
Movie Comparison Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Man of Steel was more like a Goku movie, not a Superman movie."
"It's almost insulting how much better this movie is than Return of Jafar."
"Is it better than the Dark Knight? In my opinion, hell yeah."
"If they up the action, I think we could reach Dark Knight levels here."
"Top Gun: Maverick exceeds both of them by a long shot."
"How does Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse succeed at the whole Multiverse storytelling thing where Spider-Man: No Way Home failed?"
"I don't think it's quite as good as Ragnarok myself, but that's where I'm at."
"It's like it's looking like the next Avengers movie over here."
"Guardians and Thor could not feel more different in terms of writing and direction."
"I really liked the way it felt different from The Force Awakens."
"Rogue Squadron, it's like Top Gun in Star Wars, like that'd be cool."
"The movie is almost a real life pranks, huge Borat vibes."
"I have the same question for Pinocchio 2022 as I have for Call Of The Wild: let's say 2020."
"It's like the end of Return of the Jedi with the Ewoks."
"It's like overwhelmingly negative... truly like going back and watching Ace Ventura. So bad."
"That already looks better than what we saw in 2017."
"This is a movie, I've said it 15 million times, this is basically like watching a movie."
"This movie was leaps and bounds better than first class, not even close."
"I'm not excited to watch it again like I am leaving with Far from Home or End Game."
"Cars 3 - I thought it was better than the first Cars."
"One of our viewers had a great response: 'Well, we jumped from Shazam to the Joker.'"
"Out of Aliens, Predator, and Terminator, which franchise has the potential to return to form? Terminator."
"I enjoyed it more than the current Batman adventure that's in theaters."
"Marvel just went for it and they incorporated, they broadened the Marvel Cinematic Universe while keeping it where it should be."
"Seoul was a better movie in nearly every aspect than Wonder Woman 1984."
"Tron Legacy is obviously better than Tron. Yeah, that's maybe a good movie, I think."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"In the end, it turned out very different from fatal attraction."
"It almost feels like an 80s action movie so far and I've got to say I like what I see."
"Maybe we don't have to compare Citizen Kane and The Dark Knight though I think The Dark Knight is way better."
"Straight out of a multi-million dollar movie."
"This is better than Star Wars I think it's better than toy story and the reason why is because every story has built up to something and your story is something where they kind of tell the same story over and over again."
"I was about to say, this sounds like a clue-type movie, like Knives Out."
"To me, it's got a little bit of a Pretty Woman sort of vibe to it."
"This movie is 10 times better than the 2016 one by comparison."
"Why are we doing a movie with the us cuz King Kong was the big guy in the US right like he was our version of the big monster movie."
"This thing reminded me of something right out of a Jurassic World movie."
"It gives me the same kind of essence like they're like pairing up as friends but then it starts turning into more and i felt like it really captured the vibe of these two movies."
"Dragon Ball Super Superhero is the better overall movie."
"Speed is a transcendent and phenomenal movie."
"John and Emma speed is a transcendent and phenomenal movie far superior to Pulp Fiction and clerks it is a perfect action movie."
"It's tough for me to say exactly whether or not I think that it's the best Dragon Ball movie that I've ever seen."
"Black Panther is a better origin movie. I'll say this in Shang-Chi's defense, visually, that movie is amazing."
"But most importantly, this movie has Kovu. Kovu is to the Lion King what Zuko is to The Last Airbender—a bad boy with childhood trauma and a secret heart of gold."
"Shrek 2 is better than Godfather 2. Let's go!"
"This doesn't look that bad. Sure they're not on the same level as The Abyss, but they're a hell of a lot better than something like Ape, that's for sure."
"The lame computer animated American Godzilla... swiftly gets his ass handed to him by the one true Godzilla. Now that is awesome!"
"So, if you're wondering what to expect from this movie besides the whole plot that we just spoiled, think if okay so it's like SAT style The Strangers is too alien as The Strangers print knight is to aliens."
"Trust me you will not regret it it's actually really good it does have some very deep hunger games and saw vibes anyways thanks so much for watching this has been ultiori you ask we answer."
"Real Genius was supposed to follow in suit and to be like an edgy crazy sex comedy very much like the as mentioned Revenge of the Nerds."
"A sequel I'll have you know to a film which came out way back in 2011 and don't get me wrong Puss in Boots 2011 it was fine it didn't blow me away but it certainly wasn't any Shrek 3 levels of disaster."
"This hurts way more than it does in the movies."
"It's like the Hunger Games, it's a good movie."
"Spider-Verse one to two is way more in common with this than John Wick one and two."
"Definitely the Lord of the Rings. Not just because they're better movies, but a lot of things are done in The Hobbit that are meant to have their impact because you've seen Lord of the Rings."
"That was like on par with end game and infinity war."
"It wasn't the strongest, but it was definitely the best Thor movie."
"This one's kind of like The Fugitive but with a science fiction slant."
"This is much better to me than the Avengers End Game or Spider-Man."
"The one-two punch of Infinity War and Endgame might be the two most daunting pair of moves to follow in cinema history."
"It's the best comic book movie I've seen since Logan."
"That looks even better than in the movie! Wow, that girl is a flipping pro!"
"It's like the southern hick version of clerks."
"How very dare Sonic the Hedgehog make more money than birds of prey?"
"The Snyder Cut is absolutely 100 in every way better than the Joss Whedon theatrical cut of Justice League."
"I think we're getting an Empire Strikes Back kind of ending here."
"So, does this mean that Freddie Mercury is the Apollo Creed of this movie?"
"The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be better than the movie 'Super Mario Bros.' because of how bad the original was, but that doesn't mean we write the 1993 movie off completely."
"It's like John Wick, and I'd say in some ways it is better than John Wick because the actor in it being the John Wick style character can act."
"Jurassic Park 3 better than any of the Jurassic World movies we ever got."
"For me, not as good as Casino Royale. I think overall, it was just a better movie."
"I think it's the no way hope gets all this appreciation. Matrix was like, oh yeah, you're liking that? Check out ours."
"It felt a little bit Mission Impossibly"
"It's literally the same movie, [__]." (Regarding Despicable Me and Madagascar)
"My comparison between 'Aliens 1' and 'Aliens 2' is kind of like 'Terminator 1' and 'Terminator 2.'"
"I think we can all agree that Dark Knight was better than Batman Begins."
"For all those reasons Hakura bleeding from her [ __ ] is categorically a better Star Wars movie than the last Jedi could ever hope to be."
"Batman is the Empire Strikes Back of Batman movies."
"It's a bit like 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' meets 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'."
"I think once upon a time in Hollywood's better than John Q"
"A lot of it also reminded me of Scream, which is really good."
"Infinity War or Endgame? Endgame was better."
"There's something about, like, I think Sansa Lambs and Psycho, I mean, you know, I do think they're technically better made movies on a lot of levels, you know what I mean? But I do think this movie gets to me deeper."
"This movie is better than X-Men: The Last Stand."
"Books are always better than the movies."
"I'm really looking forward to the parts that weren't adapted in the movie that were from the book."
"...it's like that plot twist at the end of a movie, it's insanely good."
"When you watch the movie, it's all like a little bit dead. Like all of the greenery is gone. It's been overgrown a lot. But when you go back and watch the movie, this spot is so noticeable once you see it. And it's just so cool."
"I think Big Daddy's better than 50 First Dates."
"I think it's as good as the original."
"It did everything the first one did, but much better in my opinion."
"I think this sequel is just as good if not even better than that first Spider-Man movie."
"This story resembles a survival movie with a happy ending."
"Awesome Powers is better than all the movies we're talking about except Matrix and Lord of the Rings."
"I think this movie is gonna be better than Detective Pikachu."
"Field of Dreams versus Rocky, that's a brutal battle."
"It really feels like the ending cutscene to like the end of a happy movie."
"They're James Bond movies with more cars."
"It's kind of like The Matrix and The Truman Show meets Legally Blonde."
"Bad Boys 2 is as good as Bad Boys 1."
"I'm really excited for the next book because I've heard everybody say who read it, when they watch the reactions, everybody was like, 'They botched this book, the book is so much better than the movie.'"
"Nothing compares to how perfectly written that movie was."
"Is this movie the Indian John Wick? That's what it feels like."
"That's more than a lot of blockbuster movies nowadays."
"I think Tremors though is still going to be the one."
"Final thoughts: Green Inferno is better than War Room."
"Casino is a way better movie than Goodfellas. The narrative is better, the performances are better."
"It's better than Detective Pikachu, no doubt in my mind."
"Legends of the Fall... it's very Braveheart-esque."
"Kung Fu Panda 2... it's far superior to the first one."
"This is a better movie than Space Jam."
"It's not as good as The Dark Knight, but it's still solid."
"I definitely prefer Cars one over Cars two."