
Fresh Starts Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"You're never starting over; you're always starting from experience."
"Somebody wants to have something like a clean slate with you, they want a brand new beginning."
"Brave enough to keep your life fresh and exciting."
"You're not stuck with your decisions, you can start over."
"Rock Bottom is a great place to begin rebuilding your life."
"It's wanting to offer that rose, yeah. So the page of wands signals a new beginning."
"Aries are bold, shoot your shot. Nothing gets them going more than a fresh slate, the promise of a new day, and a brand new start."
"Bold new initiatives, exciting fresh starts."
"I always say, if you don't like the way it looks, you can start over. It's really easy."
"You're entering not just the unknown, you're entering into the magical unknown."
"Ending endings that bring Healthy Beginnings."
"Someone wants to come back and have a new start with you guys."
"Do I want to go back to that, or do I want to start new?"
"It doesn't matter how many times we've failed in the past, what matters is that we're getting back today and we're starting again."
"Every day is a new beginning; walk through the passage of your transformation."
"There's gonna be a new beginning... there's gonna be a new start for you."
"I love fresh starts. I love when people view you anew, you know, fresh eyes."
"Let's wipe the slate clean and start over. Today is a new day."
"I think every wow expansion is in a lot of ways a fresh start. It's a chance to reconnect to be in a level playing field."
"Let's leave here together, breathe the fresh air. I want to do so many things with you."
"Don't fear starting over. Choose what chooses you, commit to the perfect fit."
"It's not that many people get a fresh start like that."
"My life is never stuck or static, for each moment is new and fresh. Every ending is a new point of beginning."
"Never go by the past; every moment is a brand new beginning."
"Remember, time is arbitrary and human defined. You can always reset your life at any point."
"So now we can start over from scratch. If you made a lot of mistakes before, you can go ahead and start over from where you're working off."
"Fresh starts are good... it's brilliant because that means you can create the new things."
"Emotional renewal, emotional new beginnings, transformation, a lot of different fresh starts."
"Just know that you're ready to start a new chapter, and anything that didn't work out is because you were being protected from those energies."
"Feeling like a new man after the ball, bro. Hold A to Sprint, that's a crazy way to start the game."
"You have new beginnings, someone's trying to bear for you."
"Releasing baggage paves the way for new beginnings."
"You can take big holidays and you can take them at short notice. You can take them whenever you like."
"Life is good. Oh hell yeah dude, new beginnings."
"It's never too late to change your mind, to shift directions, to start over."
"New opportunities, new start... lots and lots of newness here."
"Embrace new starts because they hold new opportunities."
"I am feeling that right now more clearly than I've ever felt it before I really am that the old is falling away and I'm I really feel like I'm kind of starting afresh with a blank canvas."
"It is never too late to start over. I believe in second chances."
"Let's start over and build with what you can build with."
"You're starting a new cycle and leaving all of this heaviness behind."
"There are opportunities here to move into the new starts, beginnings, new chapters, a new life journey that is right on time."
"A cycle of difficulties in relationships is coming to an end."
"They definitely want to hurry up and have a new beginning with you before you get away they want to heal the situation they want they do want a new beginning."
"A new season, a clean slate where Anything Could Happen."
"If you're not going to perform, if you're not going to listen, if you're not going to train the right way then I'm going to start fresh with these young lads."
"Trust your own desire, even if it means starting afresh."
"Moving away from old, unsatisfying patterns leads to brand new beginnings."
"I love clean slates. Everyone deserves a new day."
"This too shall pass. Nothing is permanent, and you're about to start fresh."
"Somebody wants to resurrect the situation, have a new beginning here, right, somebody wants to resurrect this relationship and have this new beginning with the Ace of Wands with you."
"You don't need to be stuck, you can start fresh and new."
"This represents New Beginnings. No longer will you waste your time and money."
"Everybody's off to a new start now, this is the good thing about these retrogrades."
"It's the way they just start from the beginning."
"You are learning every day, helping you start fresh."
"The beginning again simply means a new chapter."
"God is cleansing your conscience right now, you have a new beginning."
"Hope, renewal, good things coming in for you."
"It may be time to start something new, brand-new, open the door for new communications and a new start."
"New moons are all about fresh starts, new beginnings, and new commitments."
"There will be a passionate new beginning here."
"The universe is empowering you to make fresh starts, to be on top of your game, to take action when the right moment comes. Use it and go after what you want."
"There will be New Beginnings coming in for you."
"People want new starts, people want new stats."
"It's never too late to start over but you got to you have to admit your wrongdoing."
"A new start is on the way, wiping the slate clean."
"We're moving on from our failures and starting fresh."
"New beginnings are happening all the time."
"Beginnings and Fresh Starts, planting seeds now."
"Stories offer a thousand fresh starts."
"Start again, start again, start again."
"The smell of cut grass reminds me of the springs on the way."
"Honestly, I go through phases where I'm like, I gotta change something, you know, start something fresh."
"Lasa is not the end, the moment I arrived, it became a beginning."
"God is the god of fresh starts, new beginnings, second chances."
"It's a completion but in numerology, it comes down to one which is new beginnings, fresh starts, leadership, taking charge."
"September always symbolizes fresh starts, new stationery, new lunch boxes."
"We can't have fresh starts unless we let go of whatever was in the past that's holding us back."
"Be your own person when you're doing fresh starts."
"Let there be fresh starts and limitless potential throughout this season."