
MVC Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"In short, 'Controller' is for MVC web applications and 'ControllerBase' is for MVC Web APIs."
"MVC is really a design pattern; it's not a language."
"Angular uses an MVC pattern, making front-end structuring similar to back-end."
"When you use mvc you can build bigger and more impressive projects because your code is well organized."
"The beauty is if you can learn MVC...you get a whole new level of flexibility, a whole new level of modularity."
"The goal is to get the 'why' to you, and for you to understand at a high-level concept what MVC can do for you."
"MVC seems to be the big one and it's one that I hear about a lot."
"Nest follows the MVC design pattern while Express doesn't."
"MVC provides separation of components that allows the reuse of applications across several platforms."
"MVC uses asynchronous techniques to build applications that can be easy for a developer to build application in a faster and secure way."
"Action Filters are attributes that apply to the controller or a controller action that helps in modifying the executed actions."
"MVC framework includes several actions, some of them are Output Catch, Handle Error, Authorize."
"Helpers in MVC are HTML classes that help to create HTML control programmatically."
"Model Binding in MVC allows mapping the HTTP request data with the models using the data sent by the browser in an HTTP request."
"Partial View is a view that is rendered from another view which helps to break the larger view into smaller views."
"Logic layers in MVC are divided into three types: Business Layer, Display Layer, and Input Control Layer."
"MVC is a software architectural pattern that divides an application into three major components: Model, View, and Controller."
"The consensus is basically that an MVC style architecture is best."
"Flask implements what's generally known as an MVC design pattern or paradigm."
"We've added support for Async streaming in MVC so that you can return an AsyncEnumerable from your controllers and have that be asynchronously streamed down to the client without all of the entries having to be buffered in memory on the server."
"This is a basic paint application using MVC - Model View Controller pattern."
"We are using MVC pattern which stands for Model View Controller."
"The model works with the data, the view works with the UI, and the controller is the interface between the model and view."
"That's what the ViewModel is doing, taking whatever's in the Model and arranging it nicely so the View has this beautiful simple code."
"The role of the view model in MVVM is different from the view model in an MVC application."
"ASP.NET Web App MVC uses the MVC framework to separate all of those concepts."
"Razor Pages is a simpler layer on top of MVC for things that you weren't changing very often."
"MVC stands for Models, Views, and Controllers."
"MVC is not essential but definitely helpful."
"MVC stands for Model View Controller, and it's a method of structuring our code and our files."
"That's really what the Model View Controller pattern is all about."
"I understand the MVC pattern, and since I'm trying to move to MVVM and dependency injection, I'm struggling a bit."
"Model-view-controller... it's actually pretty simple and it's so well known that everybody calls it MVC in the trade."
"Django is a high-level web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern."
"Django appears to be an MVC framework, but you can call the controller 'The View' and the view 'The Template'."
"MVC is the programming paradigm that hopefully many of you are familiar with."
"It's pretty traditional model view controller stuff that you probably could have seen demoed on small talk systems at Xerox many years ago but somehow, we've forgotten how to do this."
"So if you reach this stage, you have created a successful MVC structure."
"Our model doesn't talk to our view, but our view is listening for changes."
"Model View Controller is a very important concept that you're going to take with you throughout your programming experience."
"The controller is the glue between the view and the model."
"We're working with an MVC pattern on this web app framework known as Ruby on Rails."
"Now when we talk about MVC application, your program can follow from controller to view, it can follow from controller to controller, or probably it can follow from view to a controller."
"The event bus is great for using MVC because it decouples all the components."
"Your view controller contains the views, data, and the logic, and it's the glue that ties the two together."
"Flexibility of combining the data with the view is possible with MVC."
"The main goal of MVC is to take that code which is a problem, which is generated due to the RAD development, and move it to the controller."
"Rails is what's called an MVC architecture - Model, View, Controller."
"So now, today, we look back on a model we've been introducing for some time, MVC, model, view, controller, which is just a fancy way of describing a type of programming that's really popular in the web these days."
"One of the really shining points in MVC is how do you build input forms and how do you bind that back to your models."
"This tutorial is perfect for a model view controller design pattern."
"One of the beautiful things about MVC, one of the things I love, is separation of concerns."