
Venting Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Pretend you're complaining to your best friend."
"We managed to complain about every major manufacturer. Wow, it feels good to complain."
"Maybe I just wanted to vent and hear other people's thoughts."
"Thank you for listening to my whining and my ranting and I hope that it gives you a little bit of a clearer perspective on some of the not so pretty days in teaching."
"I'm sick of it, I'm absolutely sick of this bullshit now."
"I'm gonna start taking out my rage on Phil... what are you getting so existential for?"
"That is a completely nominal 20-minute venting, right on schedule."
"People are stressed out and they need to vent."
"Just because I tell you things that have been difficult and hard and I vent, doesn't mean I'm not so beyond happy."
"When black people say 'yo talk your [__],' that means rant, that means vent."
"It's not as if because the wage bill is ridiculous that get it off your chest."
"Sometimes people just want to vent and they don't want to have their vents met with solutions."
"I was mad. Now I've got it out of my system."
"It really does revitalize me after a long week, is hearing Tommy rant."
"The passion with which people online rant and vent about this is a direct reflection of how much they've suffered."
"Venting is a lot more positive and a lot more healthy and it's a lot more conducive to a stronger bond with friends or even with a stranger."
"Venting, on the other hand, is done with considering the impact it will have on the other person."
"Vent to a loved one. Sometimes we really just want to be heard and told that sucks."
"I find it quite important to vent to somebody who I don't necessarily have to interact with every day."
"I just got ignored by my mother-in-law I need a damn drink right now so you know what I'm done with y'all."
"Can I have a big girl complaint for a moment?"
"Venting out to all of you when I couldn't see past my own nose was helpful in a way you might not understand."
"It keeps me out of trouble, it lets me vent."
"Wow look at my cool magic trick everyone H someone just vented he wouldn't do that if he was the killer."
"Anyway and he did stop there he went along and kept saying i lost everything trying to do this dumb [ __ ] to youtube and everything what [ __ ] bye you've been whining about this [ __ ] for i don't know how long bye the [ __ ] [ __ ]."
"Because I don't need this [ __ ] [ __ ]! And I've got to stand next to him and show me [ __ ] tubs of [ __ ] [ __ ] that I'm [ __ ] cooking!"
"This turned out to be kind of a gripe session I know you guys don't like the gripe sessions but the reason why I did this video."
"I just wanted to vent, all right."
"My Jew poured out all her frustrations that had been pent up for so long."
"Make sure you have somebody who you can go to and say, 'I'm struggling. I'm having a hard day. I'm fed up. I'm mad. I hate this. Screw this job.' Venting is healthy."
"It's just really nice to have a safe space outside of my inner circle where I can just vent."
"I don't want to be malicious, I don't want to hurt people, I just want to share and vent as I wind here."
"I'd love to hear if you have stories of crazy yarn shop experiences or just other things you need to vent about."
"Yes, these are first world problems I'm fully aware but I can vent and I can be annoyed."
"Maybe I'm just blowing off steam right here."
"You know when I need to vent about something or when something worrying me or bothering me, like, you know, it's hard sometimes, but you guys help a lot with that so I appreciate you."
"I'm just venting because it's just like."
"It's like some days are okay, other days you're like, 'I'm just going to firebomb that thing over there to torch that thing over there.'"
"I vent to the microphone like it calms you down um I ain't going to say it calms me down but it's a release for me."
"If you don't vent every now and then, you'll just explode. It's science."
"People like calling up and venting, I think that's what our show's always been about."
"Venting with women in the same season of life as me. So all my closest friends have young children. And when we get together, if we're not very, very careful, we can just get right, gripe. And that's a Moab."
"You know, I got a couple things that I want to vent to y'all about so be prepared."
"I truly had people to vent to and boy did I vent."
"I understand the need to blow off steam when things are tense."
"Is this just healthy venting or am I overreacting here?"
"Thank you so much for listening to me rant."
"Everybody freaks out and like throws me under the bus. Just wait, like there's enough of this stuff anyway. That's my rant. That's a good rant."
"Some people are more comfortable with venting to a stranger than to their close friends."
"I just feel pent up and you're the only one to take it out on."
"I get so excited when I get to talk to my therapist. I just kinda gossip with her and feel like I'm venting."
"Why isn't a woman allowed to complain to her husband about a crying baby? Why does that make her the [ __ ]? She didn't confront the woman, make loud comments so the woman could hear. She didn't make a scene. She had a wind/moan to her spouse instead."
"Let the emotional part be thrown out at the sounding board. Yeah, and make sure that as you vent, you turn around and don't react when you're triggered."
"This pie has to vent when it's cooking, has to vent."
"I skipped lunch today because I wanted to talk to Brandon. I really felt the need to vent to someone about all the stuff that was going wrong in my life right now."
"There is a distinct difference between privately venting and purposefully spreading harmful lies."
"You guys might hear some f bombs tomorrow, you might hear I might snap a rod or two."
"Time does fix these things to a degree and venting is a great way to do it."
"I'm done, well I am done with this [ __ ] website, you take the rest of it, you shove it firmly up your [ __ ] ass."
"Sometimes I just want to vent, okay? I don't want to hear what the other person's perspective might have been, I just want to hear like 'yes, that totally sucks' and that person said something really stupid."
"Let me tell you what pissed me off real quick."
"This friend was literally like, 'Are you looking for advice or do you just want to vent?' And I was like, 'Oh, I guess I'm just here to vent.'"
"When the fire is going, it's got these intake here, air intake, and it's got an outtake here. So that's how you can really heat this room is through the venting of the heat."
"I kind of just vented to him for a bit."
"Just let it out bro, so that's why, you know, I felt like venting could be a good thing for us."
"We just don't always put it under the definition of venting, like 'Man, I'm talking to my dog about whatever is going on,' right?"
"People like to get mad and they all get the other things a."
"Pretend that you're talking to the universe, an entity, the air, whatever your thing is, and simply pick something that you feel whiny about and complain, but do it in like an exaggerated playful way."
"Stop. That's where they go to get that [ __ ] out if that makes them feel better I guess like whatever but yeah it's like it's very slap his most negative thing in skateboarding."
"Literally, just... oh my god. I'm so heated, all right, y'all?"
"Sometimes you don't need any advice, sometimes they don't need any advice. Sometimes they just need to let it all out because they've been holding it inside for mad long. But let them know like, 'Yo, if you just need to let everything out, just go right ahead, I'm here.'"
"Thanks for listening to me rant. If you're still here listening, then great. If not, then that's okay too."
"You have to find a person to maybe vent it out."
"I've been overthinking, so let me blow off some steam."
"Emotional baggage is easier to handle when you have someone to listen to you [__] about it."
"Sometimes people don't actually want to change their situation, they just want someone to vent to."
"Stay out of it. A lot of times when people confide in you, they really don't want advice; they just want to get stuff off their chest."
"Thank you for calling in and trusting us with your vent."
"Many times they're just trying to connect with you and vent, get something off their chest, trying to share something with you, and they just want to feel heard."
"The venting is designed for high speed rapid airflow."
"Talk out loud and someone to just spill all your problems to, right, with no judgment and only love."
"Hey, can you let me vent a little?" "I mean, sure."
"Can I just vent to you for a bit?"
"Thank you so much for letting me vent on camera and being so kind and encouraging."
"You can get things off your chest, talk to someone unbiased."
"It's more a space just to relax, let out any frustrations, have a little sing song."
"If you have to vent, vent to God, and then look at how you respond to it."
"Sometimes venting doesn't need an answer; sometimes venting is just, 'Oh, I need to have this conversation'."
"Thank you guys for listening to this venting session, I am so grateful for you all."
"Venting can really help get you through problems and in my experience it's a great way to bond with people."
"Thank you so much for listening to me rant and say some stupid [__], I love you guys so much."
"Sometimes they just want to vent."
"Have you ever heard of Among Us, Gregory? You need to vent."
"All eyes on me, the album was full of him venting about that."
"It's important to always have people in your corner, friends that you can vent to when you get in that state."