
Educational Focus Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It's time we concentrated on educating the women."
"This is why in CS50 we spend time on some of these lower-level building blocks."
"Education in responsible simplicity of life is crucial."
"That's the purpose of why I'm here, not to show you how you shoot a headshot. That doesn't matter."
"don't focus on that focus on learning the things that you're interested about within those classes"
"I think it's such a beautiful unique magical story."
"This is the chart that I'm going to push everybody to, is the hands-on chart because I think this is going to be the one that takes you further in your career than this one does, that's mine."
"Crime under control allows kids to concentrate in school in ways that they just wouldn't be able to if violence was more prevalent."
"The Keynotes are another really great area to focus on."
"The actual exams are pretty straightforward if you actually get the material and it's a lot more conceptual than like AP gov and ap psychology it's a lot more about just getting relationships we things like supply and demand how they work."
"My position CEO is called chief Education Officer in the company so I build up the company more like a university."
"Focus on comprehension, don't focus on them producing the language correctly."
"Our focus on girls can leave boys behind in regards to education and well-being."
"It's more about the ideological side of things I think that makes way more sense because the way that World War II and the Holocaust Nazism and such is taught differently in both countries."
"They're spending far more time on social justice issues, gender studies, gender equality and things of that sort rather than the basics."
"This course is centered around practice, practice, practice."
"I started this channel probably about five or so years ago with a long-term goal of trying to provide the most detailed non-biased educational reviews that you could."
"I really wanted our company to be an educational company, putting out beneficial information to the community."
"Teaching for conceptual understanding over test scores."
"Teaching should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about them taking this test because realistically..."
"Teach statistical literacy, not critical race theory."
"It's crucial to prioritize ethical guidelines and actively shape the learning environment for AI systems."
"Parents don't compromise when it comes to kids. It's about making their life and education as good as possible."
"Education should focus on strengths, not weaknesses."
"Concentrate on one language, become fluent, and then consider adding another to your repertoire. Keep in mind depth often trumps breadth when it comes to coding."
"Be hyper aware of what information you're trying to get from your studies."
"Tech is a necessary skill for where we're moving."
"We're trying to boil down to what matters and to teach people why we've done things more like more and more we're leaning on education and we'd really really like to help people get to whatever their goal is."
"Computer science is the study of problem-solving with computational methods, not just programming."
"Stuff in F tier you will not need, no matter what you're going to learn."
"It's a giant structure from the 19th century, and that's kind of our remit, that's what we talk about."
"History is not really about the past. It's almost never about the past. The past is gone."
"Focus on science if you're gonna be a dog trainer."
"One thing that's becoming more and more important for me to remember as I teach: people not subjects."
"It's about learning language, not about how cute the owl is."
"Don't forget triangular numbers, very important."
"This is more so an educational stream than anything else."
"That's the importance about high school, you're going more towards what you're actually interested in, what you want to do as a career."
"Design and implementation need to focus on both social and emotional and cognitive development."
"I focus on three primary areas: theory therapy, innovative improvisation, and creative composition."
"Learner-centered classroom means the learner is the primary consideration."
"In the last 10 hours of discussion, our focus has been on understanding the importance of manufacturing."
"We're an education company first."
"It's not about the kids. It's not about the structure. It's not about the curricula. It is about the expertise."
"The test is designed to test your English, not your knowledge of the subject."
"We're all about education here today."
"If the kids are full, they're not hungry, their stomachs aren't growling, they're able to focus on their lessons."