
Unconsciousness Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Unconsciousness is the brain's self-defense mechanism, so if you get caught with a big punch and you get knocked out, it's the first time you've been knocked out, your brain's going, 'Oh my goodness, quick shutdown, sleep.'"
"Extended periods of unconsciousness could allow people to access parallel universes, living different lives."
"There is a constant interplay between the unconscious and conscious realms of the psyche."
"We're afraid of death, we're afraid of that pole of experience which is unconsciousness."
"Almost everybody looks the same before someone dies... they're unconscious, their eyes and mouths are open usually, there's a little gurgle to their breath..."
"His head hit the glass windshield so hard that actually knocked him unconscious."
"Human beings are asleep at the wheel; we're not consciously aware of our own capabilities."
"...the 12th house is a place where you don't have control. When you're unconscious you don't have control when you sleep, you relinquish control."
"The simple way of explaining what exactly conquerors haki does is that the user basically exerts their willpower onto individuals who have weak wills to render them unconscious."
"It's kind of absurd, really. It's just like looking at this, because you're not really conscious of like what you're doing."
"The hell in you is not because of karma. The hell in you is because you have empowered your unconsciousness, not your consciousness."
"Humans need to suffer the consequences of their unconsciousness."
"Something heavy crashed into the back of his head and he plummeted into a bottomless well of oblivion."
"As we recall, they were all of a sudden out of control, their bodies walking into the field. They get to the tree and they pass out."
"Jason, my love, take my hand, hold it, Jason," peace came with unconsciousness.
"The vast majority of what our brains do, the vast majority of what our minds do is unconscious and we're unaware of it."
"Certain motivations and goals, particularly sinister ones, are better made to be unconscious because if a person doesn't know they have them, they will not give them away."
"Fantasy is a bridge between consciousness and unconsciousness."
"Whatever you do, you'll do as consciously or as unconsciously as you are."
"When you shine the light on unconsciousness, the devil can't handle it. He'll throw all kinds of junk at you because a little light is shining on him."
"The suffering is created by the unconsciousness in humans."
"Most men have good hearts. They might be unconscious, but they're most men are good people."
"They finally reached a strange craft at the top of an escarpment, at which point he blacked out. Upon waking, he found himself in a bright round room where a voice told him not to panic."
"Money is one of the biggest reflectors back to you for you to see what's actually going on in your unconsciousness."
"If it had a monitor on my brain it would have been just brain dead."
"You know, colloquially, passed out, and there's very few ways to get like that without pharmacological assistance, illegal or illegal."
"All that side of life which you call unconscious, unknown, impenetrable, is unconscious and unknown and is impenetrable because it's really you."
"People change unconsciously before they change consciously, they begin to float dreams, daydreams."
"I watched him when he took the two fatal breaths and when he fell unconscious within seconds."
"Unconsciousness recognizes that consciousness is its basic enemy."
"When they got to the car, he was passed out."
"She's not conscious, she's not responsive."
"Yo, he's still out. He's gonna wake up with a hell of a headache."
"But most of you have ever thought about the fact that you have to raise yourself to the level of having unconscious competence in your trading if you are thinking it means you are confused."
"Honestly, I black out. I imagine you put your jaw on autopilot."
"Disconnection to us is being in a state of not being conscious, not being aware, kind of living beyond the surface, away from our own emotions, away from our own experiences, and living on a level of surface."
"It's possibly red because she's not conscious."
"It is a state of reversible controlled unconsciousness."
"Anesthesia is a drug-induced reversible state of unconsciousness and no pain sensation."
"General anesthesia is a medically induced coma with loss of protective reflexes."
"Unconscious people don't want tea."
"This will sound crazy, but you have to swim straight down until you pass out."
"Everything went black, and I fainted. Thank God for that."
"The state of unconsciousness is a strange beast."
"The greater the area of unconsciousness, the less is marriage a matter of free choice."
"Teresa was unconscious, her head and shoulders were above water."
"They're playing unconsciously, I think it's part of the best volleyball they can all play."
"Thank you, Wyatt," she murmured just before she fell into unconsciousness.
"We believe that it's these oscillations which are impairing the communication between brain regions, therefore rendering a patient unconscious."
"The force of love was being implanted in human beings by Jehovah in a manner of which they were themselves unconscious."
"Through this Sacrament, God forgives his venial sins and also forgives his mortal sins if he is unconscious and cannot use the sacrament of confession."
"I think happiness comes from things that you don't have to think about."
"What a terrible thing it is to wound someone you really care for and to do it so unconsciously."
"Every night at midnight, they essentially stop time and everyone falls unconscious."
"Despite Tiny Pupa's unconscious state, Chinemo emerged triumphant, vanquishing all opponents with effortless grace."
"We're doing a lot of things in everyday life without thinking about it, without questioning it."