
Workplace Rights Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"True Freedom means freedom to choose a career and then also be free from harassment while trying to reach the top."
"The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of protecting employees from workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity."
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"If you're being harassed by your employer, you let them know."
"We believe strongly in collective bargaining."
"We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be part of again."
"The fact that she got half a million subscribers in one week is insane."
"At the end of the day, if you are in a situation where you feel that you are bullied, that you are being intimidated, that you are not being respected, then it is a situation that you should be allowed to leave in a neutral fashion."
"Personally, I hope they find justice for getting fired just for being pregnant because that's just not fair, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"That's not the same thing as like depriving someone of their legal rights to access a workplace."
"Sexual harassment at the workplace applies to any and every woman."
"Everyone is entitled to a fair and equal work environment."
"Being part of the union really allows you to use your collective voice."
"It gives you strength, it gives you a voice."
"It's important stuff. It actually is both good for people to know that employers can't get away with this type of crap."
"Don't let yourself be fired on a technicality like that. You can stand up for yourself."
"Don't be a person who gets taken advantage of by bad employers. If you don't fight back, they will never learn their lesson."
"Respectfully sir, I don't think that you determine when I'm done with my job or not."
"The governor violated state and federal laws."
"PWDs have the right to have good conditions in the workplace."
"I want to expand that Freedom there so people who work at their jobs for eight hours a day have the ability to vote for things in their lives."
"What is something that you think you should get time off for?" - Amela
"When somebody is being wronged, go to that company, go to those people, go to that human resources department."
"No one there watches wrestling. No one has any idea about WWE... They said, 'Sounds like they should have a union.'"
"If you're feeling like your employer does not have your best interest at heart, you can file a charge against your employer."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"People refusing to go into work when you're being told to go in with symptoms, that's very, very brave."
"If someone gives you a task, you have the right to ask clarifying questions."
"No one, no matter what they look like, where they're from, or what they do for a living should have to choose between taking time off to heal from being sick or caring for a family member or paying the bills." - Mary Kay Henry
"The whole attitude is weird to me. I don't understand why anybody would anybody on any part of the political spectrum would be opposed to receiving these amenities from the people they work for."
"I think workers should have a right to a non-hostile work environment."
"Workers have some leverage... demands they want flexibility, better pay, better working conditions."
"Actually, I can. My manager has no problem with my hair and the guidelines say nothing about hair color."
"There is no situation where you can assault a restaurant worker, period." - Andrew Ridgie
"It is patently unlawful to consider racial ethnic and sex based characteristics in hiring training promotion and compensation."
"Title VII prevents discrimination in the workplace. You cannot be discriminated against because of your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your disability, and yes, your religion."
"Employees from Kaiser, if you feel you are being abused, discriminated against, harassed, intimidated, and threatened, I want you to email us."
"You don't have to be a victim of being afraid to speak your mind or being afraid to stand up for yourself because you don't want to lose your employment."
"Take away people's right to act and collective self-defense at the workplace they're gonna squander this opportunity in a historic way."
"If it's a situation where they expect you to do the same amount of work for less pay, you better just fire me."
"We want to be full citizens, not only that we believe we'll be better workers if we are allowed to have a proper work-life balance."
"Employers get used to feeling like they can do whatever they want but they can't."
"That's a way around labor law, and it's not okay."
"Men and women should be paid the same if they do the same job and work the same hours."
"Wage discussion is a federally protected conversation in the workplace. Send that to your labor board and enjoy the show."
"Do you believe that workers should have the basic dignity at work not to be surveilled by their employers?"
"If somebody is treating you lesser than or talking to you like you're a child or talking to you like you're not [__], you have every right as an employee to leave."
"You have a right to work in a supportive and a harassment-free work environment."
"Don't retaliate against an employee for taking or seeking medical leave."
"When you've become loyal to one company for that long, you should be getting a big pay raise, not a pay cut."
"It’s as if the idea of being a place where the decisions that impact you are decisions you have the right to participate in—that’s what democracy means—it is as if that right, that commitment, which applies to where we live somehow shouldn’t apply to where we work."
"I think employers are actually required to provide pumping moms a clean place to pump that is not the bathroom."
"It's never okay to be overworked and to be mistreated in the workplace."