
Maternal Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"That maternal love is a kind of all-encompassing acceptance."
"Barbara was more of a mother to him than an aunt."
"The only reason she's alive is because of her kids."
"The voice is the first thing we know of our mother."
"Maternal instincts kick in when the girls see Mew calling Hajime 'papa.'"
"Mother's are that way when their children are in danger."
"She lavished her maternal feelings on Charlotte, raising her as her own daughter."
"They began calling Jackie 'mom' because she was so devoted to them and she just was such a loving and kind person."
"She loves you more than your mother loves you on earth."
"She was like a second mother to her."
"She offered support which I think says so much about Maddie's mother."
"A Mother's Love cannot be controlled by any skills."
"Love doesn't have to be all soft... The core love is perhaps the love of the great mother."
"Just the love that she gives my children is everything."
"She was literally like a mother to me."
"Black bear is the consummate mother."
"He's not going to kill him because he's in love with his mother as well."
"Nurture yourself, mother yourself."
"Applejack just really acts like a mother at times and this was definitely one of those times."
"There's no mother in the world who doesn't love her child."
"His mom was the kind of woman that every kid loved."
"She wanted, was determined to have the best for her girls, whether they liked it or not."
"Dima was just like a mother, both in her smile and her big heart."
"The ship is called mother, and for the rest of the film, that will be very important."
"It just feels like a warm mother's hug, honestly."
"Good job, Mama. What an amazing thing."
"Maternal instincts are always strong."
"This is the best one in the world according to my mom."
"I always think of you as my own mother too."
"You can't fool a mother. She can always tell her own."
"Don't worry about me," mother bear growled.
"Have you ever had your mother wipe your tears away? It's one of life's great experiences."
"All she ever really cared about was the kids."
"That's what moms are like; if you mess with their babies, they're going to bite you back."
"Most Holy Mother of God, never let me be separated from your Divine Son; please defend and protect me as your special child."
"My mother is the battery in my back."
"My mother's not gone; she's in me."
"Mommy if you can hear me, I love you."
"Very warm, very soft, fluffy; it's like a fragrance of mother but in a very best way."
"The mother elephant loves her baby more than anything and is willing to risk her life to protect her child."
"The intense focus of a woman's upward gaze and the child's lowered posture evokes a universal maternal instinct."
"She was very protective of her baby boy."
"I have a very natural maternal instinct."
"Don't cry, sweetie. Alright, I guess I'll be your mom now."
"She's been like a second mother to us since before I can remember."
"Yamaya represents the traits of compassion, empathy, and strength through her maternal, loving, and protective nature."
"Maternal diabetes, because think about it, if a mom has diabetes, well, she's going to have a ton of glucose in her bloodstream."
"No matter the animal, mothers will always risk their lives for their child."
"Sometimes you can't explain the simple things, like when your mama says she loves you."
"Mother goat loved her kids and would protect them at any cost."
"One thing alone ensures her survival: that the adults around her find her lovable, crucially her mother."
"I've just woken up, I need you. Mum, I've got pain in my tummy, I'm hungry, mum, I'm feeling frightened, I'm falling apart."
"There are times when we could all use a little maternal love in our lives."
"Lady Isabella Shaw roams the castle in search of her baby."
"They're the perfect example of what an unbreakable spirit of survival and the power of unwavering maternal love is capable of."
"My project is about mental health, but more specifically, maternal mental health."
"Mama Kekriya is always here for you."
"We have the seven W's of maternal fever or postpartum fever."
"A mother's desire to protect her son is eternal."
"That cry when she greeted her baby, that is pure exhilaration, just exhilaration, animal instinct cry to see her baby."
"The victory of maternal love over evil."
"The greatest pieces of advice I've ever gotten in my life was from my mom."
"We all first of all fall in love with our mothers."
"Meg's sweetness brings out a maternal side of Erlany; she feels bad for the girl."
"She wakes up in the night hearing her children's voices."
"Monet sees Tariq somewhat as a son she always wanted."
"She is one of the most maternal warm people I have ever met in my life, she is like pure love."
"Mother and daughter are building a close relationship already; it's the strongest bond Kishan will have in her lifetime."
"As one whom his mother comforted, so will I comfort you."
"She takes care of who call her mother."
"As a man whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem."
"Mother is mother, bro. She loves her children."
"A mother's love is like nothing else."
"You could feel her mother's love oozing out of the page."
"There's this like Mama Bear fire in us that's within every mother."
"Mama's going to keep you right here under her wing."
"You must be my children," she told the dragons.
"The earth as my mother, and she shall be protected."
"Your baking is amazing, it just feels like it's a mother giving it to you."
"To have a mother who's still not giving up on her daughter is the greatest gift any kid could ask for."
"The mother power stays steady; it's a constant power in nature and mother Sibley is in control of that."
"The mother wants her children to wake up and to heal."
"Mothers are just older women who want the best for their daughter."
"My mother may not be with me today, but she'll forever live in my heart."
"The irresistible impulse in this instance was the maternal instinct."
"Ripley is so maternal but such a badass."
"It just shows you just how strong her maternal instincts are, she's willing to fight as strong as she possibly can just to protect them."
"Your mother watches us from the sky, now she is an angel."
"Your mother gave her life to save yours."
"It's okay because the main thing, your mama is always going to be here for you."
"Mitochondrial DNA is always inherited from Mom."
"You represent maternal energy, you represent the giver of life."
"I want my mom," I'm not sure how much of that was really what I said. I just know it's what I was thinking, over and over.
"She was so maternal and selfless."
"I don't care how others see you. Your mother cherishes you. Your mother loves you."
"Ireland has an excellent record in maternal health care, one of the best in the world."
"A mother's love is what sets into motion our ability to receive."
"A mother's love builds in us a belief system of expectancy that if I'm hurting or I'm in need, someone's going to run to me to meet my need."
"It smells the way a mother should smell, it smells the way a special woman in your life, the most beloved woman in your life, that's how this smells."
"Mama's always thinking about everyone."
"Every mother would do any and everything she can to make sure that her child doesn't suffer, even if it's financially."
"All boys desire for the love of their mother."
"From the cross, Jesus gave her to every beloved disciple, to be their mother."
"Mitochondrial DNA is handed down from mother to both female and male children."
"I just wanted you to be my mom, it wasn't about anything else. I just wanted you to protect me."
"It's like your mother is singing to you, it really feels like there's a very nurturing tone."
"Your war is over. It ends in the name of my mother."
"Listen to your moms because they know better."
"She loved kids and she treated us all like one big extended family."
"Nothing warms my mama heart more than hearing them interact and watching them play."
"I felt like if this was my mama and she was telling us to stop playing, maybe we should take her advice and quit while we were ahead."
"It feels very soft, but there's also this energy of the lioness, who will do everything to protect the cub."
"I'd be the best mother in the entire world."
"Mary took the weeping child into her arms and quieted it."
"She immediately picked up her cub and cuddled it."
"We believe that the holy mother of God, the new Eve, mother of the church, continues in heaven to exercise her maternal role on behalf of the members of Christ."
"She cares for people so much and she's maternal in her own weird way now."
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted in Jerusalem."
"My mom sat down and the talking that she did to me finally got me settled down about that night."
"Your mother would be so proud of you right now."
"She was somebody that a lot of people sort of considered a second mom, very maternal and incredibly loving."
"Our mothers have given us that steel, iron resilience; nothing will break us."
"Just because you don't have children doesn't mean that you don't have maternal instincts."
"Mother's love is like your pillow of strength."
"My mom has always wanted the best for me."
"I'm so thankful to my mom that she kept me disciplined."
"I shed love like a mother till they see."
"See me in everybody, this I, I am the mother, they are also my children."
"A mother should be the kindest person to her child. But in the palace, a mother would choose to gain favor using her child as a weapon."
"You are someone who is like an empress, you come across as an empress, a mother energy."
"Elephants are very maternal. I have a lot of maternal instinct."
"It feels like mommy's arms are hugging you."
"It's true what they say, mama knows best."
"Guide your advice is medicine, mother; honor your inner knowing."
"Now we have this wonderful interaction between mom and cub."
"These interactions that the little ones have with their mothers are very important."
"The females will remember their cubs by scent."
"The mother of dragons will be with her babies, forever."
"How often I have wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling."
"I be sending love like from a mother to a baby."
"Mama Bear always wants to protect their Cub."
"The very first thing the dog did was look for her puppies and feed them."
"My mother's life gave me strength."
"Lady Stark never did like the Lannisters, but she does care for her children, as any mother should."
"I am your mother. Mommy cares about you."
"Almost maternal in the sense that she was always there to make sure he was cared for."
"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem."
"Your children's paradise is under the feet of your mother."
"She's kind of got that maternal feel to her, and I feel very comforted in her videos and supported."
"There's a strong maternal energy here."
"You have finally become the mother figure for yourself that your mother could."
"Mommy, go to work, oh don't leave me, Mom, don't you worry my dear, Robo Mommy here, she will take care of you, so don't worry."
"It's giving me those kind of vibes, you know, mother vibes, classy."
"I guess that's what they call a mother's love."
"A mother will never leave her calf; it's kind of the other way around."
"The way that people respond to you the best is being kind, being maternal."
"A mother's love is profound, it's so profound that maybe why the prophet would use a mother to describe Allah's love."
"Allah's love is so powerful and so amazing, it's even greater than the love of a mother."
"Definitely mother vibes, I love this scent."