
HTTP Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The combination of the URI and the http verb that is sent with each request tells the API what to do with the resource."
"Most front-end applications need to communicate with a server over HTTP protocol to download or upload data and access other backend services."
"HTTP is stateless, meaning that every request is completely independent."
"Application Load Balancer... deals with HTTP and HTTPS traffic."
"REST APIs work over HTTP protocol so that means whatever operations are supported by HTTP should be supported by REST APIs."
"The primary backend needs to expose an HTTP endpoint and also push to a queue."
"Now that we've had a look at how to make a GET route, let's have a look at making a POST route."
"These requests and responses will look a bit different depending on the specific HTTP method used to call it."
"HTTP is just the bare minimum that web users today expect in terms of site security."
"RESTful web services work on HTTP methods like PUT, POST, GET, and DELETE."
"So that's our first bit of routing done. So we're now going to embolden ourselves and we're going to add in our T API again just using HTTP, not HTTPS."
"The use of HTTP by default has been increasing year-on-year across the world's top websites."
"The main building block provided by Flask-RESTful is a resource-based class that defines the routing for one or more HTTP methods for a given URL."
"When you enter that URL into your browser, you're making an HTTP request to a server and that server is responding with the data that makes up their website, right?"
"HTTP delete: It does what you think. It deletes resources."
"HTTP status codes: everything went well. The request went the way that we hope it did, right? That everything went well."
"Post requests are altering the state of the server in some form or another."
"HTTP utility methods: It gives us a lot of functions or tools that we can use that helps us build out our API. It's just very clear, easy to read, and easy to see, doing all the heavy lifting for us."
"If you're creating APIs that will be used by other people, my recommendation is don't use an RPC model, use an entity-oriented model and in particular use HTTP JSON as directly and as simply as possible."
"You can use cookies and headers inside your server actions."
"We're just making the delete request, we're expecting that we should get back a 204."
"GraphQL operates over HTTP and unlike REST, we can use fewer HTTP requests to get our job done."
"Because this is an HTTP file, it's just a text file on disk, I can check this into my source control."
"The beauty of HTTP is that it should be stateless; if the connection dies, the HTTP protocol realizes, 'Ooh, my connection died, let me resume in order to create a new one.'"
"HTTP 1.0 introduced a lot of additional metadata for HTTP that made it super useful."
"With HTTP 3, we're swapping out one style of transport protocol for another and solving some challenges that we had with HTTP 2 along the way."
"One of the main aspects of the HTTP protocol is that it provides very good controls for caching."
"Restful APIs are not the ones doing CRUD operations; they're simply there to take the HTTP requests and to instruct what type of CRUD operations need to get done."
"We're going to explore the HTTP package."
"Python HTTP is great. I think we can all agree as a community we've got a whole lot of really great tools for working with HTTP in Python."
"What does HTTP stand for? Hypertext Transfer Protocol."
"HTTP is stateless. What that means is that every time that a new request is made, everything has to be negotiated again."
"HTTP is the foundation of the World Wide Web."
"Connecting to sockets is very similar to how you would connect with HTTP requests."
"Web APIs are simply a set of remotely hosted functions accessible over the Internet or over the web, typically through the HTTP protocol."
"To understand how web application works, we have to go a little bit in depth and explain what's called an HTTP request and response."
"If it's successful, we want to make sure that we send a response and we'll say 'status 200'."
"If the response status code is 200, we're going to get the JSON."
"What Robinhood backend can do is that it can continuously send HTTP requests to the stock exchange service to receive stock updates."
"We're doing this and we're still inheriting all the benefits of HTTP; we have transfer encoding, we have encryption."
"HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTPS, the same but the S stands for secure, so it's actually encrypted in this case."
"The web and HTTP specifically, is a client-server paradigm."
"A web server is a server software that can serve HTTP requests."
"The HTTP protocol itself is textual and is stateless application protocol."
"Check out the Wikipedia article on HTTP status codes because it is pretty fascinating to learn more about it."
"We can use a display filter here and say just show me the HTTP packets."
"HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is really just a set of conventions that mandate how a computer speaks to another computer when it wants to request information off of the world wide web."
"We're going to begin right from the very start of this journey where a client wants to make a HTTP request to us."
"We're going to use TCP, so while we're using HTTP as our application layer protocol, underneath that we have the transport protocol of TCP."
"It's going to give us back a full HTTP response."
"These APIs are simple to use and are built on the HTTP protocol and the API surface resources that can be manipulated with HTTP verbs."
"We're going to use HTTP 1.0 protocol, here is your response code, and 200 means everything was fine."
"HTTP is a protocol. It is a set of conventions that dictate how a computer client, like a browser on your Mac or PC, talks to a web server."
"At the end of this tutorial, you would be learning how to make an HTTP call, pass headers, pass params, and catch the errors for processing."
"We could embrace the statelessness of HTTP and deliver a fully rendered UI on each request and response cycle."
"It's well understood that an HTTP 200 response means OK, the request worked."