further what mind is creating stress."
"The eighth house is about allowing someone to penetrate into our soul and seeing our deepest fears."
"Finding understanding of our psychologically troubled human condition has actually been what the efforts of every human who has ever lived has been dedicated to achieving." - Jeremy Griffith
"He's not asking you to follow him to call for KA ha or any of the figures Jung experienced rather use his experience as a means to realize your own Darkness your own unconscious your own forms so that it may have a channel to come through."
"Underneath it all, there's a catharsis that isn't about indulging these dark ideas, it's about confronting them."
"I could let go... there was just some part of my brain that wanted to see what would happen."
"The 12th house is all about surrender. It's all about the completion or end of a journey, it's all about the unconscious or subconscious mind, mystery and art and things that are otherworldly."
"The discovery of the unconscious, however, compensates for the loss of these beloved illusions by opening before us an immense and unexplored new field of realizations within which objective scientific."
"The film explores the mind of a slasher villain, giving an intimate look into Leslie's life."
"The real question until then is, am I still afraid of the stupid creepypasta around this game? Guess it'll take just a little more exposure therapy to find out."
"She dives deep into the minds and the lives of her protagonists, unpacking their complexities and contradictions."
"So I think it's kind of, in a weird way this show is sort of an exploration about childhood trauma and the after effects of what that does to you as an adult."
"Enzor delved into the human psyche, peeling back layers of societal masks to reveal the complexities and contradictions of the human condition."
"The game will read Cooper's mind and create a bespoke experience designed to explore, understand, and finally materialize Cooper's fears."
"We'll explore the brain's function in numbing out this early emotional pain and embark on an uncovery process as we reconnect with original repressed feelings."
"We must probe deep into the heart and mind of Simeon Lee and see what we find there."
"How powerful it can be when you start to face the shadow or go into the unconscious or the things that are uncomfortable to look at."