
Visual Content Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Keep your eyes open because we're about to show you the best spots of difference videos ever made."
"These photos are great. I really like what I'm seeing."
"Your images play a huge role in the design of your website."
"Did you see a video of him describing it? Yes."
"Throughout the series we see visuals all about earning money."
"High quality photos are how you make a magazine or a website look nice. Memes? That's how you grow on social media."
"If you can't see no videos, how you gonna admire a person?"
"I just want to go look at the trailer and see what it actually looks like, it's awesome."
"Creating unique visuals with AI: The future of content creation."
"How good is that looking? I am loving this so far!"
"People are scrolling past a hundred tweets a minute. You need something that's gonna make them stop. So putting something sparkly on their timeline is gonna make them pause and read what's attached to it."
"Big red arrows, big text, big eyes reaction photos. Well, I still love them all."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures."
"The incarnation is an indication that God's primary instrument of usage is broken, inconsistent, self-centered, self-focused, narcissistic, ostentatious people."
"There's some that was just nice to watch, a quick relaxation of marble journeys."
"Blur that out. It was really creepy to look at."
"This takes meat, you can see the meat on the left."
"Pinterest is like a treasure trove of inspiration."
"Instagram is such a visual platform that if your photos aren't beautiful then you're probably never going to succeed."
"I don't know if we're going to show that graphic, but it was pretty hot fire."
"You guys have clearly been able to see the growth of that on the channel."
"Pinterest is a search engine, a visual search engine. You want to treat Pinterest as a visual search engine just like Google just like YouTube."
"I've always conceived of the films I've made the soundtrack being completely separate from the photography completely separate."
"The most successful accounts on Instagram have a strong visual strategy."
"I'm gonna give this game a 6 out of 10 it's alright if it's your birthing today while watching this video happy freakin birthday oh and please remember to stay beautiful."
"This is the setting with the most amount of work, this is where I want to shoot with a GoPro but I want to hopefully or attempt to color grade and make it work with other footage."
"For those of the new the channel I'll put a picture up right now on the screen you can see how big she was when I got her."
"I love that this tweet exists as a visual. It's similar to Danny DeVito gaming, holy [__]."
"Also, to understand if you are having a large logo or a watermark in your image, and the thumbnail which is shown in Google Search result, if it's covering the actual image-- that can affect your performance on Google SEO."
"You get these great pictures of the moon and the earth side by side in the sky."
"Thank you guys for all the feedback on the time-lapse, almost all of you were like Jeff, that time-lapse was like the best time-lapse I'd ever seen, thank you."
"It's so bloody satisfying to watch."
"Pinterest is a visual bookmarking platform, great for getting ideas and inspiration."
"...what feeds your eyeballs is gonna also help feed your heart a little bit."
"Brands and their audiences love stop-motion videos because of how engaging they are."
"Instagram for a visual person is the greatest thing in the world because you get to see so many things. It's a great way to find talent. It's like your new elevator."
"Reviews with photos tend to stay at the top of the review list and will stick there for longer than reviews without photos."
"You want a descriptive image that demonstrates something."
"Most people when they create multiple versions of ads, they will use the same text, the same headline, and different images, and I've done that in the past and it works great."
"Look at this, this is incredible. Right, this has got to be a very rewarding video watching experience."
"All right, so as you can see, we've got a whole bunch of new scroll stoppers inside our template library."
"This right here is a literal screenshot from the match with Seth Rollins."
"What you see on screen is exactly what we're going to be creating together."
"On the internet there's such things as blessed images, you know. It's like light piercing through the dark cloud, just makes you feel good."
"For every blessed image that exists, there exists at least 10 to 20 cursed images."
"So how do we break through these barriers? How do we create visual content that is emotionally resonating?"
"His clips are just satisfying to watch."
"I think with reels and with YouTube shorts, it's just the beauty of watching someone put piece by piece by piece by piece together and then coming up with the whole look."
"I can't tell you how many of these I've watched, oh my gosh this is amazing, I love this."
"Fantastic footage of football's favorite sons."
"What we'll have at the end of this video is a very solid platform on which you can build whatever crazy images you like."
"We want to see stuff on the screen as soon as possible and see beautiful things on the screen as soon as possible."
"It's important to make sure that visual content is out there because that's what people engage with these days."
"These are the kinds of shots and video clips that I absolutely love."
"Photoshop to edit your photos, Illustrator to create logos, and InDesign to bring it all together."
"This is the finished product you guys, this is the video that I took, it looks so cool."
"Use images and videos while tweeting."
"Engaging quotes and questions work best when complemented by an image and act as a great discussion starter."
"Don't forget to redirect images during a migration; visual content is so important."
"You can see you can make animation that is growing."
"YouTube is a visual platform with your thumbnails and your YouTube videos."
"Photographing products for companies... there's a lot of companies out there with products that are going to need photos of their products."
"Adding images is really good for your blog post because it sort of breaks it up and it makes it a little bit more interesting."
"There is a great full color spread on the plagues of Exodus."
"Pictures don't do it justice, you guys got to watch our channel, we'll give you the real scoops."
"Images really capture your readers' attention."
"I think that these types of images can only help make the world a better place."
"Make sure those images and video are really compelling."
"All visual content in your Microsoft Word documents needs to have alternative text."
"You can see the image that you're looking at right now is just room lighting from here; I don't have any special lighting set up, it's just coming in with whatever light we have in the room."
"What is my scroll stopper? How can you get somebody to stop inside of the feed and actually look at your ad?"
"I love watching the things on YouTube that have nice pics and rain, like lighthouse and stuff."
"I hope you've enjoyed the images that came out of this little camera."
"The 'single image to PBR' conversion technique is very useful for content we don't plan to watch from close distance and where an actual height accuracy isn't a key."
"This is a famous scene from a lot of my videos, with a lot of fresh scenery in it that's just recently been updated."
"I started YouTube just because there are certain things that are easier to show in video."
"The most insanely beautiful video I've ever seen."
"I'm going to do another video in about two months showing you guys before and after so you can see what a full round of treatments is actually going to look like."
"Flat lay photography is an amazing tool we have as photographers and creative business owners to create really compelling and captivating content."
"If you're new to my channel or have never seen my videos, my videos are full of cute little graphics, texts, animations, green screens, cute transitions."
"Pinterest is really good for infographics or big long images like this, recipes, things like that."
"All visual content in your Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Outlook emails, and PowerPoint presentations should have alt text."
"The footage on the E2 S6 looks flat out amazing."
"I was blown away with the quality of the image; no matter what I put through this, it looked absolutely stunning."
"Images get shared and noticed more than text."
"Every post should use a featured image; this is what shows up in the blog feed and it's what displays when people share your posts on social media."
"In an era dominated by visual content, a video banner can instantly capture the attention of visitors."
"Let's get started and see how to build this entire presentation including all the images from scratch."
"I hope you guys can look at this and feel some sort of peace."
"Look at that rainbow, yeah beautiful. Sun's out, still raining, sun's out and a rainbow, and an AYU Falcon. What a [__] view, what a view."
"We're going to compare images and I'm also going to do some video clips for you guys."
"There's a whole new world of graphics that they have added."
"Snap is the place you go if you're a visually oriented person."
"In HTML, we have two main tags: the head, which is everything that is not visual, and the body, that's everything that is visual."
"Images and content are what people truly buy."
"It's more important to me that you will see the whole image."
"I'm excited to see those clips too, that should look really cool."
"That's what you're watching for, right? You want to see the cars."
"You've got thousands of images, which are really high-quality and pretty nice as well."
"Seeing these eyes next to each other like this guys, it just makes a perfect ending to this video."
"Infographics had like a huge impact on conversion."
"Hopefully you'll be seeing some stunning videos from me."
"I think time-lapse videos are really great tools but really anything that kind of shows your expertise."