
Sensory Overload Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Atmospheric overload pours gas on the fire of what we're feeling."
"He used really dramatic music... there's so much to see that your brain can't process all of it at the same time."
"It could be overwhelming, you know, the stimulus, you know, all these options people throwing stuff at you."
"If we cram every waking hour full of sensory stimulation, we numb ourselves to our own inner wisdom."
"The battle went on hour after hour in numbing cold and mind-dazing noise."
"Holy [__], you see how many signs are in this laundromat? The five-man electrical band and Tesla need to team up and do a charity concert for the anxiety this place triggers."
"Your brain is getting so over stimulated that your body doesn't know what to do, so it just starts moving in rhythmic patterns."
"Doom is an assault on the player's senses and sensibilities."
"You've got so many things going on in your mouth. Think of the best chicken soup you've ever had in your life, this is that on steroids."
"This game gets so crazy, there's so much information to take in on your headsets and in front of you."
"The amount of leather... it's honestly seriously overwhelming."
"So much energy, I'm feeling personally like so much energy in here that I'm almost dizzy."
"Shopping can be a stressful experience at the best of times but if you're hypersensitive to lights sounds smells and crowds something as simple as stepping into a busy shop can be a real ordeal."
"When I downloaded Disney+, it was just sensory overload. I genuinely did not know what my brain was doing."
"I can't see anything, I got blood everywhere. Can someone drag me somewhere else so I can just hear one thing?"
"I legitimately felt the sensation of my face melting off and I don't put that lightly. This is the fastest thing I've ever experienced in my life."
"There's really no end to the incoming audio and visual food for thought that you might be craving."
"So much is happening and so many people are walking by, cars are driving by, dogs are dressed up, people dress up - I don't know where to look!"
"The sound was a deafening clamor of broken glass and loud bangs mixed with howling winds."
"These candles will fill the entire room like I'm talking like they'll feel like a thousand square feet and you'll be like oh my god what is happening."
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you, my eyes are dry."
"There is no such thing as getting used to modern war. It's just too loud, too isolating, too terrifying."
"All your senses will be bombarded, what you read, what you hear, what you see."
"We've got so many different fragrance and essential oils that we're experimenting with and testing out, it's kind of overwhelming at times."
"From zero to 100%, it's just like bang and it hits you."
"But all rusted up, so it's just like, it's a little details man, they look like real life, and it's just too much sometimes for my, for my Minecraft brain to comprehend."
"It is overstimulation entertainment at its finest."
"There's just a little bit too much stimulation in the environment."
"The sound vibrates the earth... it's like a machine-gun staccato except much more powerful. You'll actually feel it in your chest, you can feel it in your bones." - Brett Kelso
"It's almost too much, it's almost too much is what I'm hearing."
"I'm having like an out-of-body experience."
"Autistic burnout describes when an autistic person might experience chronic exhaustion they may lose skills and have reduced tolerance to stimulus."
"Ultra kill, the last one, was an assault on the senses."
"...so I can't hear so it plays out when I'm in a big place..."
"Debuds can help reduce sensory overload, help you focus, and make your environment a lot more manageable."
"We often get overloaded from a sensory perspective, and so taking quiet time and ways to sort of transition are really important."
"It's just the most sensory overload I've ever experienced. Who would want to live here? And yet millions and millions and millions of people do."
"An autistic meltdown is an uncontrollable reaction to our brain being tried by environmental, emotional, social, physical, and you know, other types of overstimulation or understimulation."
"Individuals with autism as well very often need that time as well to come down from all the stimulation that they're seeking throughout the week."
"Psychosis results from a biologically based sensitivity to sensory stimulation. Many people are overwhelmed by things that are happening to them."
"I'm doing the classic flutters. I like flutters, but I feel like if there's too many it just overstimulates me. Is it just me? I don't know."
"I've never heard revving like that, all the Aventadors, my ears, I'm gonna need some recovery time, I think."
"You often feel like you don't fit in, you tend to isolate, you sometimes find it tough to cope with sensory and emotional overload."
"The more you use them, the more overstimulating and intense any noise without them is going to feel."
"She was instantly assailed by a cacophony of data from the ship systems."
"Things you haven't seen, and you're overwhelmed, you're short-circuiting with all the things you're looking at around you."
"Visiting Magic Kingdom can be kind of a lot, easily to be overstimulated here and overwhelmed at the sheer amount of people."
"Step into Jungle Gems and prepare to be overwhelmed—in the best possible way."
"It's like overwhelming but like in a fun way."
"I couldn't feel anything, couldn't hear any of the sounds of the hospital around me. I could only see things in one giant blur."
"My taste buds are like freaking out right now."
"The bright lights, sounds, and sights of Vegas were overwhelming."
"The flavor is insane, look at my eyes, it's insane."
"My senses are really on overload with so much going on."
"If I look, my senses will tingle, and I will become overwhelmed right here."
"We're exposed to more stimuli in one day today than our ancestors were in their entire lifetime."
"His eyes become blinded by fantastic colored lights, and he hears unbearable noises and feels anguish."
"No escape, I have lost all my senses."
"So the beam makes all our senses report everything they're capable of reporting, true or not, and we're blinded and deafened."
"It is sensory overload in India, hands down the most overwhelming place I've ever been."