
Self-pressure Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I think I fall victim to producing so much content that I'm putting too much pressure on myself to make each piece of content really good."
"The amount of pressure I put on myself as a human being is it's so unhealthy."
"The sooner you realize your first draft is just a loose sketch of a full painting - one that will be developed and cooked over time - you’ll free yourself of unnecessary pressure."
"Take the pressure off yourself to have all the answers."
"I'm scared to death because I've set the bar so high."
"Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Stick to the basics."
"There's so much more to life than the pressure you put on yourself to look a certain way."
"Pressure on myself to win, that's what gets me going."
"It makes what you do like what you're doing right now even if it's relaxing, you can make you feel like it's never enough."
"Open the floodgates and let go of the internalized pressures."
"Your body right now is creating a life and you are still putting pressure on yourself to keep the area hair free."
"The pressure left me, the pressure that I put on myself."
"Don't put pressure on yourself to uphold something that doesn't feel like you."
"Corey's main issue is just that he's trying to play a role... he's so in his head about what he should be doing at all times."
"If you don't put too much pressure on yourself it just kind of happens."
"I better do something well with this because I might be a one-hit wonder."
"Give yourself a break, we can be so hard on ourselves."
"My biggest fear is more the fear of letting myself down."
"The only pressure I feel is to do the best that I possibly can at any given time."
"I still like to set mini goals, not put too much pressure on myself, but I think you must have some goals, otherwise what are you working towards?"
"You can remove some pressure you're putting on yourself; that's a great way of loving yourself."
"Deliver excellence every day, and eventually, your work is going to get better because you're not putting any pressure on yourself. Pressure paralyzes."
"It's the pressure you put upon yourself that causes stress."
"I never put pressure on myself because the only thing you can do is try your best and do your best."
"The only pressure that's on us is what we put on ourselves."
"The sooner you accept that you will never have motivation consistently, the more happy you will be and the less pressure you will put on yourself."
"Don't pressure yourself about needing to find someone, and don't let other people put pressure on you either."
"Your own pressure should be your motivation, not anyone else's opinion."
"We put a lot of stress and pressure on ourselves."
"The key to balance, I think, is to not put a huge amount of pressure on yourself to be perfectly balanced all the time because that's impossible."
"I'm 25, just getting profitable, but feel like I should have already made it in life and provide for my family."
"The fear of succeeding comes from meeting other people's expectations of you."
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself; not every person you meet has to be the last one."
"Most of the time, we put so much pressure on ourselves because we constantly compare ourselves to other people."
"I never get like nervous because I don't really put pressure on myself."
"The pressure that you build up in your own head... it's the fear narrative, the fear of what the lads you trust think about you is powerful."
"Completely mastering your time is an impossible task, so I try not to put too much pressure on myself, and you shouldn't either."
"The pressure you put on yourself is greater than the pressure the opposition can put on you."
"You can't fix everything at once; you need to take that pressure off of yourself."
"Stop putting pressure on yourself where you are right now is exactly where you're supposed to be."
"He's got so much pressure placed upon himself, just the battle for perfection."
"I think sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves."
"You are relaxed, you are in control of your life, and you look more beautiful when you stop putting pressure on yourself."
"Sometimes you put an unbearable strain on yourself."
"You've been bullying yourself to get something done because you know it's a good idea."
"The pressure that you feel... it's probably the pressure that I put on myself because I'm so critical of myself."
"It's super important that we don't put so much pressure on ourselves."